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Celebrity Big Brother: A look back to last January


It all began on a chilly Thursday evening, when we first met the expectant eleven: RylanFrankieTriciaPaulaRyan,GillianSamLacey, RazorClaire and Speidi. The celebrities were in for a shock from the start, as Rylan and Frankie forced half of them downstairs to live in the dirty basementbefore they'd even had a chance to catch their breath.

The first few days were blighted with basement-filled drama, after Speidi refused to help the other housemates win hot water. Frankie soon switched places with the stubborn reality stars, putting himself up for nomination to win the basement dwellers freedom, before moving back upstairs. Seriously, we could never nail that little jockey down.

Week 1 ended in tension with the first nominations of the series. Paula, Speidi and the aforementioned Frankie were the unlucky four called up for the chop.

We rolled into Week 2 with the multi-faceted shopping task,'Against the odds', where the housemates were gunged and forced to invade each other's personal face space in the pursuit of a luxury shopping task. They won, FYI – hoorah!

The good times did not roll, however, as Paula was soon slung out of the House, dressed in her habitual beige sheepskin coat.  This was only the start of Week 2’s trials and tribulations...

Bear with us as we rattle through these. First we had Speidi's staged walkout, followed by face-to-face noms (with Ryan and Sam in the firing line) and a lot of voyeuristic behaviourresulting in some miffed Americans. After all that, Sam got the boot.

Deep breath...


Speidi returned on the eve of Sam’s departure. They caused quite the ruckus and put Claire and Rylan up for eviction to boot. More noms took place, and the housemates were told that Lacey and Speidi would join chums Claire and Rylan in the public vote. And let's not forget the moment the housemates donned Zentai suits and got shocked because, well, it was just really funny.

Phew. So that, ladies and gentleman, was another week done and dusted.

Week 3 didn't escape controversy, either. We said 'hello' toDictator Frankie and another luxury food budget, and 'bye bye' to Banghard. There were two rule breaks – one that resulted in a Cockney knees up and one that had the more serious repercussion of all the housemates facing the public vote. To many aghast housemates, Gillian became the fourth evictee– all thanks to naughty boys Razor and Ryan.

The week was dominated, however, by the uproar that wasBig Blogger, which came courtesy of yours truly (that's us, the digital team!).

Speidi unwittingly dished out a few home truths to the viewing housemates and pandemonium ensued (well, a few arguments).  Any hope of reconciliation was quashed after the debacle that was the Diletter task and that clap. Or so it seemed...

We don't mean to spoil the ending of this saga, but they made up (yay!), and the last week started on a positive note.

Fortunately, the good times did actually roll on this occasion. There was the thigh-slappingly fun task that was Boys vs Girls, the raucous Hen party that followed, a letter drop that warmed some cockles and Paula Hamilton fleetingly returned to shape up the shabby housemates. Gawd, it was a right hoot.

In the end, it all came down to the night that we, and the housemates, had been waiting for... Finale night.


Prior to their quickfire ejection, housemates were forced towait it out and reflect on the last 23 days. After Big Brother treated them to a lie-in and a good old pampering, the final afternoon was spent wondering how on earth it would all turn out. And they didn't have to wait long. There was a winner to announce and when the evening of Day 23 rolled around, we found out just who had scooped victory.

Razor was the first of our final five to leave the House. He walked straight into the arms of Brian and gave us a great interview. Shortly after Mr. Ruddock, Claire (from Steps) was given her marching orders, taking a highly respectable fourth place. Next out was Ryan â€“ our lovely Aussie import taking third place. He left the House with the kind of style we'd come to expect.

That left two. It had fallen to our Essex boy and our couple from The Hills to battle it out for the winner's place. When Brian announced the winner, Rylan went into quite a tizzy. The Essex Boy had beaten Speidi to the top spot. They took it in their usual, mixed, hot and cold way. In stark contrast, Rylan gave us his signature joyful reaction. We dropped him out but we did it from the loftiest position possible.

Rylan Clark was officially the winner of Celebrity Big Brother. He'd wanted it for so long and he achieved it in quite some style. What's more, he did it Rylan Style.


A deserving winner if ever we've had one!


Celebrity Big Brother - what can we expect?


We don't like generalisations here. We'll not have people stereotyping our housemates, as though they're not all uniquely individual stars in their own right. Each has travelled on their own, lone journey to fame – infamy or general notoriety – and we view them all as one-offs, ducking out of conversation when labels are tacked to our beloved contestants.

But, saying that, we've had a lot of housemates over the years – too many to count, even using all your digits and extremities. So, simply for the sake of data collation (and nothing to do with generalising whatsoever), we've decided we need a few pigeonholes so we can keep our catalogue of starry, talked-about tenants in order. We couldn't have our archive falling into chaos, could we?

Here's our first attempt at coming up with some categories in which to place former challengers. We'd like to make it clear from the start that there's more to the below than any flimsy groupingâ€Ķ

Resting music-makers


When the royalty cheques just aren't cutting it any more and the mortgage remains unpaid, or if that spirit of adventure developed backstage after years of gigging still hasn't waned, former pop and rock stars might turn to a stint in CBB. Free drinkies, everything looked after by unseen minders and a healthy pay cheque at the end of the day - it's obvious why time in the House has appealed to wildmen like Bez and Goldie. And it also explains why the likes of boyband idols like Mark Owen and Keith Duffy were drawn to the bungalow. Factor in legends like Coolio, Leo Sayer and, umm, Claire from Steps, and it's arguable that we should open up a music room and get our housemates jamming.

Models looking to progress

Models love exposure (not like that - don't be dirty). Time on CBB guarantees that your name will soar higher than ever before as your beautiful image beams into the houses of millions, night after night. It's a sure way to increase the profile. That is, so long as you don't mind being shackled to a prince in rags, a la Danica. Or thrust into a situation of unrequited love, like Rhian. Or hurled into a vipers nest of arguing, up against Michael Barrymore and George Galloway, as with Jodie Marsh. Or voted out first, like poor old Lucy Pinder. We still love you, Lucy.

Actors between jobs

Hollywood's provided us with some treats over the years, with some fairly major players winging their way over from movie-central to dress up in silly costumes and muck about for our entertainment. We've had the likes of Michael Madsen through our doors, if you recall - that's an actual Reservoir Dog for your money. Not forgetting Stephen Baldwin and Tara Reidâ€Ķ it's a veritable mini-Tinsel Town in that place when we chuck in the major league thespian talent.

TV presenters on a break


When they're not looking into a camera and reading from the autocue, TV presenters are usually working out new and exciting ways to plonk themselves inside our telly-boxes for further opportunities to shine on-screen. Celebrity Big Brother offers ample opportunities for that kind of caper, so the likes of Vanessa Feltz, Les Dennis, Sue Perkins, Anne Diamond and Ulrika Johnsson have all walked across our threshold with varying degrees of success. There are winners and public meltdowners among that lot. It's a bit of a mixed bag. We even help our contestants launch their own TV presenting careers. Rylan will tell you that.

