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Good morning everyone it looks like it will be similar to yesterday and although we had quite a few showers we did have some sunshine.

My grandson has been so busy trimming the tops off some of our trees after a neighbour who lives above us told him they were blocking her sea view. And he's terrified of heights!

Enjoy your day everyone


Good morning everyone

A bit of sunshine here, more rain forecast.

Velvet, my mother had a recurring dream as well. She is walking along a long corridor towards a door at the end - she knows that something dreadful will happen if she opens that door. She would always wake up before she got to that door so never knew what was on the other side of that door.

I hope everyone has a good day

El Loro

Velvet, I wouldn't attempt to analyse dreams.
When I was a child I dreamed that I was a green pea, that I was in the gutter on the road running by the church hall that I went to when I was a cub. It was raining and I was being swept towards the drain. Woke up before I actually went into the drain. Told my parents my dream and they burst into laughter

El Loro
@El Loro posted:

Velvet, I wouldn't attempt to analyse dreams.
When I was a child I dreamed that I was a green pea, that I was in the gutter on the road running by the church hall that I went to when I was a cub. It was raining and I was being swept towards the drain. Woke up before I actually went into the drain. Told my parents my dream and they burst into laughter

I'm always back at the old house. They are cleaning the engine out my mums car. Sometimes it scary sometimes it's not. Mad.

You'll never be int drain El. Said  in my best Yorkshire accent   


Evening all

I did housework in the morning then continued to binge watch my Danish drama.

Squiggle, your grandson did very well with the trees, considering he doesn’t like heights

Gents, I rarely remember my dreams, unless it’s of the nightmare varietyâ€Ķ..and then I wake up MrY to give me a hug

I hope you have all had a good day

@Yogi19 posted:

Evening all

I did housework in the morning then continued to binge watch my Danish drama.

Squiggle, your grandson did very well with the trees, considering he doesn’t like heights

Gents, I rarely remember my dreams, unless it’s of the nightmare varietyâ€Ķ..and then I wake up MrY to give me a hug

I hope you have all had a good day

Hi Yogi

What‘s this Danish drama you have watching?

Aww, that really sweet

My day has been much better than yesterday fankoo


Watching a Sky Arts documentary I recorded called "Dante and the Invention of Hell".
It's extraordinary though has to be regarded as an introduction to Dante's first part of his "Divine Comedy" known as the Inferno, as it's a mere 50 minutes long.
The word "comedy" at the time meant something rather different than it does now, basically something which ultimately ended relatively happily.
Documentary can be seen on DailyMotion:

El Loro
@El Loro posted:

Watching a Sky Arts documentary I recorded called "Dante and the Invention of Hell".
It's extraordinary though has to be regarded as an introduction to Dante's first part of his "Divine Comedy" known as the Inferno, as it's a mere 50 minutes long.
The word "comedy" at the time meant something rather different than it does now, basically something which ultimately ended relatively happily.
Documentary can be seen on DailyMotion:

I meant to record that, El.


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