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My youngest grandson muddied the waters a bit just now (he is on split shift today) by saying that he was finishing at 3pm on Christmas Day but that sounds like a nightmare to me, it will take him at least half an hour to get home, that's if the buses are running.  I have 2 chickens to cook, veggies to prepare, I have to pick them up, finish the cooking with their help, have the meal, clear up and run them home.  So I think we are plumping for the 21st instead, less hassle.  It's also a bit up in the air as to whether my eldest grandson is going to stay for a few days with his Dad in Essex so maybe the 21st is best.


Hi all, 
Nativity  was lovely, all the children dressed in  appropriate costumes and did their parts well. Granddaughter kept sticking her tongue out . and Joseph had a fit of the giggles, and apparently there WAS room at the Inn  
I think an early night for all of us is called for !
Glad your thread is stickied Summer, all comes well in the end x 

Squiggle and Yogi, what can i say? Have a cuddle  
El, i will let someone else win the race this year...... 
Hi Pirate x 

Originally Posted by squiggle:

My youngest grandson muddied the waters a bit just now (he is on split shift today) by saying that he was finishing at 3pm on Christmas Day but that sounds like a nightmare to me, it will take him at least half an hour to get home, that's if the buses are running.  I have 2 chickens to cook, veggies to prepare, I have to pick them up, finish the cooking with their help, have the meal, clear up and run them home.  So I think we are plumping for the 21st instead, less hassle.  It's also a bit up in the air as to whether my eldest grandson is going to stay for a few days with his Dad in Essex so maybe the 21st is best.

Aww Squiggle, your head must be spinning with all the arrangements.

Originally Posted by Skylark24:

Hi all, 
Nativity  was lovely, all the children dressed in  appropriate costumes and did their parts well. Granddaughter kept sticking her tongue out . and Joseph had a fit of the giggles, and apparently there WAS room at the Inn  
I think an early night for all of us is called for !
Glad your thread is stickied Summer, all comes well in the end x 

Squiggle and Yogi, what can i say? Have a cuddle  
El, i will let someone else win the race this year...... 
Hi Pirate x 

Nativity sounds just perfect to me, Skylark.


Skylark, I'm pleased the Nativity went well


Squiggle, my Christmas meal arrangements are a lot simpler to sort out as it's just my brother here. He comes down on Sunday 23rd in time for lunch and goes back after lunch on Thursday 27th. That is because he is having to work on either side of that period. Of course that is dependent on the weather where the newspapers are busy trying to panic everyone.


Latest Met Office long term forecast for the country (which of course will almost certainly change):


UK Outlook for Wednesday 12 Dec 2012 to Friday 21 Dec 2012:

Most indications suggest that the start of the period will be cold across all areas, with temperatures generally significantly below average. There should be some dry weather, but showers are possible almost anywhere in the UK. These may be a wintry mix of sleet and hail on windward coasts, but are likely to fall as snow anywhere inland. Widespread overnight frosts are likely, with a risk of ice and freezing fog in places. Although details are very uncertain, there are signs that less cold air will try to spread in from the southwest from the middle of the month. This may bring outbreaks of rain to some areas, and potentially some persistent snowfall where this rain meets the cold air already in place across the UK.


UK Outlook for Saturday 22 Dec 2012 to Saturday 5 Jan 2013:

There is a great deal of uncertainty in the forecast, but there are indications of more unsettled weather during this period. Temperatures will generally be a little below average for the time of year, although they may recover to nearer normal by the New Year. The signal for rain and snowfall amounts and distribution shows a high degree of uncertainty. On balance, it seems most likely that many areas will receive average amounts of rain. With temperatures generally below average, this would suggest that there is a increased chance of snow.

Issued at: 1600 on Fri 7 Dec 2012

El Loro

Yogi, it won't be traditional in the sense of roasting a turkey as that's not practical for just 2 people and I don't want to spend lots of time cooking leaving my brother unattended as he could get up to mischief.


So I will be getting mainly M&S food varying from day to day depending on what's available when I shop, use by dates, and what I like the look of at the time. It's likely to be chicken based.