Former soap stars

British soap stars are at a bit of a loose end once they quit the day job. Some of them turn to serious drama, some even wind up in films - but our favourites are the ones who pile into the CBB House for fun and games. Step forward Julie Goodyear. Come along, Natalie Cassidy. Step up, Ryan Moloney. Don't be shy, Jeremy Edwards. We loved you all in character and we love you just as much as your acting alter egos. We've always got room for the stars of the small screen.

Politicians (and their ilk) on holiday...

â€Ķand this is where it gets serious. We occasionally get the odd politician rolling up to our doors and, with them, controversy often turns up too. Tommy Sheridan is one such example of a statesman who entered the House bringing talking points aplenty when he stepped on our doormat. Then there's George Galloway - and we all know how that turned out. What about Sally Bercow - wife of the Speaker of the House of Lords? She's still causing controversy, long after her time with CBB. Our elected officials and their brethren always give us something to talk about, so they're always welcome within our four walls.

So - we've made a start. Admittedly we've not even touched on the Reality TV stars, the sportsmen and women, the journalists, the film directors or the Hollywood madamsâ€Ķ but there was only so much space.


We're gonna need a bigger list.


Tonight on Celebrity Big Brother's Bit on the Side: Thursday August 22nd


It's launch night and if you're not exited enough already about meeting a whole new batch of awesome celebrity housemates then wait until you hear what we're got going down on Bit on the Side tonight.

Your fabulous hosts, AJ and Rylan will be starting the party with a panel guaranteed to pack a punch.

That's right, it's your Big Brother top three  - Sam, Dexter and Gina. The mighty triumvirate will be having their say on the celebs.

Ex-Corrie star and reality stalwart the lovely Helen Flannigan will also be joining the chat.

Expect tip-top banter, laughs a plenty and more exclusives than you can shake a stick at.


Bit on the Side is on Channel 5 at 11pm.


Strap yourselves in, it promises to be one heck of a ride!


Day 1: Tonight and Tomorrow on Celebrity Big Brother


Titles Capture

The next two days are hectic for Celebrity Big Brother with two live shows set to air on both nights. Confused on when to catch them or on what’s happening?


9pm: Celebrity Big Brother: The Live Launch

The House has been cleaned and freshened up ready for the new bunch of Celebrity Housemates set to enter the Big Brother House for the next 23 days. Who are they? Emma Willis welcomes them as they enter Borehamwood’s bungalow, but Big Brother has a twist in store for the Housemates.


11pm: Celebrity Big Brother’s Bit On the Side

AJ and Rylan are back with Big Brother’s Bit on the Side. With the fresh batch of celebrities inside the Big Brother House, the duo run through the latest goings on inside the House including exclusive news and gossip.


Friday night sees another live show.


9pm: Celebrity Big Brother: The Big Twist: Live 

Emma Willis hosts the 90 minute live show where Big Brother’s Big Twist will be revealed to the Housemates. What could it be?


10:30pm: Celebrity Big Brother’s Bit on The Side

AJ and Rylan report on the aftermath of the big twist and the effect it’s had on the Big Brother House


11:30pm: Celebrity Big Brother: Live From The House

The first installment of Live feed from the House on Channel 5



Louie Spence has entered the Celebrity Big Brother House!

1 hour ago

Louie Spence has hot-footed it onto the Big Brother House!

Loved for his lisp and flexible legs, choreographer Louie shot to fame after appearing on docu-soap Pineapple Dance Studios, where he is artistic director. As you'll probably know, it was Pineapple Dance Studio that also gave us past Celebrity Big Brother contestant Andrew Stone. Has he had any tips pass on?

Louie, who grew up on a North London council estate, started dancing at the age of five. He toured and worked with Take That, E17, 2 Unlimited, Boyzone, Eternal, BjÃķrk, and Joss Brown. He was one of only a handful of male dancers to join the Spice Girls on their debut tour Spiceworld and travelled with the group for a year.  

He counts Emma Bunton as his best friend and says his favourite anecdote from touring with the girls involves them filling the car with petrol in their PJs. What larks!

Will Louie split the House or will his infectious personality and outspoken manner make him one to side with?


Lauren Harries has entered the Celebrity Big Brother House

1 hour ago

Following in the footsteps of our Emma Willis, Lauren Harries has made the leap from Bit on the Side to the House, although she is now a Celebrity Big Brother housemate rather than host!

Former child star Lauren made her name in the '80s as child prodigy James Harries. As a ten-year-old boy with distinctive Dickensian looks and a precocious manner, she made various telly chat show appearances including a memorable stint on Wogan where she valued porcelain.   

Looking back on her early image, she explains, "I was like this freak in this little suit with a bowtie on. I do see that as a different person, but as an aspect of myself as well."

Lauren was born in 1978 and had a full gender reassignment in 2001 after a casual remark in a supermarket that, 'he should be a woman' helped her realise this was what she wanted.

The Buddhist's appearances on Bit on the Side are legendary and quite possibly the defining moment of her career. A campaign was even mounted to get her in the House in 2012 featuring the slogan, "I'm getting behind Lauren."

Now she is living the dream. Will she wake up a winner? We'll have to wait and see. 


Sophie Anderton has entered the Celebrity Big Brother House!

1 hour ago

Sophie Anderton has stepped off the catwalk and through the doors of the Celebrity Big Brother House.

Model turned television personality Sophie hit the big time after appearing in underwear brand Gossard's Girl in the Grass campaign, stopping traffic with her saucy billboard image.

She began earning ÂĢ30,000 a week and enjoying the party lifestyle making her a regular feature in the tabloid press. Her wild ways were much publicised, although she announced she was "completely clean of addictions" thanks to the support of the Amy Winehouse Foundation.

Sophie started working with the Foundation after meeting the late singer's dad Mitch and later went into schools in London to talk to teenagers about the dangers of drugs, explaining, "I am proof you can change your life and I want others to know that, so I am helping other people who are in the same place that I was."

The beauty has also spoken out about her weight, saying, "I don’t really care nowadays. I couldn't give two hoots. When I was size 10 I was called obese now I’m size six to eight, my natural weight, people say I've lost loads of weight. I couldn't be happier. In the grand scheme of things what I'm wearing isn't important. It's not going to solve world famine."

Will Soph be a role model in the House or will the former wild child let her hair down? 


Bruce Jones has entered the Celebrity Big Brother House

1 hour ago

Not many people can say they've had Bet Lynch and Ken Barlow in the back of their cab, but Bruce Jones certainly can. The former actor is best known as his alter ego Les Battersby, and has spent most of his life driving a taxi around the cobbles of Coronation Street.

Les became a cult hero of sorts on the Street thanks to his weekly calamities (and those ginger locks, obviously). His ten-year soap life saw him unhappily married to wife Janice, before divorcing her and jumping into bed with fellow fiery-haired friend Cilla. He even got Status Quo to play at his on-screen wedding.

