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Baz posted:
Bethni posted:
Senora Reyes posted:

Why does Lewis dress like a Harvard student on eviction night? I bet those glasses do not have a prescription...

I went to uni with a girl who wore plain glass in her specs, she thought they made her look brighter.....she forgot she was wearing them and walked into a glass door,split her nose wide and had 18 stitches. 


Senora Reyes
Bethni posted:
Baz posted:
Bethni posted:
Senora Reyes posted:

Why does Lewis dress like a Harvard student on eviction night? I bet those glasses do not have a prescription...

I went to uni with a girl who wore plain glass in her specs, she thought they made her look brighter.....she forgot she was wearing them and walked into a glass door,split her nose wide and had 18 stitches. 

You can just tell what my gang were like Baz, can't you?  

I blame the poteen  


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