I already have the cake, a repeat of last year's as that was good:

and will also have individual Christmas puddings and mince pies.

El Loro
Originally Posted by El Loro:

Yogi, it won't be traditional in the sense of roasting a turkey as that's not practical for just 2 people and I don't want to spend lots of time cooking leaving my brother unattended as he could get up to mischief.


So I will be getting mainly M&S food varying from day to day depending on what's available when I shop, use by dates, and what I like the look of at the time. It's likely to be chicken based.


I already have the cake, a repeat of last year's as that was good:

and will also have individual Christmas puddings and mince pies.

Apart from the prawns, my Christmas dinner will be coming from M&S too.

Aaaaaaaw hello Kia! you're beautiful look at her eyes Thanks for uploading it skylark the nativity sounds delightful, I'm pleased it all went well Squiggle your dinner arrangements sounds I hope a nice simple solution to suit all can be settled on- is the little chef working or helping with the meal..? I'm heading out somewhere special for the evening, will report back later for yogi & El- I too will be getting a M&S cake Sweet dreams all who turn in before I night owl
~Sparkling Summer~

A lovely photo of Kia Skylark, she has very kind eyes.


Summer I think I've got it squared away now, we're all set to eat on the 21st.  Our little chef will bring his expertise to bear on the roast parsnips and roasties (with my advice) whilst everyone else mucks in.  I have got the orders sorted (hopefully) and just have to nip out in the days before to get the chickens.  I can do the bread sauce and stuffing in advance as I am out to lunch the day before.


Have a great evening

Originally Posted by squiggle:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:

Squiggle, what will you do on Christmas Day, since you are having Christmas dinner on 21st? Will your daughter still visit you?

No but I am not worried, people will phone and I will have some sort of special lunch and a nice peaceful day.  I am fine with my own company, but thanks for asking.

thanks yogi, I hope you had a lovely bath and sleep well I've had a lovely evening- we went to beamish museum! They're doing 3 Christmas nights before Xmas, and it was lovely. I went on a steam galloper Skylark, lol, you're not mad! I tell Bramble She is my best friend, and that I love her. Every day Squiggle, I'm sure you are quite fine in Your own company ( I am, and i like my alone time too) but I'll Be around on here I'm sure, so we can Do a virtual dinner if you like mr summer and I are at home, just us, with bramble. It will be easy to pop in & out on my phone
~Sparkling Summer~

Good morning everyone. It's frosty outside. Brrrrr!

I fell asleep at 11.30pm but woke at 5.20am - better than the previous night.

Summer, was everything all Edwardian/Victorian and Christmassy? It sounds fabulous and I'm glad you enjoyed it.


Mr Yogi is working part of Christmas Day, so I will certainly have time to pop in here too - virtual Christmas dinner sounds good.


Good morning everyone, a lovely sunny day here today, although cold, I hope it's sunny where you are too.


I am glad you slept better Yogi, do you feel more rested?


How lovely a virtual dinner on Christmas Day and Yogi to pop in and out too it's a date.  I am going to M & S for some food bits next week so I will pop some treats in.  I have my eye on Coquille St Jacques from them, maybe for a starter if I remember rightly it's scallops in a cream sauce with a little mashed potato piped around, that's if they have it.


The Beamish Museum sounds wonderful, a steam galloper, did they have that wonderful music Summer?  I only found out how to pronounce the name of that - a calliope - from Blinded By The Light by Manfred Mann.  For years I thought it was calleyope to rhyme with soap




From Wiki:


The pronunciation of the word 'calliope' has long been disputed. The Greek muse by the same name is pronounced /kəˈlaÉŠ.əpiː/ kə-LY-ə-pee, but the instrument was generally pronounced /ˈkÃĶli.oʊp/ KAL-ee-ohp. A nineteenth century magazine, Reedy's Mirror, attempted to settle the dispute by publishing this rhyme:

Proud folk stare after me,

Call me Calliope;

Tooting joy, tooting hope,

I am the calliope.

El Loro

I spotted this article in the local paper today:


KAITLIN Milisic was overjoyed when a six-hour operation allowed her to walk again.