Sadly all good things come to an end, and Les Battersby mysteriously vanished from the Street in 2007 when Bruce was suspended. He's now living the dream in North Wales as a full-time mechanic, with the odd bit of panto on the side. He's behind you, housemates!


Vicky Entwistle has entered the Celebrity Big Brother House!

1 hour ago

Vicky Entwistle has joined the Celebrity Big Brother House!

Best known as Coronation Street's gobby Janice Battersby, one-time better half of layabout Les, Vicky left the show after 13 years in 2010.

Hailing from Lancashire, she began her career as a Pontins Blue Coat before taking up a scholarship to study drama in London.

She was spotted by Granada while playing Madonna freak Maxine Graham in Like A Virgin and offered the role of Janice, making her debut in January  1997. As the matriarch of the Battersby clan, her telly family was made up of Bruce Jones (Les), Jane Danson (Leanne) and Georgia Taylor (Toyah). 

Speaking at the time of her departure, Vicky said, "Corrie means so much to me and I could easily have continued to play Janice for the rest of my acting career. But I've been thinking of leaving for some time, and couldn't deny those feelings. I've a hankering to do other drama projects and so if I don't make this move now I never will."

Keen to shake the Janice image, Vicky shed over three stone and later released a workout DVD Vicky's WOW! Weight Off Workout, in 2006. Wowzers, just reciting that title makes the pounds drop off!

She has appeared on stage post Corrie and since January this year has been playing Madame ThÃĐnardier in Les Miserables in the West End.

With on-screen sparring partner Bruce joining Vicky in the House, will we be seeing some Battersby style battles? We'll have to wait and see....


Courtney Stodden has entered the Celebrity Big Brother House!

58 mins ago

Howdy! It's our resident American sweetheart, Courtney Stodden... The blonde bombshell was born in Tacoma, Washington. At the age of 15 she was crowned ‘Miss Ocean Shore Teen USA’. One of her YouTube videos has over six million views. She’s still a teenager. And she's married to a 53 year-old Hollywood actor.

Need any more? Oh, alright then... Courtney is a model by day and an American TV personality by night. She's also a country music popstar, which is how she racked up all those YouTube hits. The main reason Courtney rose to fame, however, is due to her other half, Don Hutchison. You may remember him from such films as Con Air and Green Mile. He’s kind of a big deal, but Courtney's certainly gained a heck of a lot of her fame through her own hard work.

After meeting on the internet, the pair married in a fairytale Las Vegas wedding in May 2011, when Courtney was just 16. She's still a young nipper, but she's lived more of a life than most. Also, she's 19-years-old mere hours after the CBB launch, so she'll literally emerge from the House more grown-up.


Abz from 5ive has entered the Celebrity Big Brother House!

52 mins ago

Everybody get up, it’s boy band legend Abz!

While today’s teenagers are obsessed with the fresh faces of One Direction, back in the 90s the UK’s young'uns were fixated by 5ive. Abz Love – named after his carefully chiselled body – was the leading man of the boy band put together in 1997 by a certain Simon Cowell.

At the height of their fame, 5ive achieved 11 top ten singles and four top ten albums, selling almost 20 million records worldwide along the way. Their signature track Keep On Movin’ can still be heard at school discos and on wedding dancefloors to this day.

After 5ive split up in 2001, Abz enjoyed a brief but successful solo career, most likely down to the excellent pun in the title of his debut album, Abstract Theory. But it wasn’t all plain sailing, as Abz will surely reveal himself – it's not easy being a former star.

Thankfully for Abz, he was saved by his girlfriend, Vicky, who he says gave him a "reason to live". And now he's been reincarnated, we're hoping he revives some of those old 5ive classics in the House too.


Danielle Marr has entered the Celebrity Big Brother House!

48 mins ago

Marr-vellous, it's Danielle...

Irish viewers will recognise this Irish gal as the leading lady from the reality show Dublin Wives. And the term 'leading lady' is by her admission - she's even gone as far as to brand her four fellow 'wives' on the show as a "talentless supporting cast". Harsh!

Danielle is a woman of many talents; she’s also a Botox doctor and clinical director, with a dentistry degree and aesthetic medicine certificate to boot. Clever Dan.

Expect strong opinions and show-stopping one liners from our bombshell, and most definitely the odd bit of flirting too. Only time will tell if the luck of the Irish will work in her favour...


Dustin Diamond has entered the Celebrity Big Brother House!

51 mins ago

Nineties kids are going to love our next housemate... it's only Screech from Saved by the Bell! Let your nostalgia float you all the way back to Bayside High School, as we welcome Dustin into our humble abode. This time he's without Zack, Kelly, Lisa, Slater and Jessie, but who knows, he might bring along his old chum Principal Belding.

So what's Dustin been up to since graduating from Bayside? For starters, he's published a memoir, and that's not something many can stake their claim to. He also took part in US TV show Celebrity Fit Club to rid his excess pounds, while releasing another type of video tape. We won't say anymore than that, though.

Dustin had us in fits of laughter back in the day, so hopefully he's still got a bit of Screech left in him – although his voice pitch may have dropped just slightly. 


Charlotte Crosby has entered the Celebrity Big Brother House!

45 mins ago

Why aye, if it isn't Gerodie Shore's Charlotte Crosby!

Charlotte is one of our more quiet, reserved housemates this year – don't expect her to be getting up to any late night hi-jinks or debauchery.  We're kidding, of course. You can expect exactly that. And then some.

The Newcastle lass is Cheryl Cole's favourite member of the Geordie Shore cast, which is quite the feat if you ask us. For those who don't know what Geordie Shore is, the premise is quite simple: it's a reality TV programme featuring Newcastle's finest inhabitants. Essentially a raunchier version of Byker Grove.

And Charlotte is the show's leading lady, famous for her on-off relationship with fellow cast mate Gaz. Back in April, their loveable behaviour forced producers to kick her out of the Geordie Shore house, having pulled a bed apart with her bare hands during a fight. She even broke her foot in the process. Ouch.

Let's hope the BB furniture doesn't go the same way, hey.


Mario Falcone has entered the Celebrity Big Brother House!

40 mins ago

The only way is the Celebrity Big Brother House for Mario Falcone!

A self-confessed player, our Essex boy became known on screen for his on/off relationship with Lucy Mecklenburgh and has been known to brag about his conquests but says he's only ever had two serious girlfriends.

He has blamed his celebrity status for a turbulent love life, moaning, "Before, when girls threw themselves at me, I knew it was because of my good looks and because I had a lot of swag. Now I don’t know if they’re only doing it because I’m on TV." 

We'll let you mull that one over.

When he joined TOWIE in 2011, he declared his womanising ways were behind him, saying, "with Lucy, we have sex a lot. I get more of a thrill out of that than when I used to wake up and see a girl next to me and think, 'Get out of my house!'"

