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@Yogi19 posted:

Evening all

Cloudy in the morning then showery in the afternoon. Quite glad to see the rain as it meant I didn’t need to water the seeds I planted

Aberdeen Standard Life must be nuts to rebrand to that vowel-less nonsense.
I hope you’ve all had a good day

Hi and bye Yogi

What a stupid idea

My day was good, I hope yours was too


Good morning gorgeous people! I hope you’re all well, safe and cheerful how are you all?

I’m enjoying a lovely lay in, it feels great! Returning to work has been manic, but the mad rush is over and we should begin to ease into a more steady flow now. I’m glad it’s just me these days and I’m no longer responsible for an entire business. My new colleagues are lovely, it’s a great place to be

and I’m other news, I’ve been doing yoga teacher training online! I’ve completed the coursework and now only have my final exam video to prepare and do.. I’ve really enjoyed the course, it’s something I’ve always wanted to do but real life got in the way. Being able to study from home is one of the great silver linings of the pandemic- thank god for the internet

~Sparkling Summer~
@Moonie posted:

They’ve messed with the screen format again El?

That's just on this anniversary theme which Lori will have just for today. Same theme as previous years but this is the first time since the format of the forum changed last June.

@Moonie posted:

Some of the writing like (more) at the end of each post is very hard to see

I had noticed that as well. I've put a comment about this to Lori on the anniversary topic

El Loro
@El Loro posted:

If Cheltenham draw or win their match this evening with Carlisle, they will be promoted.
This is the game in hand over the 4 sides which could catch up with them. This evening's matches in League 2 are all fixtures which should have been played some weeks ago but were postponed for a variety of reasons.

Good luck to Cheltenham El. I shall keep everything crossed and keep an eye on the scores

@Moonie posted:

Good luck to Cheltenham El. I shall keep everything crossed and keep an eye on the scores

Moonie, it's one of those games where any result is possible as Carlisle will be going for a win to have any chance of getting in to the play offs for the 4th promotion place. They had been in a better position bur they have only had four points from their last 5 games.

El Loro
@El Loro posted:

Moonie, it's one of those games where any result is possible as Carlisle will be going for a win to have any chance of getting in to the play offs for the 4th promotion place. They had been in a better position bur they have only had four points from their last 5 games.

I still think you will at least get the required point though El

Last edited by Moonie

Good morning everyone

Very cloudy here, has been raining and more rain is forecast for today.

Thanks Moonie and Ros re Cheltenham
Although Cheltenham are the first team to be promoted this season, there are two other teams who are also in contention to be champions - Cambridge and Bolton.

I hope everyone has a good day

El Loro
@El Loro posted:

Good morning everyone

Very cloudy here, has been raining and more rain is forecast for today.

Thanks Moonie and Ros re Cheltenham
Although Cheltenham are the first team to be promoted this season, there are two other teams who are also in contention to be champions - Cambridge and Bolton.

I hope everyone has a good day

You’re welcome

It would be nice to be top of the tree but promotion is far more important

Last edited by Moonie

Good morning all a cloudy one here, I have enjoyed the sunshine lately

ha- isn’t it funny how I just happened to turn up on the anniversary day?!

what are you all doing today?

Good morning Sweet

Very coincidental

The weather has turned here. Its cool, wet and a little breezy so I am not going to venture out

I hope you and Miss Bramble are okay 🐕 ðŸūðŸū


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