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"Red Beard" was a name used by another pirate - Barbarossa,
"Yellowbeard" - that's a fictional pirate played by Graham Chapman in the comedy film of that name.
"Bluebeard" was a fictional serial killer of women but not a pirate.
"Grey Beard" is sometimes used to give a name to the ancient mariner of Coleridge's "The Rime of the Ancient Mariner"
I think those are the better known ones though there's a "Greenbeard" on one of the "Pirates of the Carribean" films and a "Whitebeard" in some Japanese anime animation,

El Loro
@El Loro posted:

"Red Beard" was a name used by another pirate - Barbarossa,
"Yellowbeard" - that's a fictional pirate played by Graham Chapman in the comedy film of that name.
"Bluebeard" was a fictional serial killer of women but not a pirate.
"Grey Beard" is sometimes used to give a name to the ancient mariner of Coleridge's "The Rime of the Ancient Mariner"
I think those are the better known ones though there's a "Greenbeard" on one of the "Pirates of the Carribean" films and a "Whitebeard" in some Japanese anime animation,

What a mind of “bearded” information you are El 


Good morning everyone  

It’s a bright and breezy start to the day here. The sun is out. It’s supposed to be a pleasant day with a high of 21° 

First batch of washing is on the line. Good start to the day 

Nothing else planned for the day 


El, I heard that about “A Question of Sport” on the news earlier 

I hope you all have a nice Sunday 

@El Loro posted:

Moonie, I think it's highly likely that there will be pressure on the producers of "A Question of Sport" to select captains other than white males. Excluding guest captains, it's been always white males throughout the 50 years of the programme. There's a requirement in the BBC charter to increase diversity.

I used to watch back in the day but haven’t tuned in for years. I’m thinking you’re right about the new presenter. 

@Yogi19 posted:

Evening all 

Breezy and showery in the morning but the sun arrived in the afternoon - thanks Squiggle, El and Moonie

Well done for getting so much washing done, Moonie 
El, I’m sad for Sue Barker and the two captains of AQOS. 
I hope you’ve all had a good day.



You is most welcome  

Not only all done but all dry and folded too 


Good morning everyone

Expected to be sunny and rather warm here (27°)

Yogi, I get the impression that Sue Barker and the captains of AQOS have been dropped by the producers. Producers want to take it in a new direction. For some years AQOS has been a very good natured programme and enjoyable to watch.

I hope everyone has a good day

El Loro

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