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Reference Renton Today at 20:39:
 Oddly enough i never liked her in the show - thought she was a waisted place But as a person - she's v interesting - she was v v v open ... and i never meant to ask anything but i always get carried away - lol
From what she was saying, I get the impression that she was yet another example of a colourful character who found herself overwhelmed into silence when she actually got into the house...
Eugene's Lair
Reference justafriend Today at 21:03:
 yeah eugene will you be here for that? wonder how she will be with having questions fired at her,
Hopefully I'll be around, but I may have to metaphorically bite my lip a few times.

Probably not just me either - I suspect the Fakers may have a few things to say to her...

More seriously, it might be interesting to ask her about some of the aspects of her BB experience that don't normally come up, e.g. her relationship early-on with Dawn (Dawn said afterwards that she thought Nikki saw her as a mother-figure.)
Eugene's Lair

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