He says his family are massively important to him and his sister Georgia and brother-in-law Tom from McFly are his confidants.

Will Mario keep it real in the House? We'll have to keep watching to see. 


Carol McGiffin has entered the Celebrity Big Brother House!

32 mins ago

Lock up your sons, it's Carol McGiffin!

As the longest-standing member of the Loose Women panel, Carol McGiffin is somewhat of a national treasure. The Queen of daytime TV, if you will. Although she's never been quite as 'loose' as the show's title might have you believe.

She first came into our lives as the co-host of the Chris Evans shows on GLR, whom she later married in 1991. Their love affair was short-lived, however, and the pair divorced in 1998.

These days, Carol is known as a bit of a party girl and occasionally even a "cougar" – as the tabloids would like to tell you. Well, she is engaged to a chap 22 years her junior. Will she go the way of fellow Loose Woman Denise Welch and scoop the winners title? Time will tell...


Ron Atkinson has entered the Celebrity Big Brother House!

27 mins ago

At the end of the day... Ron Atkinson has entered the Celebrity Big Brother House. He's in a league of his own, but is Ron's league a winning one?

The footballer turned manager became a football pundit following a long and successful career. In 2004 he resigned from ITV following controversial post match comments he made without realising they were being broadcast.

Big Ron retired from playing in 1971 at the age of 32 and became the manager of Kettering Town. From there he moved to Cambridge United where he led the team to win the then fourth Division in 1977.

He went on to manage clubs including West Bromwich Albion. Manchester United, Sheffield Wednesday, Coventry City Aston Villa, Nottingham Forrest and Atletico Madrid. His career accolades include two FA Cup wins.

He fronted two series of Extra Time With Ron Atkinson for Central ITV, interviewing football personalities like Kevin Keegan, Terry Venables and Martin O'Neill.

Big Brother isn't really a game of two halves so let's hope he gets stuck in early doors. Back of the net, eh?






Day 1: Task - the Cult of Celebrity

11 hours ago

No sooner had they taken the walk of fame down the House's new red-carpeted stairs than Louie, Lauren and Sophie were summoned to the Diary Room. A game was afoot! A secret task given to them by Big Brother revealed that this trio formed the Big Brother House's Cult of Celebrity.

They will spend the next day living in secret in the Cult Temple Room, rulers of all they survey. Their first task was to watch as the housemates decided amongst themselves which of their new housemates was the most famous, and send them to sleep in a grand four poster bed in the garden all night.

They chose Bruce and Vicky to enjoy the amazing title of 'Most Famous', due to their notoriety from Coronation Street. This may partly be down to Bruce acting as the housemates' spokesman, which will surely lead to some ructions among their, well, less famous counterparts.

Later, the Cult of Celebrity will have to make a big decision, one which will shake the House to its very foundations. We can't wait!



Last edited by MrsH


Day 1 round-up: The celebrities enter the House!


Day 1 started with a bang, as the lovely Emma Willis welcomed the latest batch of wondrous celebrities to the Big Brother House.

But before we get a roll-call going, let's start with the first three housemates to enter the House - flamboyant choreographer, Louie Spence, antique expert, Lauren Harriesand model Sophie Anderton. It wasn't long after entering the House that these lucky three (or unlucky, however you want to view it) learnt that they would be playing a big part in the first twist of the series. After exiting the main House to take residence in the 'Cult Temple', they were told that they are to spy on their fellow celebrities for the next 24 hours, as they have an important decision to ahead of them. More of that to come!

So whilst the trio got comfy in the secret room, it was time to introduce their roomies for the next few weeks. We welcomed corrie couple, Bruce Jones and Vicky Entwistle, American sweetheart, Courtney StoddenAbz from 5ive, Dublin Wives star, Danielle Marr and 'Saved by the bell' actor, Dustin Diamond. Not far behind was Geordie Shore's, Charlotte-Letita, TOWIE's Mario Falcone, Loose Women presenter,Carol McGiffin and football personality, Ron Atkinson.  Phew – what a line-up.


There were only a few minutes of respite from the entrance excitement, when Big Brother dropped another clanger, asking the housemates to choose the two most famous housemates. Unfortunately for Bruce and Vicky, their apparent celebrity status proved a hinderance, as they discovered that this earned them a special sleeping quarter for the evening – the garden.

As the Battersbys came to terms with their sleeping arrangements, the other housemates took the opportunity to get acquainted with each other, as the 'Cult of Celebrity' members scrutinized their every move. First impressions count in this House, and for one of the housemates, a bad first impression is going to cost them dearly.



Louie enters the House



Lauren enters the House



Sophie enters the House



Bruce and Vicky (aka the Battersbys) enter the House



Courtney enters the House



Abz enters the House



Danielle enters the House



Dustin enters the House



Charlotte enters the House



Mario enters the House



Carol enters the House



Ron enters the House

Last edited by MrsH

Day 2: The bonding begins

1 hour ago

The first full day of Celebrity Big Brother has officially begun and, boy, are we excited.

First up were Bruce and Vicky (not Les and Janice, as we can’t stop calling them), who were no doubt awoken by the cockerel crowing outside in their chilly al fresco bedroom.

They were swiftly followed by our three Cult of Celebrity members – Louie, Lauren and Sophie – who have been given some very stylish outfits to wear by Big Brother. Check out their get-up in the gallery above, those polo necks need to be seen to be believed.

The rest of the main housemates eventually rose from their slumber, and some beautiful friendships seem to be forming already. Abz, Dustin and Ron bonded over breakfast in the garden, while Carol and Charlotte shared some TV tales in the bedroom. Are they going to be best of buds, or is this just a bit of getting-to-know-you small talk? We’ll soon find out.

One final observation: you know it’s Celebrity Big Brother when the housemates are wearing sunglasses inside. Strong look, Carol. We like it.



It's just like old times for Bruce and Vicky



Abz gets to know Dustin



And Dustin gets to knows Abz



Louie spies on his future housemates



Sophie really suits that polo neck



Lauren does her morning stretches



Charlotte looks forward to BB life





Tonight on Celebrity Big Brother's Bit On The Side: Friday 23rd August


It was going to take a lot to top last night’s star guest Helen Flanagan, but we think we’ve gone and hit the jackpot.


Returning to BBBOTS HQ this evening are two very special members of Celebrity Big Brother’s Hall of Fame. No, it’s not Chantelle and Preston. And no, it’s not George Galloway and Rula Lenska either.


Joining Rylan and AJ in the studio tonight is none other thanSPEIDI!


Well, almost. Last series’ runners-up will be defying the great ocean between us and coming straight to your telly screen via Skype.


Do you think Rylan will be happy to see his old friends? You’ll have to tune in to find out.


