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Re the 6 month old baby boy who was blown into the sea yesterday and was successfully rescued. I hadn't realised until the lunchtime news that this took place at Watchet Harbour in Somerset.


I know I've posted this before but it brought back memories of the holiday we had at Blue Anchor back in the 60s. One day my parents, my brother and I started walking along the beach eastwards from Blue Anchor. Much of the walk has cliffs by it and we started to get a bit worried by the incoming tide. We had gone too far to even think about returning to Blue Anchor and we just kept on. We did reach Watchet Harbour in safety. We had to wait for some time for a bus to come along to take us back to Blue Anchor so we bought some fish and chips and ate them while sitting on the harbour wall.

El Loro
evening What a busy day! There's a bag log of over due customers to sort out now, the weather last week being the main reason! Most were very polite about it though Yogi I'm pleased you didn't get soaked today sounds like you were busy! El, those chalet houses look very nice, I don't think I would choose to buy one though. Not unless i was to fall in love with the inside Your beach story made me shiver, I've always been scared of that kind of thing. I think it's because I saw some characters drown in Catherine cooksons 15 streets, as a child, when my mum was watching it. It spooked me! The fish & chips part of it sounded good though. What does everyone order if they visit the fish shop? I usually get fish & chips but if I'm not very hungry I often just get a battered sausage
~Sparkling Summer~

Hello all


the documentary  is on again on Wednesday about Mark Knopfler Ei Loro


must say seems a little strange venturing on other threads , apart from the usual big brother ones ,just a little about me to you  I love animals ,three two dogs one cat 

the thing Is the cat never seems to get mentioned  and quite right too she Is above these things you see ,


lovely to meet you all ..right come on puss 








My eldest son always says he feels better once his back has "popped", I guess it takes the tension out of the muscles?

I am having a lazy evening. I have been browsing online at knitting patterns and am thinking of starting again. Only problem is, Mr Yogi threw out all my patterns and kneedles when we emptied the loft before we floored it, so I'll have to buy everything from scratch. In fairness to Mr Yogi, I hadn't done any knitting for over a decade.


Good morning everyone, it's been awful weather here too so it must be fairly countrywide.  Loads of rain and very high winds.  I don't blame Keira not wanting to go out in it at all, nor do I and I am hoping that when I have to go out a little later on it will have eased slightly.


That knitting pattern looks fascinating.  I wonder how they get that body, it looks brushed, so smooth.


Thank goodness that baby was rescued, I never understand why people take babies so close to the sea on windy days.


Hope it's a little less busy today Summer.

Good morning a very mild day here most of the snow has melted too, I've never been so pleased to see grey pavements I actually got to walk bramble this morning instead of stumble/slide/tip toe with her I'm useless with babies but even I have enough common sense to not take one out in a storm- I hope the mother is alright, she may have post natal depression or something. I hope they've checked her over, I'm sure she feels awful about it regardless El- was yesterday the 200th anniversary of when pride & prejudice was first published? I fell asleep watching it again last night, one minute Elizabeth was talking to Charlotte about her upcoming nuptials to mr Colins and the next thing I knew she was at pemberly bumping into a soaking wet mr Darcy
~Sparkling Summer~

Love the Mr Darcy clip, El.


The wind and rain have returned with a vengeance. I hope there is less tain where you all are.


I went out and bought a couple of knitting patterns, some needles and some yarn and have started knitting again. Between the knitting and the marmalade making, I am rapidly morphing into Hilda from Ever Decreasing Circles.

Originally Posted by Yogi19:

Love the Mr Darcy clip, El.


The wind and rain have returned with a vengeance. I hope there is less tain where you all are.


I went out and bought a couple of knitting patterns, some needles and some yarn and have started knitting again. Between the knitting and the marmalade making, I am rapidly morphing into Hilda from Ever Decreasing Circles.

I see what you mean:

El Loro

Thanks Yogi, nice to be back x
Havent read back yet, but those puppies are so beautiful, Summer
Lucky here to have missed the snow, but had very bad rain and cold wind. Very mild just now. 
I have forgotten how to knit, was casting on for Granddaughter, trying to show her, but forgotten how to cast off! Nice to show the younger ones how to do it, if only i can remember !


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