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I'd like to say, with regards to Carole (sure I've said before but anyhoo )

  I had no LF, or computer, or forum access that year and I loathed her.

    HL viewers were not responsible for her survival.I saw through her when she barred Nikki from the kitchen and that was fairly early on. The gross habits etc and the emotional manipulation were clear to see. Maybe it was a week or two later than LF viewers but personally I was not fooled.

Originally Posted by Syd:
Originally Posted by Carnelian:

Carole is one of my all time most hated housemates.  As we say on BB forums, ugly on the inside and outside.

Nooooooooooo! outside, maybe......inside 


What did she do wrong?


Ooooh, don't get me started Syd 


....too have.


One thing that irked me to the realms of irksdonia and back was the way she would moan and have a go at someone, over the tiniest of things, they would try to defend themselves, which resulted in her bursting into tears claiming she's being 'picked on'.


That don't float my gravy boat Missy!!! 


Bea on the other hand was delightful 


Originally Posted by Carnelian:

Carole is one of my all time most hated housemates.  As we say on BB forums, ugly on the inside and outside.

What the Canary said


I especially liked the faux socialism she practiced where looking after those who have least and wealth redistribution were basic tenets.

Of course it didn't extend to her changing down from her 4 bedroom council house to a dwelling more suited to her needs so a family in cramped conditions could have use of it.


I was also really impressed by her anal cleaning routine and bullying of the other hms into doing chores when her own house was too filthy for even Kim and Aggie to get to grips with.


And her (s)mothering of Ziggy - why aren't more mothers like this? Oh yes, there are laws!!!


Rant over

Originally Posted by Dame_Ann_Average:
Originally Posted by ~hoochie~:
Originally Posted by Dame_Ann_Average:



Syd...let it go  

 Syd ....Ignore the philistines!!


 We few ....we happy few , we band of cleaners; we may hold our mopheads dear,  and think ourselves glad to have known those that fought with us upon Saint Carole's day 


*put the glass down* 

HOOCHIE!......pick the bliddy glass up and put the broom down..............VIVA the REVOLUTION!!!!!!!!

Originally Posted by Syd:

 Syd ....Ignore the philistines!!


 We few ....we happy few , we band of cleaners; we may hold our mopheads dear,  and think ourselves glad to have known those that fought with us upon Saint Carole's day 


*put the glass down* 

HOOCHIE!......pick the bliddy glass up and put the broom down..............VIVA the REVOLUTION!!!!!!!!



pah, scrubbers  

Originally Posted by Dame_Ann_Average:
Originally Posted by ~hoochie~:
Originally Posted by Dame_Ann_Average:



Syd...let it go  

 Syd ....Ignore the philistines!!


 We few ....we happy few , we band of cleaners; we may hold our mopheads dear,  and think ourselves glad to have known those that fought with us upon Saint Carole's day 


*put the glass down* 

*cleans up after the Dame*

Starfleet Admiral hoochie

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