Meanwhile, we’ve got Mario's TOWIE co-star and Gok Wan lookalike Bobby Cole Norris on the panel. He’ll be accompanied by Charlotte’s close pal, Geordie Shore’s Holly Hagan, and BBBOTS regular Patrick Strudwick.


Channel 5. 10.30pm. You do not want to miss out, believe us.

Originally Posted by MrsH:
Originally Posted by Yellow Rose:


The vid links are annoying today, to watch click on the utube button on the vid





thats what I normally do but I am getting an error message come up so having to go to the direct U Tube link and watch on there 


and edit to say 


the title link is working but not the button now   strange 


Day 2: Question time for the Cult of Celebrity

36 mins ago

Our Cult of Celebrity members have been getting a bit restless in their secret temple this afternoon. They’re itching to get in the House and meet their fellow celebs, who they’ve been analysing closely over the last 24 hours. So to cure their impatience, Big Brother handed the three of them an interesting task to get to grips with.

Louie, Lauren and Sophie were given 20 minutes to come up with three questions for each of the housemates they haveshortlisted for nomination. Once they’ve done that, they’ll get to watch Big Brother quiz their victims so they can get to know them better.

It sounds like a simple task, doesn’t it? But not for the Cult of Celebrity. They mulled over topics such as childhood, cosmetic surgery, same sex marriage, life ambitions and, umm, fashion inspirations for a good while, confused about how to probe their celebrity chums. The latter topic was the choice of Sophie’s, as you might’ve guessed.

After encouragement from Big Brother, they settled on a mix of light-hearted and deep-digging questions for their chosen three. Stay tuned for the answers...


Day 2: Bruce's toes get tangoed

1 hour ago

If there’s one thing we didn’t expect to witness in 2013, it would probably be Les Battersby having his feet fake tanned by an Irish Botox surgeon. But this is Celebrity Big Brother, where the unexpected becomes the completely ordinary...


Bruce sits back and relaxes



Danielle hands have turned blue



There you go, petal.



Danielle knows how to treat a man



Do you think Vicky's enjoying herself?



Looks a bit like gravy, doesn't it?

Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by Videostar:
Originally Posted by Aimee:

Anyone else think Vicky went in more for Bruce's sake than for herself 

Are they in as a pair (like Jack and Joe) or are they separate HM's?

Separate housemates.

Cheers yogi.    so if Vicky is in there as support for Bruce and she goes before him will he be alright?

Originally Posted by Videostar:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by Videostar:
Originally Posted by Aimee:

Anyone else think Vicky went in more for Bruce's sake than for herself 

Are they in as a pair (like Jack and Joe) or are they separate HM's?

Separate housemates.

Cheers yogi.    so if Vicky is in there as support for Bruce and she goes before him will he be alright?

I never heard it said that she went in to support him, as far as I know the producers just liked the idea of having 'Les and Janice' in the house.

Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by Videostar:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by Videostar:
Originally Posted by Aimee:

Anyone else think Vicky went in more for Bruce's sake than for herself 

Are they in as a pair (like Jack and Joe) or are they separate HM's?

Separate housemates.

Cheers yogi.    so if Vicky is in there as support for Bruce and she goes before him will he be alright?

I never heard it said that she went in to support him, as far as I know the producers just liked the idea of having 'Les and Janice' in the house.

So you don;t really know - do you?

Silly head

Originally Posted by Saint:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by Videostar:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by Videostar:
Originally Posted by Aimee:

Anyone else think Vicky went in more for Bruce's sake than for herself 

Are they in as a pair (like Jack and Joe) or are they separate HM's?

Separate housemates.

Cheers yogi.    so if Vicky is in there as support for Bruce and she goes before him will he be alright?

I never heard it said that she went in to support him, as far as I know the producers just liked the idea of having 'Les and Janice' in the house.

So you don;t really know - do you?

Silly head


Do you?


Realit-allies: We meet Charlotte and Mario’s co-stars

1 hour ago

The Green Room is awash with fake tan, glossy locks and bling. It can only mean one thing – Charlotte and Marios's co-stars Holly Hagan (Geordie Shore) and Bobby Cole Norris (TOWIE) have arrived. We pinned the pair down and got them to spill the beans...

Will Charlotte and Mario be keeping it real in the House?

Holly: Charlotte will be totally herself. She can't be anything but. She didn't care what she looked like when she came in. She talked about s***ting and p**sing in her VT and she'll be the same in the House. People should take a leaf out of her book. When they had to choose the most famous housemate last night and she didn't agree, she didn't just sit back and take it when she could have.

Bobby: He does put up a front, he's a bit of a boy with a bit of swag. A lot of Mario is show so people might not trust him. He probably won't be a shoulder to cry on.

Will they make good housemates?

Holly: she'll annoy everyone in the House. She annoyed me in the Geordie Shore house and I'm her friend! The public will love her though. She'll be farting but she'll say excuse me. Sometimes she get up at 6am and cleans our whole house because she's bored.

Bobby: I think he'll hit it off with Abz and try and get into Courtney's knickers. It's the first time he's been single but even if he wasn't, that wouldn't stop him. If he can, he'll try and get his end away. As a friend he's great but as a boyfriend you'd want to shoot him. In the last series of TOWIE he was the love rat so he won't have to do much to come across better in Celebrity Big Brother.

Do you think they will have a game plan?


Holly: Charlotte won't have a game plan but she's not stupid. People will think she is some ditzy thing but she really isn't. She knows lots of intelligent words and she's really clever.

Bobby: Mario is a good watcher, a real observer. Whether he has a plan or not,I don't know. He has a butch exterior but I won't be surprised to see him having a cig with Louie.

Can Charlotte or Mario win?

Holly: Yes! I'd put my House on it.

Bobby: If he can keep it in his pants.



Day 2: Lauren, Sophie and Louie make themselves at home

9 hours ago

We all know they have been watching the House from The Cult of Celebrity but our resident housemates were non the wiser when Lauren, Sophie and Louie re-entered tonight.

In the last hour the threesome have been doing a good job of keeping up the pretence while making sure their feet are firmly under the table.

Louie has been spinning Carol one heck of a line to explain why he didn't enter the House last night. He is claiming Big Brother created the twist just for him because he was on holiday and says he is gutted he didn't get to strut his stuff on the catwalk last night. She's totally bought it.

Courtney and Lauren have been getting along fabulously. They've been chatting away about romance and diamonds like a couple of besties. The American teen has been filling her in on all her husband history and Lauren is behaving like it is the first time she's heard it. Nice work.

Sophie has already asked Courtney if she can share her bed tonight – talk about making yourself at home.

The lack of beds is causing a bit of strife. Ron has told Louie he can't share his bed. If he knew our twinkle-toed housemate had put him in the frame, he probably wouldn't have him in the bedroom full stop.

With so many twists this evening we sure don't see things continuing to go so smoothly. Watch this space.



Poor Ron



Louie and Carol are bonding over glitter



See what we mean?



