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Enthusiastic Contrafibularities posted:
prettycocoaeyes posted:
Enthusiastic Contrafibularities posted:


Can I take you all back a few days when Lewis was telling Marnie how much she meant to him and how he would do anything for her and he wants to be with her and not have her running off like other Capricorns have ????




All part of his bullshite. He is not true to his word. Fake man.

And now he is using that not so clever tactic of "tell me how to be a better boyfriend, I need to do better, you can help me, I can't lose you".

It's like reading a players manual.

Cold Sweat posted:
Cosmopolitan posted:

I do hope it's Pob -  her Scragend 'boyfriend' will be furious if she goes

Marnie gone this early would be terrific though.

Chloe is irrelevant

Yeah: haven't been following the betting to win, so I just had a quick look at it now:

Chloe's the rank outsider at 80/1 (), but Marnie's a close 4th-favourite at 11/2...

Eugene's Lair

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