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Are coats for dogs a good idea?

I only ask because I am considering buying one for my retriever for our winter walks.

I think she could do with something to keep the cold and rain out, but hubby and sons are not keen on the idea.

Now I must point out, I don't mean one of those daft coats they put on little dogs like chihuahuas, I mean a "sensible" one?

Any thoughts on the subject?


Rawky, get in here!

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Originally Posted by Rawky-Roo:

Coats for Dogs? ....Seriously? 







I think it comes down to how the dog feels.  When we had our dog, she had a coat but she never liked it. Kept running around in circles trying to bite it off....dozy mare 

There is a distinct possibility that Keira might do the same.


I just felt she could do with a coat, especially if we get another bad winter.

Originally Posted by Ells:

I don't think it's a daft fact I think it's lovely that you want to make sure the doggy is nice and warm and we are to get a very bad winter so I'd say go for it



*disclaimer* I do not have any pets so I don't know if dog coats ar scoffed at among the doggy folk but who cares?  Keep the doggy warm!

Thanks Ells.

Originally Posted by ~Sweet Summer~:
I think they're a good idea. Mr summer had one for his lurcher because she had a very short, fine coat, she loved it. I'm guessing a retriever has a thick coat but with fine hairs? I bet she feels the cold! I'd say get one, it's bound to be cold during the winter months

Yes! Thanks Summer.

That's Ells, you and me in favour, so far.

Rawky is on the fence with this one.


Milo has a couple that other people have bought for him but to be honest I'm not sure they're a good idea unless you're dog has a problem with shedding it's coat.


He also has jumpers which are seriously cute and lighter than coats with his name on   I also insist on dressing him up at Halloween and Christmas

Originally Posted by Pengy:

Milo has a couple that other people have bought for him but to be honest I'm not sure they're a good idea unless you're dog has a problem with shedding it's coat.


He also has jumpers which are seriously cute and lighter than coats with his name on   I also insist on dressing him up at Halloween and Christmas

Keira has a really thick coat but it takes forever to dry, if we have been out in the rain or snow - and she hates the hairdryer (woos), so I thought I could keep her drier and cosier.


Have you got any Halloween pics from last year, I'd love to see them?


 I'd love to get a coat for my dog - his greatest pleasure is rolling in mud, and he could find a muddy puddle in the Sahara......and my carpets and walls bear witness to this .  


I had an idea that if we got him a coat then he could get that filthy but we could remove it before he came in the house and minimise the damage to our home and furnishings.  Hubby won't allow it because it's too "wussy" ....and as it's him that generally walks him I've had to accept (for the moment )

Starfleet Admiral hoochie
Originally Posted by ~hoochie~:

 I'd love to get a coat for my dog - his greatest pleasure is rolling in mud, and he could find a muddy puddle in the Sahara......and my carpets and walls bear witness to this .  


I had an idea that if we got him a coat then he could get that filthy but we could remove it before he came in the house and minimise the damage to our home and furnishings.  Hubby won't allow it because it's too "wussy" ....and as it's him that generally walks him I've had to accept (for the moment )

I had the same argument with middle son, who was chief dog walker. But he has moved in with his fiancee and doesn't get a vote any more.

As current, chief dog walker, I think I should get the final say. (I will, anyway.)

Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by longcat:

I was going to get one last year for my dog because she doesn't like getting wet but I am not sure if she would like to wear one.

I'm not certain that Keira will like it either.

I'll need to go into mum mode and say, "It's for your own good".

It wouldn't work because even in mom mode she would look at me as if to say "Your not the boss of me" 


We're getting AJ one Yogi.


I have kept meaning to get him a light waterproof type coat (again... a proper dog coat.. not novelty clothes for dogs), cos he hated getting wet and getting him to go for a walk in the rain was a mare.


However, now we're gonna get him something with a bit of fleece lining or something to help keep him warm too.   He has a good coat on him, but we've just found out he has a back problem which may be worse in the cold weather.  



(Just had to edit the above as I realised that people on FB & in the ship know all about the last few weeks drama's with AJ, but I don't think I have mentioned it on here.    I am so devastated..  my baby's spine is fusing  (he has Spondylosis) ...   we only found out yesterday after they put him out & took some xrays.    We're just coming to terms with it  -  we're being referred to a canine orthopaedic surgeon to see if there is anything he can do for him.)


Anyway.. .back to coats..    so yeah... we're gonna be getting AJ one.   MrD likes the look of the waxed barbour type ones..   I am less keen..   I have seen a nice black one) 

Originally Posted by longcat:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by longcat:

I was going to get one last year for my dog because she doesn't like getting wet but I am not sure if she would like to wear one.

I'm not certain that Keira will like it either.

I'll need to go into mum mode and say, "It's for your own good".

It wouldn't work because even in mom mode she would look at me as if to say "Your not the boss of me" 

You are as bad as Mr Yogi, he has absolutely no authority over the dog.

Originally Posted by Dirtyprettygirlthing:

Yogi.. if your menfolk are worried about it looking wussy, have a look at the gundog coats...  nothing wussy about them.. they are for dogs that are retrieiving game when out on shoots n stuff..   


you can go the route of the barbour, or more the SAS SWAT jacket type thing (though a bit manly for Keira perhaps )

That's a very good idea, Ditty. I think that's what I'll do^^^^^^.

The SAS SWAT thing might be a bit too butch for my girl.


Sorry to hear about AJ's back problems.

I hope the orthopaedic surgeon can sort him out.


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