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Originally Posted by Roger the Alien:

Ummm... I can see why some people would find it a teeny bit offputting. Probably not the most pc thing to say. On the other hand, why should Mums have to go to the toilet facilities to feed their babies 


Lets have a heated debate!  


I always thought it should be "Let's have a mass debate"?



Enthusiastic Contrafibularities

Rog, I agree, I do see why some would find it a bit awkward but also think a baby should be able to be fed wherever the mother is.  I do think the mother should try to do it as discreetly as possible though when there are older kids and men around.  That probably isn't very PC of me to say but I do think that's how it should go.  Feeding babies is completely natural but it does make some feel awkward and I really don't think pre-teen kids sitting in a cafe etc with their mum should be seeing full on boob displays no matter what.  


I don't get this being discrete stuff at all.. it's not like a boob is flopped out nipple on show and paraded around for all to see, a baby is attached to it ffs. .  crikey  the current fashion trends have girls walking around leaving very little to the imagination in the boob dept so a mum who flops a boob out [which is rarely done that blatantly due to the prissy arses out there anyway, and is always discreet] instead of a bottle to feed their kid is minor compared to girls walking around with tits and arse hanging out.. is it because people are embarrassed that we feed our kids the same as any other mammals and people see boobs as sexual things not containers for food... . I often wonder if that is the case..


people should go about their own business and not be bothered with watching a baby have it's meal while its mum has hers.. the table manners of some grown ups are far more disgusting than a baby on the breast..


Shame on Claridges and any other places that have no breast feeding rules for being so 19th century. .

Mount Olympus *Olly*
Last edited by Mount Olympus *Olly*
Originally Posted by Ells:

Rog, I agree, I do see why some would find it a bit awkward but also think a baby should be able to be fed wherever the mother is.  I do think the mother should try to do it as discreetly as possible though when there are older kids and men around.  That probably isn't very PC of me to say but I do think that's how it should go.  Feeding babies is completely natural but it does make some feel awkward and I really don't think pre-teen kids sitting in a cafe etc with their mum should be seeing full on boob displays no matter what.  

Exactly and the more mums that do it in public the less of a point and look thing it will become... it will just be a every day occurrence and nothing to upset people.. .they are the ones who need to change and be educated not the breast feeding mums..  

Mount Olympus *Olly*
Originally Posted by Mount Olympus *Olly*:
Originally Posted by Ells:

Rog, I agree, I do see why some would find it a bit awkward but also think a baby should be able to be fed wherever the mother is.  I do think the mother should try to do it as discreetly as possible though when there are older kids and men around.  That probably isn't very PC of me to say but I do think that's how it should go.  Feeding babies is completely natural but it does make some feel awkward and I really don't think pre-teen kids sitting in a cafe etc with their mum should be seeing full on boob displays no matter what.  

Exactly and the more mums that do it in public the less of a point and look thing it will become... it will just be a every day occurrence and nothing to upset people.. .they are the ones who need to change and be educated not the breast feeding mums..  

this   I think we've been conditioned to believe it shouldn't take place let alone discretely  if more women did it, then we wouldn't have such a problem 

Originally Posted by Saint:

Now before you ladies start flopping 'em out . . .

Breast feeding 'may' be completely natural but so is burping.

And that along with breaking wind, having a scratch and yawning are all done discretely.

So should breast feeding - its common courtesy towards others

What exact benefit to another human being do those things in bold bring. . they are bad manners if done in public but not bringing life necessities..


As for the bit in Red, in exactly what way is it offending anyone or being discourteous to people when it is required to feed a new little human?


If you see news reports of hot countries where topless native women have babies in their arms feeding as they are being interviewed do you turn the station over, does that offend you too?


It beggars belief the narrow or filthy mind of people sometimes because, it can only be the fact that boobs/tits are apparently sexual objects to some and that is the reason they find it outrageous to see them used for their proper purpose, which is to nourish and feed a child ..


Now if a woman flopped her boobs out and some ol geezer started feeding on them in public I'd say that would be a different matter altogether but, that isn't what the problem is here, that's a whole other matter


Mount Olympus *Olly*
I bf my youngest, expressed for eldest and had a melt with middle one crying etc etc so gave him bottle.

With youngest I couldn't feed her infront of anyone other than her dad and siblings... I just couldn't... Not even my best friend who has honked my hooters in the past! Lol I'd take her upstairs if we had guests

The whole debate get right on my tits. (Pun intended).


It's a baby feeding for goodness sake. Most feeding mothers do it in such a manner that it's hardly noticible, but then you'll get the tits that notice it & get all up in arms, like Nigel Farage. Who suggested breastfeeding mothers should hide away in a corner. I did tweet to him about nobody putting baby in the corner.


Anyway, my opinion is, if you're nursing an infant get your tits out and be proud.

Originally Posted by Saint:

Now before you ladies start flopping 'em out . . .

Breast feeding 'may' be completely natural but so is burping.

And that along with breaking wind, having a scratch and yawning are all done discretely.

So should breast feeding - its common courtesy towards others

Oh shut up, you utter moron. 

Last edited by Cinds
Originally Posted by Cinds:
Originally Posted by Saint:

Now before you ladies start flopping 'em out . . .

Breast feeding 'may' be completely natural but so is burping.

And that along with breaking wind, having a scratch and yawning are all done discretely.

So should breast feeding - its common courtesy towards others

Oh shut up, you utter moron. 

Now that's rather abusive

Its a forum where we are allowed to give opinion

And shouldn't expect such comments in return

Originally Posted by Saint:

Now before you ladies start flopping 'em out . . .

Breast feeding 'may' be completely natural but so is burping.

