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The story of the trapped and rescued Chilean miners is wonderfully inspirational.
I read in my paper that this man - Edison Pena - was spending a lot of time curled up in the dark waiting to die. But when the rescuers made contact with the miners, he began running again, even in the dark, and entertained his colleagues with Elvis impressions.
Sadly it has not been smooth sailing for some of the miners.
This from today's Guardian:-

"Another miner, Claudio YÃĄÃąez (right), 34, proposed to his girlfriend, Cristina NÃšÃąez, at a reunion party at the seaside town of Caldera. "After these 10 years we've spent together, now it's time for us to get married," he said. The mood was soured by relatives who complained YÃĄÃąez had not spent enough time with them since emerging from the rescue capsule on 13 October. A sister hurled a rock at the couple's house and said the family would not support him."

Carlos Mamani, 23, the only Bolivian had travelled to Chile to get work, and was therefore away from his family whom he was desperate to support. He has now been able to return to Bolivia to the offer of a government job.


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