The 12-year-old from Bishop's Cleeve was born prematurely and was soon diagnosed with cerebral palsy, which affects the lower part of her body.

Like any little girl, she wanted to play and enjoy life, but the disease, which disrupts nerve signals between the brain and muscles, slowly stole her ability to walk and by the time she turned 10, she was reliant on a wheelchair.

Now, after surgery at the John Radcliffe Hospital in Oxford put new tendons into her knees, Kaitlin is back on her feet, albeit with a walker.

Her mother Amanda Baker, 39, said: "It brought tears to our eyes, just to see her walking again."

Kaitlin said: "It's great to be walking again but some times I get a bit tired.

"When my parents told me I was going to have the operation, I got a bit scared but I am glad I had it done.

"My parents help me a lot. They try to push me so I can get the best of everything and my brothers and sisters are always there supporting me."

Mum Amanda said she was extremely proud of the way Kaitlin, who currently goes to Cleeve School part time, had fought on.

She said: "She is a happy little girl. Kaitlin is such a strong characterand very brave."

"She started walking just on the balls of her feet, and started to need the wheelchair when she was 10."

"Seeing her new posture, standing up, was overwhelming. We have just sheer admiration for her."

Kaitlin, who went to Woodmancote Primary School, tried to stand again 10 days after her operation, which also saw bone transfers put in her feet to create an instep, staples into her foot, and titanium at the top of her legs.

And one of the first things she did when she returned home was to make her stepfather Philip Baker a cup of coffee.

She has now started working with various groups in school, including giving a talk to Sixth Form pupils about her disability, and working with Gloucestershire Highways to install a crossing outside the school.

Liam Edwards, a special education needs co-ordinator (SENco) at Cleeve School, said: "Kaitlin is an enthusiastic and determined student, who has involved herself fully in the life of the school.

"She is a member of the school council and participates in dance and other house events. I have been hugely impressed with her passion for learning and her determination to succeed.

"Everyone at Cleeve has loved working with her."

Assistant headteacher David Laughlin also paid tribute to the 12-year-old's determination.

He said: "Kaitlin's resilience is among her most impressive characteristics."

Family support was key to Kaitlin's recovery, and with six other siblings at home with her, she is well-taken care of.

Older sister Emily Baker, 18, said: "She is so brave. It's surprising to see her now on her feet."

Amanda added: "I hope my girl starts walking fully again. It has been a most surreal journey."


  1. "STRONG CHARACTER" Kaitlin Milisic, 12, from Bishop's Cleeve

    Kaitlin Milisic, 12, from Bishop's Cleeve

SPECIAL DELIVERY: Kaitlin Milisic gives step dad Phil Baker a cup of coffee and below Kaitlin and Phil with mum Amanda and sister Mikki

SPECIAL DELIVERY: Kaitlin Milisic gives step dad Phil Baker a cup of coffee

  1.  Kaitlin and Phil with mum Amanda and sister Mikki

    Kaitlin and Phil with mum Amanda and sister Mikki


El Loro
Evening sorry I'm late today, had a very busy day at work and I'm also really sad the bunny was put to sleep today. Mr summer has buried her in the garden. I'm not sorry though, she would have deteriorated and eventually starved to death, putting her to sleep now was the right thing to do 10 years is a long time though, I'll miss her Yogi, aw yes, the decor at beamish was very traditional and I loved it! We'll definitely go next year Squiggle, lovely bauble, I saw it on my iPad so it was extra sparkly! Christmas Day dinner is a date El, lovely poem you would enjoy beamish I'm sure Skylark I hope you're having a nice relaxing weekend
~Sparkling Summer~
Originally Posted by ~Sweet Winter Wonderland~:
Thanks yogi That's what makes me feel alright about it, she's had a good life, and a long one at that. It's going to be strange seeing the hutch without her in it though, and poor Howard has never been alone before bless him Have you had a good day?

You'll need to give Howard a few extra cuddles.


My day has been good (and a bit lazy, if I'm honest).

Middle son paid us a visit in the afternoon, then his fianceÃĐ came to pick him up after she finished work. 

Mr Yogi is working tonight, so I didn't cook for myself and I had a Chinese instead. Yum!


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