The boys seems fascinated with Sophie and Courtney's chat



And now Sophie gets to know Charlotte



Oh Mario - if you want to speak to Sophie, just do it



Aw, look - Lauren and Courtney are bonding







Last edited by MrsH

Day 2 round-up: Louie, Lauren and Sophie join the gang

31 mins ago

Before we get into Day 2, let's give you a quick recap of what happened in the wee hours of Day 1. The Cult of Celebrity members, Sophie, Louie and Lauren were given a difficult decision to pick three housemates as contenders for the first eviction. After much deliberation, this fell upon Ron, Courtney and Carol, who would later face the final judgment on the eve of Day 2– but before we get into that, let's start with Friday morning.

The celebrity housemates awoke in a chipper mood after their first slumber party in the Elstree bungalow. We witnessed a bit of housemate bonding, followed by an extremely rigorous session from a limber Lauren Harries. Ron recounted tales of yester year, including a time he nearly, very nearly, met Sinatra and Courtney was introduced to Weetabix. What larks!

And the frivolities continued into the afternoon, with Dustin and Abz laying down some sick beatz, Bruce getting his tootsies tanned by Irish housewife Danielle and Charlotte found an ingenious solution to her missing photo problem - painting the wall of course! But when she wasn't damaging BB property or asking what you use curry powder for, Charlotte was questioning the motives of some of her fellow housemates. It certainly hasn't taken long for the doubt to creep in...


But the big news of the night came when Louie, Sophie and Lauren entered the House... again! As the housemates welcomed the new trio and Louie's bottle of champers, little did they know that this gift symbolised the 'Cult of Celebrity's kiss of death, which saw Ron put up for eviction this week. The general reaction was one of shock, with Charlotte acting as you would expect after hearing such news – by punching a cake.

With all 13 celebrities now in the House, it's time to see how this group is going to work over the next couple of weeks. With such big characters, we have a feeling it's going to be an rollercoaster ride, so strap in folks! 


Day 3: Hair we go

1 hour ago

The housemates had a nice lie in this morning, snoring away (and sleep-singing, if you’re Bruce) away until 10am. Since then, the bleary eyed souls have spent the first hours of their first weekend grooming themselves, focusing mainly on perfecting their mops.

Charlotte showed her potential as a hair stylist by taking on Lauren as her client. And just look at the results. She transformed her into a 1950s glam Queen. The perfect look for breakfast time. The Geordie lass herself opted for a simple hair clip, before jumping in the bath for a good scrub down.

If you flick through the gallery above you’ll see Louie getting ready to shampoo his six feeble follicles (that’s our estimate),Ron’s classic comb over and Vicky’s beaut bob. Elsewhere, Sophie is nailing the towel turban, Danielle’s pony tail is getting sweaty and Abz is hiding behind his hood.

Courtney, on the other hand, has got a masterpiece of a mane in the work. Hairy business, this CBB house.


Charlotte's done a stellar job



Sophie suits the towel turban



Bath time for Charlotte



Louie's got a lot of hair to wash



Courtney has got something special brewing



Ron's classy comb over



Vicky's beautiful bob



That is one bouncy pony tail



Why doesn't Abz want us to see his hair?


Tonight on Celebrity Big Brother's Bit On The Psych: Saturday 24th August

25 mins ago

It’s Saturday, and that can only mean one thing... Bit On The Side becomes Bit On The Psych!


We’ve only had three days to get to know our celeb inhabitants, but it’s already time to delve into their craniums and give them our all-searching psychological analysis.

So who’s joining AJ and Iain tonight to put the housemates under the microscope?

We’ve got body language expert Judi James coming in to take a good look, along with resident psych Dr Funke and agony aunt Dr Pam Spurr.

Gosh, that’s a lot of clever people in the same room.


Stick with Channel 5 after the main show to join in the grilling at 11pm



Day 3: Guess what? It's task o'clock!


20 mins ago

It’s finally time for the full House to take part in their first mini task together (ssh, don’t tell them what Louie, Lauren and Sophie have been up to). And it’s something you have played a very important part in.


Today the housemates are going to get to know each other a bit better in a gruelling game called ‘Guess What?’


Each celeb has three interesting stories to their name, and for the past day the public have been deciding which one is the most interesting. Big Brother will challenge the housemates to guess which of their famous friends’ facts the viewers found most fascinating. The more they guess correctly, the better their prize will be.


It is really as simple as that. Stick with us for the results!

Yellow Rose

Day 3: Guess What? It's results time!

30 mins ago

Earlier today, the housemates got to know each other a little better through a task that we called 'Guess What'. The premise was simple – the housemates were provided with a series of stories that have been written about them in the press and they had to explain the background to it. They also had to choose which of their stories was voted the 'most interesting' by viewers on the Big Brother website (that's us – wahey!).

Sounds easy, right?

That it may have been, but this is Big Brother we are talking about, so let's just say that some of the stories were a little on the scandalous side. We learnt that Abz once burnt down a hotel room in Dublin, Charlotte's favourite party trick is balancing noodles from each nipple and Sophie was once arrested for causing a disturbance at a train station. Oh and not to mention that Dustin's sex tape is called 'Screehed – save by the smell'. Yes, you did just read that right. 

For being so forthright with their checkered pasts and successfully picking nine out of the 13 stories as the most popular, the housemates have won a takeaway dinner this evening.

What's a few little secrets in return for some grub, eh?!


Day 3: There's no place like home

2 hours ago

"It's beginning to feel like home," announced Sophie and her fellow housemates agreed, particularly Lauren who went one better adding, "I am home!"

With our baker's dozen making a full House, they sure do seem to be settling in well, and in true Celebrity Big Brother fashion, have formed some unlikely friendships.

Charlotte made a beeline for Big Ron. She told Big Brother he, "reminds us of Father Christmas," and was so devastated after his nomination that she smashed a cake to pieces. She's also getting on with Carol a treat and they have already made plans to meet up after the show (let's see if they're still on each other's Christmas card list by week 2).

Carol is proving popular with her housemates and lothario Mario admitted to big Brother that he found her attractive. She enjoyed a good bitching session with Louie last night but something tells us these two could say too much if they aren't careful.

Lauren and Courtney have bonded over hair and make-up and their almost matching night wear. Lauren has been giving the young wife tips and hints and Courtney has been impressed with the Welsh one's encyclopedic knowledge of pretty much everything.

Vicky and Les might be suffering from coming into the House together and haven't really made any particular alliences, although Danielle by default may be starting to pair up with Vic or even Sophie.

Dustin and Abz enjoyed a hot tub together earlier and showed bromance potential.

It's early days and we know how things can change. An alpha male and female are bound to emerge soon and we all know how that can shake up a happy House.  


Ask AJ: The BBBOTS host answers our questions

4 hours ago

BBBOTS host AJ came for a natter with the Digital Team earlier on to tell us her thoughts on our star-studded House. She discussed Abz's monk-like features, Courtney's bosom and her fascination with Lauren, amongst other things. And she even gave us a little sing-song! Have a peek below...

