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Originally Posted by jacksonb:

Are you like me and have never heard of this?


Apparently it's a gov.sponsored drive to let anyone with the readies have access to your medical records, the default position is that you are automaticaly opted in, and you have to write to your GP in order to opt out.


I'll be  writing to him this evening...





Surely that goes against data protection and doctor patient confidentiality!




Enthusiastic Contrafibularities

This is what is extracted from your medical records to  go into the primary care data set...


  • Your NHS number
  • Your date of birth
  • Your postcode
  • Your gender
  • Your ethnicity
  • The date you registered with your GP surgery
  • Your medical diagnoses (including cancer and mental health) and any complications
  • Your referrals to specialists
  • Your prescriptions
  • Your family history
  • Your vaccinations and screening tests
  • Your blood test results
  • Your body mass index (height/weight)
  • Your smoking/alcohol habits
Originally Posted by slimfern:

I've heard about this Jackson....I went into my GP & opted out there & then!
it's a disgrace if you ask me!
My private affairs are mine as far as I'm concerned until I choose otherwise!
End of!

Oh, I'm with you on that, I rarely fill in a voting register form thingy, because they publish the entries as   the default.


I slo object to the DVLA flogging off my details to anyone with the readies, it's information I am legally obliged to produce, they have no right to sell it.


This care data thing is outrageous, no wonder no one I know  has heard about it.


It will not affect you if you live in Scotland, Wales or Northern Ireland. If you live in Scotland or Wales, but are looked after by a GP in England, your data will be shared in the same way. You have the same right to opt out.


How to opt out

*BREAKING NEWS, 7 Feb 2014*

UPDATE 12/2/14: We are awaiting official clarification from DH and HSCIC, expected soon.
UPDATE 14/2/14: We are still waiting to see how long it takes for DH to confirm whether NHS England has been caught misleading the public

GP magazine Pulse reported on 7/2/14, “Patients who have opted out of the scheme will still have their records sent to the HSCIC stripped of identifiers” (see 4th paragraph from bottom of this article). This confirms something buried on page 9 of NHS England’s recently-published Privacy Impact Assessment [PDF] (UPDATE 12/2/14: there appeares to be a problem with the official link to the PIA, so here is a copy), which states:

Where patients have objected to the flow of their personal confidential data from the general practice record, the HSCIC will receive clinical data without any identifiers attached (i.e. anonymised data).

i.e. the intention is to still to extract information from the medical records of people who had opted out, just not with their NHS number, postcode, date of birth and gender attached.

This is not what any reasonable person would understand by opt out – if you opt out, no information from your medical record should leave your GP practice. We are working hard to resolve this and will let you know as soon as we can what is going on. If you want to be kept informed when something happens, please:

If you haven’t done so already, our advice continues to be to opt out now. The codes applied to your medical record are the only mechanism by which your information can be blocked from extraction. Our job now is simple: we have to make NHS England and HSCIC make the codes work the way they should and and do what millions of us have been told they would do.

As well as opting out, you may want to write to your MP about this.

While you are composing your thoughts, you might also want to watch this short film, ‘Keep My Secrets‘ that we think NHS England could learn from.

Opt out form

In January 2014, NHS England sent out a leaflet entitled Better information means better care (2MB PDF) via junk mail. It was not addressed directly to you as a patient and it deliberately didn’t include an opt-out form. The leaflet says you should “speak to your GP practice” if you want to opt out. This is misleading and could waste your time and potentially waste valuable GP appointment time as well.

All you need do is write a letter or download a simple form (link below) instructing your doctor to opt you out, which you can fill in and post or drop into your surgery reception for their attention.

If you have any problems getiing your surgery to understand what you are opting out of or if they hand you an opt out form for something else, e.g. the Summary Care Record, then let us know using our handy formFix tool – you tell us, and we’ll send them some details.

Dr Neil Bhatia, a Hampshire GP, has written the text of a leaflet with a tear-off form that you can use for yourself, your children and anyone for whom you hold enduring power of attorney:

Opt out form (PDF)

Please do take a few moments to e-mail this PDF to your family, friends and colleagues, or send them the link to this page – – or share it on social media. You might even print off copies of the form (which conveniently prints double-sided and folds to fit in a DL envelope) to give to others who may not have heard about what’s going to happen to their medical records, and won’t know what they can do.

Dr Bhatia also provides more information on the scheme on his website:

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by jacksonb:

Just reading through it, and it involves ATOS.


dear  god, abandon all hope  right here.....

what those barstewards would do with our information is what worries me.


I opted out in January when I first heard about it as everything about this is just plain wrong 

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:

I would object to my NHS number and postcode being on the information but I wouldn't really have a problem with anonymous data being given out if it aided medical research. Am I being naive?

I feel the same way about medical research Soozy and have in the past been quite happy to sign for that anonymous info to be shared when i had Hep C and treatment for it etc. it's the fact it's got all the info to lead someone directly back to you, and the fact it's an opt out rather than opt in scheme that really hasnt been widely covered in the media etc that i don't like. It all just feels a little sneaky and if it's being 'sold' then i doubt it's back to the NHS.


Last edited by Jen-Star

Bu what i could gather on the radio Sunday night, it's back to the government cos ultimately they are the ones who are sposed to be in charge of your records. They did mention the Dept responsible but I forget (me age you you know)   So with that in mind I think it's a Data protection thing and surely they shouldn't be allowed to go through a third pary anyway to sell to insurance companies, and then again....aren't we all supposed to be truthful anyway?


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