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Day 17: Bleedin' 'eck

9 mins ago

Once upon a time there were fifteen housemates who sat down to a civilised dinner. Peace and harmony reigned and... no, sorry, that's not what happened. The non-fairy-tale reality is that Deana mentioned the word "period" twice at the dinner table and Lydia and Shievonne were appalled.

"Oh my god," cried Shievonne, at the first mention, "now is not the time."

This subdued Deane for thirty seconds before she casually dropped the p-bomb again.

This time Lydia got involved in the catcalls. Apparently menstrual mentions are "disrespectful" and "not appropriate". It was mooted that Deana's lack of experience in cooking for large groups has created the monster we see before us today.

Bloody hell.

What do you think? Is "period talk" at the table a no-no or were the ladies being over-sensitive. If it makes a difference, the dinner dish was spag bol..




Deana that is NOT a good subject for discussion at the dinner table.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally Posted by Aimee:

Are they lining her up as the next whipping boy

Only last night Lydia was saying that they have to stick together .Lydia can no longer talk about noms but she knows that Deana was the target last week ,so she will highlight Deana's faults in the hope that Deana will still be the target for the next round of noms .Little does she know that it is herself that is the target this week .

Originally Posted by erinp:
Originally Posted by Aimee:

Are they lining her up as the next whipping boy

Only last night Lydia was saying that they have to stick together .Lydia can no longer talk about noms but she knows that Deana was the target last week ,so she will highlight Deana's faults in the hope that Deana will still be the target for the next round of noms .Little does she know that it is herself that is the target this week .

what you think they will vote for Lydia?

Originally Posted by Aimee:
Originally Posted by erinp:
Originally Posted by Aimee:

Are they lining her up as the next whipping boy

Only last night Lydia was saying that they have to stick together .Lydia can no longer talk about noms but she knows that Deana was the target last week ,so she will highlight Deana's faults in the hope that Deana will still be the target for the next round of noms .Little does she know that it is herself that is the target this week .

what you think they will vote for Lydia?

No Lydia will go for Deana....

Originally Posted by stonks:
Originally Posted by Aimee:
Originally Posted by erinp:
Originally Posted by Aimee:

Are they lining her up as the next whipping boy

Only last night Lydia was saying that they have to stick together .Lydia can no longer talk about noms but she knows that Deana was the target last week ,so she will highlight Deana's faults in the hope that Deana will still be the target for the next round of noms .Little does she know that it is herself that is the target this week .

what you think they will vote for Lydia?

No Lydia will go for Deana....

Lydia will go for Deana,she knows last round of noms that Deana was disliked and a few HMS were nomming her .Lydia will have to hope this will be the case on Monday with Lydia nomming her too and that will be enough to have Deana up .Lydia has been rumbled by the group and they were gunning for her this next round of noms.

Originally Posted by stonks:
Originally Posted by Aimee:
Originally Posted by erinp:
Originally Posted by Aimee:

Are they lining her up as the next whipping boy

Only last night Lydia was saying that they have to stick together .Lydia can no longer talk about noms but she knows that Deana was the target last week ,so she will highlight Deana's faults in the hope that Deana will still be the target for the next round of noms .Little does she know that it is herself that is the target this week .

what you think they will vote for Lydia?

No Lydia will go for Deana....

and Arron and Conner so i think she will defo be up


It certainly wouldn't bother me and, if it did, I would have asked her politely not to mention it at dinner time.


Deana is probably right that far more 'disgusting' things have been mentioned at mealtimes and why should it be taboo, just because it is a woman's thing? I hope she realises soon that Lydia is a friend to no one in there. 


TBH - I do think it is a bit of a mountain out of a molehill. As I understand it she simply said 'Arron are you on your period?'  (jokingly). I can be a bit of a prude when it comes to 'toilet talk' especially around the table but ......................that wouldn't have bothered me. Ashleigh talking about wet farts and having the sh*ts different altogether dinner table or not.


Nope - I don't get it TBH - think it's more to do with sending out nomination signals loud and clear ie. Who is our next target.

Soozy Woo
Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:

TBH - I do think it is a bit of a mountain out of a molehill. As I understand it she simply said 'Arron are you on your period?'  (jokingly). I can be a bit of a prude when it comes to 'toilet talk' especially around the table but ......................that wouldn't have bothered me. Ashleigh talking about wet farts and having the sh*ts different altogether dinner table or not.


