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prettycocoaeyes posted:
Syd posted:
prettycocoaeyes posted:

Why do they treat Heavy D like the class clown?

Hate to use the word, but it is because they are 'Bullies'

Heavy D can take them on, Bear and to some extent Lewis back down when Heavy goes off so I wonder why he lets them do that.

They know they are 'protected' bullies, goading Heavy until HE flips.....then stand back and smile sweetly with the words "We were only 'avin a larf mate"

Enthusiastic Contrafibularities posted:


I hate it when one of the people in a showmance get uppity about their partner being nominated, as if they should be exempt because it's their partner.


A similar kind of convo went on in the civvy version this year. These people are idiots!



Very arrogant ofhim especially since he put Renne up, it's only payback. He only likes to play dirty on his terms.


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