What do you make of the new housemates?

I love them, absolutely love them.

I love Abz. I was a fan of 5ive back in the day, so I’ve got posters of him and stuff. And with his new shaved head he’s looking like a monk, which is just a funny vision for me every single day.

I hope Courtney stays in past this week, because I think she’s going to be a really entertaining housemate. She’s charismatic, she’s got those two big footballs on her chest, she’s got a weave... she’s brilliant!

And Lauren, there’s something about her that is so mesmerising and so interesting to watch.

So is Lauren the one you’re looking forward to watching most then?

Yes, definitely Lauren. There’s something about her. I can’t take my eyes off her. Lauren’s the sort of person who, if she was stood next to Courtney, then I’ll look at Lauren. And that’s saying something because Courtney is like a blonde bombshell with two massive...

We'll stop you there. Do you think they chose the right trio to join the Cult of Celebrity?

Personally, I’d have liked to have seen Danielle in the Cult of Celebrity. Just because I am not that familiar with her and I thought that would have been a great way to introduce her to our audience. There’s massive characters in the House and we’ve not seen that much of her yet, so it would have great to have her separated from the rest of them at the beginning so I could find out all about her.

Otherwise, I really liked Louie and Lauren. So I would have swapped Sophie and Danielle.

They’ve already nominated Ron for eviction, but who do you think they’ll add to their hit-list?


To be honest it’s interesting, because after the first night it was all just shallow reasons like ‘Oh, Ron’s into football... Oh, Courtney is too high pitched’. So it would be interesting to see who they would pick now that they’re integrated.

I don’t know who they’re going to pick. Because even since they’ve been back in the House they’ve still been the same threesome.

Finally, seeing as you’re such big fan, what’s your favourite 5ive song?

[sings] “If you’re getting down baby, I want it now baby”

That was so good. And ‘Everybody Get Up’. [sings again] “Everybody get up, singing, 1 2 3 4”

That was a beautiful rendition. What a way to end the interview. Thanks AJ!




1:11pm Ooooh, the celebrities have just been told to gather on the sofas. Task time perhaps?



1:16pm The group have just been told that they will be 'street busking'. They must use this as a chance to showcase their talent



1:17pm The celebrity who receives the most coins from their housemates for their busking skills will receive a special reward





Celebrity Big Brother: Bruce Jones 'lowest-paid housemate ever'

Published Sunday, Aug 25 2013, 13:36 BST  |  By   
Bruce Jones is reportedly the lowest-paid Celebrity Big Brother housemate of all time.

The former Coronation Street actor is earning ÂĢ15,000 for his appearance on the Channel 5 show, while his former on-screen wife Vicky Entwistle has a deal worth ÂĢ150,000, the Sunday Mirror claims.

Celebrity Big Brother 2013: Vicky Entwistle and Bruce Jones

ÂĐ Channel 5

Vicky Entwistle & Bruce Jones

Jones, who played Les Battersby on the ITV soap, is thought to have turned down ÂĢ55,000 to take part in the reality show last year.

However, he agreed to be reunited with Entwistle, who played Janice Battersby, due to financial troubles that have seen him become a mechanic.

The 60-year-old has previously spoken of his battles with alcohol and depression following his axe from Corrie in 2007.

He was sacked after revealing plot lines and insulting fans to an undercover reporter. He also received a suspended jail sentence in 2010 for drunkenly yanking the wheel of his wife's car on a dual carriageway.

Jones and Entwistle were forced to share a double bed together during their first night on Celebrity Big Brother after their fellow contestants voted them the most famous housemates.

Read more: 



3:16pm: Charlotte gathered the most busking tips and has won a treat. Well done, Charlotte!


5.19pm: The housemates are sitting down to dinner. Vegetable soup is on the menu this evening



5.52pm: Bruce is craving a chip butty. He's always got food on the mind, that one.


6.43pm: Charlotte is enjoying her reward in the Diary Room for winning today's task. Burger, chips and a pint!


7.02pm: Charlotte is still tucking into her treat. It's a never-ending plate of chips





It's BACK! With extra celebrities! Big Brother's Bit on the Side want to know - if you were in the CBB house, which two housemate would you nominate for eviction this week? We've excluded Lauren, Louie and Sophie from the poll, as they're immune from the first public vote.


So let's see how the Cult of Celebrity's opinion differs from the Great British Public's...




Day 4 round-up: The Cult of Celebrity gets a shock and the third nominee is announced 

A third name was in the frame at the end of Day 4 as The Cult of Celebrity nominated their final housemate.

Big Brother let the celebrities showcase their talents in the Big Busker task. Highlights included Charlotte getting mortal and a peek at Mario's posterior – what a treat. To see who won head here:

It was soon time for our mighty triumvirate to trim the fat and pick their last shortlist of potential nominees:

Danielle became the latest famous face to be starring at possible eviction but Big Brother had one more surprise for the housemates. That's right, The Cult of Celebrity was unmasked.

To say the news shook the House to its very foundations would be a fair assessment – Courtney in particular took the betrayal hard:

But these guys are used to the pitfalls of celebrity and as night drew in they forgot about the bad press and partied the night away, dressing up, singing and dancing. There ain't no party like a celeb housemate party. 

These guys have made so much TV gold already, we can't wait to see what they get up to next. Fear not, you'll be the first to know.






It may be a little early on a Bank Holiday morning, but Time Is Money, housemates...

It's time for our celebrity friends' first shopping task and, for this one, every second counts. Depending on how they perform in a variety of physical, mental, secret and silly tasks, the gang will get the chance to bank time on a giant hour glass in the garden. 

The more time they bank, the more time Housemates have for the final task.



Preparation for today's shopping task involves Louie dressing as a massive cuckoo. Naturally.








Housemates play a game of Hot or Not for their next shopping task challenge.

We asked you which celebrity you found the hottest. And the result? Well, we thought we'd incorporate it into this weeks shopping task of course. Will the housemates decision correlate with that of the public or will they be left in brutal shock at the result? Click the link below to watch it all:

Originally Posted by MrsH:



thanks for the vids Rose 


I am in and out when I can but not too well this weekend so I am very far behind with what is going on in the house as I havnt watched much since Sat  hopefully I will catch up soon 

No probs Mrs H  take any time you need, wishing you well Not sure whether I'm enjoying CBB or not lol, hard to adjust to them all so soon after BB

Yellow Rose

Day 5: Time for dinner with a difference

13 hours ago

Big Brother gave housemates an experience they'll be dining out on for the foreseeable future.

As part of this week's Shopping Task, it was feeding time in the Big Brother garden as housemates got stuck into a snack relay.

With some celebrities being more game than others, there was plenty of grimacing and gagging as the majority endeavoured to chow down on treats including a fermented egg, chicken's feet and dog food canapÃĐs.

