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Rocking Ros Rose posted:
Kaytee posted:
kattymieoww posted:
Rocking Ros Rose posted:

katty quite enjoying Hussein temporarily stirring the pot

He's too bleeding obvious about it to be effective,if the housemates fall for it they are thicker than I thought.

I think he's thicker than most of them too....and a right plank

yes but its like wood meets wood 

Very true

Rocking Ros Rose posted:

Isobella so thinks she is gorgeous

True: although that seems to be her only fault at the moment, and I'm wondering if I was worrying unnecessarily.


Brooke's whispering when she entered doesn't seem to have gone further than "She was in the same audition as me". I'm still a bit concerned though about Isabella's comments just prior to entering (not shown tonight) when she basically implied that the bio info that Emma was reading out was a load of nonsense...

Eugene's Lair
Senora Reyes posted:

I'm enjoying watching Hussein wind them up. He's a knob, a very irritaing one.

He's trying to be too many former hms rolled into one..Rex was the master of food list, Freddy was better at getting them all wound up, Sezer was even better at being 'king' of the house  He's just a copycat

Last edited by Bethni

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