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Kaytee posted:
Eugene's Lair posted:
Kaytee posted:
Bethni posted:

Evening EC 

Why does Lewis, Zoe and co get off so easy when they talk noms ? 

Punishment coming but it's rubbish

Remember when they used to do proper punishments, like preventing them from nominating? 

Yes and getting put up for eviction 

yes bliddy Lewis can't do anything wrong

Rocking Ros Rose
Eugene's Lair posted:
Senora Reyes posted:
kimota posted:

Evening all.      

Well said Sian. I'm liking her more and more now we see her more often.

Favourite female 

TBH though, there's not a lot of competition left in there... 

True.. I didn't like her when she was permanently attached to Issac but since he went, I find her very genuine.

Senora Reyes


I guess the housemates can play up to the cameras as much as they want, it's all down to C5 editing. They are totally in charge of the narrative and I suspect we are manipulated to think in a certain way.


In reality Lewis is a delight, Cameron the life and soul and an astute comedian, Tomasz a modern day raconteur and Brooke a complete bitch.


Enthusiastic Contrafibularities
Last edited by Enthusiastic Contrafibularities

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