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I know she's being foolish if she goes back with him but I feel for her there.  Must be hard with everything going wrong at the min and the only person she wants to be with is the man who she thought treated her like a princess and who she thought she had a wonderful relationship with until it all came crashing down around her.  I'm not a fan of hers (in fact very much the opposite) but for some reason I've always felt bad for her where Ashley is concerned.  I think she reeeeaaallllly loves him and just wants to be with him in the hope he'll behave.  Hope he does behave if she is back with him.  As much as she's been a smug twat this past year or so no-one deserves to be treated so badly by the man they are with.


I can see that she might run back to him now, in this moment of weakness. But more fool her, I imagine she thinks if she can make him love her like she loves him all will be right with the world. But it wont, he didnt just hurt her once, he did it again and again... hes not going to stop now. I wish someone would come in and swoop her off her feet, and feed her some chips!!!!!



Oh no 



Even if he has total intentions of changing, he never will. He'll just do it again, maybe not any time soon, but some day temptation will get the better of him. It's not as if he cheated on her once and regretted it so much that he'd never do it again, he cheated, got caught and forgiven, then cheated again god knows how many times.

Crunchy  Nuts
Originally Posted by MrMincePie:

Not much of a fan of her either... however, even if people do say she shouldn't recieve sympathy because she has money and fame. For the past few months shes been taken advantage of by quite a number of people (Simon Cowell in particular) and has been made to look a fool in front of the world...

Very true MrMincePie, every way she will turn, it will be scrutinised (sp), poor girl.

cologne 1

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