And that along with breaking wind, having a scratch and yawning are all done discretely.

So should breast feeding - its common courtesy towards others


Flopping 'em out..?  Are you for real? 

If you can even contemplate that there is a comparison to be made between breast feeding and breaking wind then you really need to take a hike out of this thread.  This question/debate may seem trivial to you but for young mother's who face the dilemma of not wanting to offend BUT who desperately need to feed their babies, it's a bloody upsetting dilemma.

Damned if they do, damned if they don't.

Originally Posted by Saint:

Well I was trying a little humour - never mind

I was trying to say we all do personal things in a discrete way that's all

I have no prob with breast feeding in public - but I think there should be some unwritten rules


Really?  Haven't you learned by now that you've regularly failed to perfect that art?


I'm afraid your personal functions cannot compare with the predicament of breast feeding on demand.

Everyone makes you feel like a crappy mother if you don't breast feed now a days so how come there are so many of these stories? It's apparently best for both mum and baby ( I don't agree tbh I hated it) so why the hell would anyone frown upon it? It's not like these women strip off totally and prance around shoving their bodies in peoples faces. They are new mums doing what best for their baby
Originally Posted by Saint:
Originally Posted by Cinds:
Originally Posted by Saint:

Now before you ladies start flopping 'em out . . .

Breast feeding 'may' be completely natural but so is burping.

And that along with breaking wind, having a scratch and yawning are all done discretely.

So should breast feeding - its common courtesy towards others

Oh shut up, you utter moron. 

Now that's rather abusive

Its a forum where we are allowed to give opinion

And shouldn't expect such comments in return

Yes, it is a forum, and I found your equating adults holding bodily functions to that of an infant feeding moronic. 


As most of you will know, my son was born 12 weeks prem, and as a result I wasn't able to breast feed him initially. But I expressed every ounce of milk I had for him. But eventually, I was able to get him on my breast, and I would have walked the streets with glee showing everyone that I finally managed to feed my child. 


Those that think breast feeding in public is offensive/embarrassing etc, can all kiss my friggin arse. 

Originally Posted by Cinds:

As most of you will know, my son was born 12 weeks prem, and as a result I wasn't able to breast feed him initially. But I expressed every ounce of milk I had for him. But eventually, I was able to get him on my breast, and I would have walked the streets with glee showing everyone that I finally managed to feed my child. 


Those that think breast feeding in public is offensive/embarrassing etc, can all kiss my friggin arse. 

In public?


(Thought I'd better add that I'm joking.  And I don't find breast feeding in public in the least bit offensive)

Madame Arcati
Last edited by Madame Arcati
Originally Posted by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing:
Originally Posted by Cinds:

Yes, it is a forum, and I found your equating adults holding bodily functions to that of an infant feeding moronic. 

Come now Cinds, you're intelligent enough to know that there's a distinct difference between saying you think someone's COMMENTS are moronic and actually calling them a moron.

Yes I do. However, as many here will most likely agree, he makes moronic statements quite often.

Originally Posted by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing:
Originally Posted by Cinds:

Yes, it is a forum, and I found your equating adults holding bodily functions to that of an infant feeding moronic. 

Come now Cinds, you're intelligent enough to know that there's a distinct difference between saying you think someone's COMMENTS are moronic and actually calling them a moron.

And one would have thought Fluffs, that you'd be intelligent enough to notice that typing: "Now before you ladies start flopping 'em out" is a personal comment rather than an opinion 


When Mrs Jer and I cycle out we converse and we agree that one doesn't need to go much further than Facebook to see that Mysogyny is on the increase. In this case rather immature males, much used to a diet of Page 3 type material and advertising sheight, have so increasingly sexualised breasts that they have forgotten/ignored their main purpose. The wacky little morons thus get rather annoyed at seeing them used in a practical way rather than for their own amusement. Some of the comments have been disgraceful.

Garage Joe
Originally Posted by Garage Joe:

When Mrs Jer and I cycle out we converse and we agree that one doesn't need to go much further than Facebook to see that Mysogyny is on the increase. In this case rather immature males, much used to a diet of Page 3 type material and advertising sheight, have so increasingly sexualised breasts that they have forgotten/ignored their main purpose. The wacky little morons thus get rather annoyed at seeing them used in a practical way rather than for their own amusement. Some of the comments have been disgraceful.

Very well said GJ

Originally Posted by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing:
Originally Posted by Cinds:

Yes, it is a forum, and I found your equating adults holding bodily functions to that of an infant feeding moronic. 

Come now Cinds, you're intelligent enough to know that there's a distinct difference between saying you think someone's COMMENTS are moronic and actually calling them a moron.


You're having a pop at Cinds and yet there's not one word towards Renton?

It beggar's belief!

Originally Posted by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing:
Originally Posted by Cinds:

Yes, it is a forum, and I found your equating adults holding bodily functions to that of an infant feeding moronic. 

Come now Cinds, you're intelligent enough to know that there's a distinct difference between saying you think someone's COMMENTS are moronic and actually calling them a moron.

He plays you like a fiddle Fluffs.

Originally Posted by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing:
Originally Posted by Cinds:

Yes, it is a forum, and I found your equating adults holding bodily functions to that of an infant feeding moronic. 

Come now Cinds, you're intelligent enough to know that there's a distinct difference between saying you think someone's COMMENTS are moronic and actually calling them a moron.

And aren't you intelligent enough to know that if you are a Mod you don't pick out one specific person in public to point something out, you make a separate and more generalised comment if you think it is needed.


Maybe you should have made a post saying please don't get personal or something along those lines. You, being the literacy/grammar queen, would be able to phrase it better that I can.

Mount Olympus *Olly*

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