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Dubbed 'Christmas Tinner', the nausea-inducing concoction comprises of nine layers of food - ranging from a starter to a pudding.

The top layer is made of scrambled egg and bacon and this sits above a layer of fruity mincemeat.

The middle layers combine turkey and potatoes, roast carrots and other trimmings before being finished off by a layer of Christmas pudding.

It has been created by retailer GAME, with designer Chris Godfrey and costs ÂĢ1.99.




Originally Posted by ~Cosmopolitan~:

Dubbed 'Christmas Tinner', the nausea-inducing concoction comprises of nine layers of food - ranging from a starter to a pudding.

The top layer is made of scrambled egg and bacon and this sits above a layer of fruity mincemeat.

The middle layers combine turkey and potatoes, roast carrots and other trimmings before being finished off by a layer of Christmas pudding.

It has been created by retailer GAME, with designer Chris Godfrey and costs ÂĢ1.99.




Originally Posted by ~Cosmopolitan~:

Dubbed 'Christmas Tinner', the nausea-inducing concoction comprises of nine layers of food - ranging from a starter to a pudding.

The top layer is made of scrambled egg and bacon and this sits above a layer of fruity mincemeat.

The middle layers combine turkey and potatoes, roast carrots and other trimmings before being finished off by a layer of Christmas pudding.

It has been created by retailer GAME, with designer Chris Godfrey and costs ÂĢ1.99.







OMG.... that's like something I would rustle up when pissed, minus the Xmas pud 

Last edited by Dame_Ann_Average
Originally Posted by ~Cosmopolitan~:

Dubbed 'Christmas Tinner', the nausea-inducing concoction comprises of nine layers of food - ranging from a starter to a pudding.

The top layer is made of scrambled egg and bacon and this sits above a layer of fruity mincemeat.

The middle layers combine turkey and potatoes, roast carrots and other trimmings before being finished off by a layer of Christmas pudding.

It has been created by retailer GAME, with designer Chris Godfrey and costs ÂĢ1.99.




Seems like it's way overpriced too 

Originally Posted by ~Cosmopolitan~:
Originally Posted by Dame_Ann_Average:


OMG.... that's like something I would rustle up when pissed, minus the Xmas pud 

Oh..!  Booze munchies can really hinder your judgement, eh? 


Shame you didn't get in there before Chris Godfrey 


Chris Godfrey would have real competition.... Saturday nights on a nibbler binge is a real journey Cos 

Originally Posted by Dame_Ann_Average:
Originally Posted by ~Cosmopolitan~:
Originally Posted by Dame_Ann_Average:


OMG.... that's like something I would rustle up when pissed, minus the Xmas pud 

Oh..!  Booze munchies can really hinder your judgement, eh? 


Shame you didn't get in there before Chris Godfrey 


Chris Godfrey would have real competition.... Saturday nights on a nibbler binge is a real journey Cos 

^This^  is what we want for the Masterchef programme - not the spewsnail trail foam bollox  

Originally Posted by ~Cosmopolitan~:

I think I'm going to patent the ultimate Crimbo drink.


Tea, Coffee, Bubbly, Red Wine, Brandy, Port, more red wine, a few cocktails of my choice - mix em all in a tin and save the arse of buggering about.


And a neurofen for good measure.  Sorted.

You need a pint of cold water - or a few on the side too 


Rog and Sprouty, you're really not getting into the swing of this!


Suze and I are off-setting our default headless chicken (turkey?) mode by getting to the nub of things.  We haven't got time to waste!  Crimbo is manic; it's chaos!  Us women need to be IN on the forward planning...way before you can shout "He's been"    

Originally Posted by ~Cosmopolitan~:

Rog and Sprouty, you're really not getting into the swing of this!


Suze and I are off-setting our default headless chicken (turkey?) mode by getting to the nub of things.  We haven't got time to waste!  Crimbo is manic; it's chaos!  Us women need to be IN on the forward planning...way before you can shout "He's been"    


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