Housemates completed the challenge within the allotted time but were penalised for those who failed to gobble up Big Brother's dishes.

Vicky failed to even attempt to eat her fermented egg but housemates have agreed they wouldn't have had a go on it either with Louie saying it was, "all black and green". Danielle's refusal to even sip her mustard shots has caused more debate with both Ron and Vicky adamant they'd have tried them.

Louie, who chomped on the chicken's feet  didn't think Mario had much of a challenge with his pig's tongue but the reality TV Romeo claimed it was, "really gungey."

There's still plenty of time for this task to cause some serious tension! Stay tuned.


Watch our exclusive celebrity videos here!

12 hours ago

Before our thirteen new celebrity friends entered the House, we were given ten minutes alone with each of them, armed only with a camera, a green-screen and a super realistic mannequin of Rylan Clark. We used this time to bring you as many exclusives as possible, and now we've created this handy index so that you don't miss a thing.

The Celebrity Interview Relay

Each housemate had to ask a question for one of their fellow celebrities (obviously without knowing who would answer). The result? An unbroken chain of celebrity interrogation.


Rylan's Celebrity Roleplay

As reigning CBB champion, Rylan set each housemate a hypothetical scenario, to see how they'd react to a typical Big Brother situation in the House. Some of the responses were... surprising, to say the least.

Watch part one

Part two coming soon...

Housemates Answer Your Questions


We gave each housemate one minute exactly to answer as many questions as possible, as set by you guys before the series launched. For now, you can see how each of our first three nominees coped with the challenge, with the remaining housemates to follow over the course of the series.



Reaction GIFs

For all those occasions where the only logical response is Screech from Saved By The Bell shaking his fist, or Big Ron Atkinson doing a sexy face, we've compiled this monster collection of celebrity reaction gifs. You can view them all on our brand new Tumblr page:

Oh, and as a bonus, here's a behind-the-scenes look at the trouble we had trying to get Lauren to laugh...


That's it for now, but there's so much more to come in the next few days and weeks, so keep checking back and the official iOS app for more exclusives.





Day 5 round-up: A timely shopping task, with an added dose of tension

1 hour ago

Day 5 started out as just a normal day, but within minutes Louie was dressed in a fluffy, yellow suit pretending to be a cuckoo. Why, you ask? Because this was the start of the celebrities’ first shopping task, Time Is Money.

Every second counts in this week’s task, as the housemates try to accumulate as many minutes as possible in order to win that elusive luxury shopping budget. For the first of two recurring tasks, two housemates must act as timekeepers in their brand new treehouse-cum-cuckoo-clock, while Louie the cuckoo bursts out on cue. For the second, the House must take on the role of Big Brother’s Speaking Clock and tell the man above the time on request.

So far they’ve done a decent job of those tasks. But when Big Brother asked them to rank themselves in height order â€“ while blindfolded – things started to crumble. They had even more trouble arranging themselves in order of hotness, choosing Courtney first while the public chose Charlotte. Let’s just say our American teen wasn’t too happy about that one.

Soon the gang were treated to a feast by Big Brother’s finest chefs. But lying under the cloches wasn’t quite what they were expecting. With that all-important time to play for, the housemates had to devour delicious treats, such as jellied eels, fermented eggs, dog food canapÃĐs and, erm, cream crackers. Vicky, Courtney and Danielle all let the team down and they were deducted a whole minute as punishment.

Later on in the evening, Dustin’s niceness became his own worst enemy, as he couldn’t bring himself to meet Big Brother’s request that he bad mouth one of his fellow housemates. Another task failed and more minutes down the drain.

Tasks aside, Day 5 was also The Day After The Night Before, and tensions were running high now the Cult of Celebrity’s big secret was out. Louie was bitching about Danielle,Danielle was bitching about Louie... you can see where we’re going with this. It’s no longer the House of Happiness, that’s for sure.

The day did end on an amorous note, however, with some frisky flirting between Mario and Sophie.

Bitching, flirting and failing tasks... it’s Big Brother at its very finest. And it’s exactly what we’ve all been waiting for.



Tonight on Celebrity Big Brother's Bit on the Side - Tuesday 27th August


Tonight on Celebrity Big Brother's Bit on the Side, we'll be joined by queen of the small screen, actress and TV presenter Nadia Sawahla, former A1 singer, Ben Adams and a Brookside favourite, Dean Sullivan a.k.a Jimmy Corkhill.


What a cracking line-up if we do say so ourselves!


And joining Emma on the sofa, we have body expert and friend of the show, the captivating Judi James.


You know the drill by now - tonight, Channel5, 11pm. We'll see you there!



Day 5: Three housemates face eviction


The Cult of Celebrity cast their final vote meaning there are now three housemates up for eviction on Wednesday.


Danielle, Ron and Vicky are the three potentially facing the chop.


Now, it's up to you to.


This time round it's VOTE TO SAVE so to make sure your favourite housemate stays put, you need to cast you vote.



Head to




Day 6: Cheer up, housemates!

2 hours ago

Whether it's the drizzly weather or last night's boozy antics, something has left the housemates feeling a tad subdued today. Usually chipper, Charlotte, has been very vocal about her frustrations, trudging around the House shouting, "I'm agitated" to anyone who will listen. A misplaced toothbrush almost caused a full on strop until Carol pointed out that she left it in living room toilet two days ago.

And speaking of her partner in crime, Carol has been uttering similar grumbles this afternoon, everything from how dirty the House is to how bored she is.

"I thought you said this is a walk in the park?" Ron put to her.

"It was until this morning", Carol replied.

Though we have a feeling it's more to do with having a fuzzy head from last night's vinos than any real discontentment about being the House.

Picking up on the general mood, Sophie has decided to interject some fun in the House by offering to do Vicky's makeup - but we are surprised that she's agreed to it after Lauren's attempt at giving her a glamorous 'do this morning. She's more of a sport than us!

Luckily the next part of the task is on it's way, which should hopefully cheer the grumps up...


Day 6: The 'Time is Money' task continues

1 hour ago

Yesterday saw the start of the first shopping task, 'Time is Money', where housemates have been competing in a number of time-based games to generate minutes for the final game later today.

But before that happens, Big Brother has given them one more chance to add time to the clock, by inviting them to enjoy some bath time in the garden. But there's a catch - the baths will be filled with nasty surprises, such as maggots, offal and tripe and sour milk. You didn't think Big Brother would fill them with water now, would you? The longer they stay in the bath, the more time will be added to the banked total.

To win a luxury shopping budget, the housemates will then compete in the 'Test of Time', where they will be faced with a series of locked boxes and a safe. In order to unlock these they must guess the combination using 'he said, she said' quotes from the housemates. If the housemates correctly guess the clues within the allocated time, the safe will open to reveal the shopping list.

So this task will not only be a test of time, but also how well they know their fellow housemates. To find out how they get on, keeping checking the website for updates! 

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