Nope - I don't get it TBH - think it's more to do with sending out nomination signals loud and clear ie. Who is our next target.

I agree Sooz,after seeing Deana and Labia's later talk about it I do feel Labia was trying to take the moral high ground and like you say it was a way to single Deana out for nom's ....It's not something I'd drop into the conversation to all and sundry at the dinner table but Labia and Shivonne should mind their own and stop eavesdropping on others .

Originally Posted by Baz:
Having watched the clip where Deanna and Lydia face off it seems to me that all Lydia was really worried about was the fact that Deanna had brought the subject up when she (Lydia) had cooked the meal ! That girl really does have a * me first, me middle , and me last * complex !!!!

She is so full of her own self importance Baz.

Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:

TBH - I do think it is a bit of a mountain out of a molehill. As I understand it she simply said 'Arron are you on your period?'  (jokingly). I can be a bit of a prude when it comes to 'toilet talk' especially around the table but ......................that wouldn't have bothered me. Ashleigh talking about wet farts and having the sh*ts different altogether dinner table or not.


Nope - I don't get it TBH - think it's more to do with sending out nomination signals loud and clear ie. Who is our next target.



I think she said it to Adam and why did Lydia seem to think that it made a difference that she had cooked the meal? Was she saying that it would have been fine if someone else had cooked? 

Originally Posted by stonks:

I had to laugh last night, my family think I'm not well in the head for watching BB but for the first time last night DJ my eldest sat watching it with me and said, "if it was'nt for that mad one being in it I would'nt watch, she's a good HM, a bit psycotic"..meaning Lydia....

I was in fits laughing ,hard to believe anyone can be so delusional but she is.

Originally Posted by ~Lee~:
Originally Posted by stonks:

I had to laugh last night, my family think I'm not well in the head for watching BB but for the first time last night DJ my eldest sat watching it with me and said, "if it was'nt for that mad one being in it I would'nt watch, she's a good HM, a bit psycotic"..meaning Lydia....

I was in fits laughing ,hard to believe anyone can be so delusional but she is.

She's a corker....when she was going on about people they might have invited then said they might have invited Andrew Stone........I swear she thinks she's on the BB payroll....

Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:

I know it would have been incredibly cruel but would have been quite funny in BB had just let Lydias birthday pass without a mention. She is just so full of herself - I'll bet she was one spoilt brat of a child.

It would have been Sooz.If she'd said about the party her parents gave when she was 4(I think),Ronald Mc D and all in attendance BB could have redone it 

Originally Posted by stonks:

She's a corker....when she was going on about people they might have invited then said they might have invited Andrew Stone........I swear she thinks she's on the BB payroll....

She sounds more and more like Andrew Stone to me Stonks,she even seems to have *Borrowed* some of his gestures,I think she is one of these people who take on others mannerisms ,all in all she is 3 sheets to the wind.

Originally Posted by kimota (Corin's Crib #1) FAKER # 1:

Actually Deana used the word in jest to Adam as in, "are you on your period" referring to his mood. Shev and Lydia just heard the word 'period and overreacted imo.

I think those two know exactly what they're doing in singling Deanna out and making a big thing of it.


Deanna was close to everyones lips in the last round of noms. I think they're just ensuring she doesn't slip under the radar. They're a very devious bunch IMO.

Soozy Woo
Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:

TBH - I do think it is a bit of a mountain out of a molehill. As I understand it she simply said 'Arron are you on your period?'  (jokingly). I can be a bit of a prude when it comes to 'toilet talk' especially around the table but ......................that wouldn't have bothered me. 

Is that it?  

Originally Posted by ~Lee~:
Originally Posted by stonks:

She's a corker....when she was going on about people they might have invited then said they might have invited Andrew Stone........I swear she thinks she's on the BB payroll....

She sounds more and more like Andrew Stone to me Stonks,she even seems to have *Borrowed* some of his gestures,I think she is one of these people who take on others mannerisms ,all in all she is 3 sheets to the wind.

haaaaaaaaa yes I can see it must be a jazz hands dance school thing....

Originally Posted by Kaytee:

From what I've read and heard, it seems to be a deliberate making of a mountain out of a molehill by that self obsessed witch Lydia

Same here. I thought Deana must have been getting graphic about menstruation while people were eating, but the remark she made was one I've heard loads of times, usually to men when they're being narky.


Lydia needs to choose her battles a little more carefully, the in-mates are beginning to cotton on to her.


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