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Talking of needing to be patient on making a model, it is unlikely that anything will ever beat the work of Plamen Ingatov of Bulgaria. This clip is of his matchstick model of Rila Monastery. The clip consists of photos of the model and of the actual monastery. Although the clip is Bulgarian, nothing is said so no translation is needed.


This is clearly a labour of love for the artist. It is made up of around 6 million matchsticks and took him 16 years to work on it.


David Reynolds of Southampton is also a matchstick modeller and got into the papers a few years ago with his model of an oilrig and is shown in the Guinness Book of Records as the creator of the biggest model, but that is 4 million matchsticks made over 15 years.



El Loro
Monkey nuts hope you feel better after a good rest skylark and hope things calm down for you real soon Yogi I had to chuckle at your cross stitch comment my mum would appreciate that El, could you origami me a giant Santa, sleigh & reindeer troupe please! Squiggle, could we have an update on your little chef please? And how's the grandson who is injured- is he recovering? I caught up with the news, there's so much destruction it must have been terrifying
~Sparkling Summer~

Good morning everyone, all the Christmas shopping seems to be going well with everyone.  It is much more difficult to find stocking fillers as children grow up and my grandsons always want money which is plain boring.  We used to have this when they were smaller which we always made a little display of with greenery and tinsel etc.  Santa's Marching Band played 40 Christmas tunes, they hit the little bells.  The boys loved it but it drove our daughter potty, she's not a very Christmassy sort of person.



I haven't heard a word from our budding little chef which I take as a very good sign that he is working like mad to get his career off the ground.  I expect to hear many good things in the future and it's such a weight off my mind to know that now he has a chance to build a good future for himself.


My other grandson is still in quite a bit of pain from his shoulder and after careful thought I have bought a neoprene shoulder support for him.  I know he has to use the arm as much as possible but it needs to heal too and the heat from the support and the support that he will get will, I think, aid the healing process.  I have also downloaded some exercises he can do to build up the muscles supporting the rotator cuff (the shoulder joint) so that there is less chance of it happening again.  The really good news is that he has his first driving lesson next Tuesday (we have waited 2 months for our chosen instructor to be free) and that he tested himself on the computer for the theory part of the test and only failed by 2 questions which for his first attempt is pretty good I think.


I am glad all is going well at your sister's house and it's nice to hear of builders doing a good job Skylark.



Good morning 55 sleeps to go! Those origami sets are fantastic, and to think I was kidding when I requested them they must be very tricky to make, a great find El Aw I bet minilark looks adorable in her witches costume, skylark I hope you both have a great time Squiggle, you're so thoughtful, I hope your grandson takes up your suggested exercises and it helps him recover. The poor thing, it sounds very uncomfortable Hope you hear from the little chef soon, I'm rooting for him I've already walked bramble and skyped my mum, but I'm now putting off housework.. It must be done though because MIL is coming to get her hair done in 2 hours! Someone give me a kick!
~Sparkling Summer~

Got a letter from BT saying sorry i was leaving them and my account would be cancelled on Nov 2nd  I phoned them, and apparently another company had said it was taking over my line! The chap said this is called "slamming" and is becoming more common. Thank goodness i got the letter and sorted it out, i would have been in a right pickle. He said BT are looking into this practice.

Hope you are getting on with the housework Summer, consider yourself kicked!
Have left wee one at nursery for the party and will collect her later x 


Skylark, I'm relieved that you got the BT letter and was able to stop whoever it was taking over your line

I wonder re your post on the 19th:

if the call was not from BT but the company who was conning you into switching.


Whenever I get phone calls from outfits claiming that they can cut my phone costs as soon as I point out that I'm with Virgin they generally lose interest.


Squiggle, that was very thoughtful to get the support for your grandson's shoulder and the exercises. I hope the driving lessons go well.


I've finally finished that big job I've been working on and have sent my bill. I'm starting to catch up on other clients work. I sent off a letter yesterday afternoon to that person who rang me on Sunday evening and started complaining about fees - I've sacked him.

El Loro
Skylark, I've never heard of this slamming scam. Yet another thing we need to watch out for Squiggle, glad to hear chef grandson is keeping busy and that your other grandson is healing. Good idea about downloading the exercises for him Wish him luck with the driving lessons when he starts. El, I think you did the right thing, sacking that guy

I agree with Yogi about you sacking that guy EL, he sounds a nightmare, you don't need that.


How shocking about that slamming, whatever will they get up to next?


My youngest grandson had a day off today so they both came over.  The budding chef looks happy and settled and seems to be doing very well.  It made me laugh because when the guy replaced my Sky dish he pointed out a couple of saplings that he said could block the signal when they are in full leaf.  As they were self seeded and were only going to get bigger I talked to my eldest grandson about taking them down.  I ordered a new tree saw and it came this afternoon, he was so thrilled at the look of it that he dashed straight out and cut down a tree, it was pouring with rain as well you have to laugh but he's a real sweetheart to help.  He is hoping to pop back at the weekend to finish off the job.


Yes El, you may be right re your post 15.40. I have never heard of slamming before this.

Glad your grandsons are doing well squiggle x
Wee one had a lovely time at the nursery party, she is in bed exhausted, i love the dark nights !!  I hope i dont get trick or treaters(we call them guisers here) at the door to wake her up! It,s very quiet here just now so touch wood ......


El, I like the little Hallowe'en audio clips.


I hope you don't get any guisers waking up the wee one, Skylark.

I haven't had any knocks on the door tonight, I think the weather has kept them at home.


to your grandson for cutting dowm the saplings, Squiggle. What is it with lads and saws, hammers etc?


Summer, I hope you have had a good day. Did you manage to find gifts for Ava and her mum last night?


I had about 40 minutes sleep last night, so if I disappear, you'll know I've conked out. I've had a bath, got my PJs on and am in bed, just in case I nod off.


It's the second series Skylark, the first one was really good, I find things like that interesting.  Wasn't that woman last week a nightmare, she was a terrible hoarder and she had 5 sheds and she insisted on taking everything with her even a dead piece of wood   And her new home is much smaller, I don't know where she is going to put it all.

Originally Posted by squiggle:

It's the second series Skylark, the first one was really good, I find things like that interesting.  Wasn't that woman last week a nightmare, she was a terrible hoarder and she had 5 sheds and she insisted on taking everything with her even a dead piece of wood   And her new home is much smaller, I don't know where she is going to put it all.

Oh I didnt know it is the 2nd series. Yes that woman and all her stuff , I wonder if she has unpacked it all yet!!! x


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