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@Moonie posted:

Hi Yogi 

A cold wet day here 

Yogi > 🤓 🤔 maybe not 

 I’ve rolled up a tissue and put it under the bottom of the frames and things are perfect now.....even though I look ridiculous 🙈😂

@Yogi19 posted:

 I’ve rolled up a tissue and put it under the bottom of the frames and things are perfect now.....even though I look ridiculous 🙈😂

If it works, for now, then well done to you  

@El Loro posted:

Poetry across Gloucester:

It's been curated by Luke Jerram. If that name rings a bell, he's the man who did the large moon display which has toured the country and abroad.

love that EL especially the spiral poem-fantastic photos

Rocking Ros Rose

Good morning everyone


A sunnier day here but not warm - centrak heating came on first thing.


Yogi, I hope you get your new glasses adjusted soon


Ros, I agree with you about the spiral poem being the best. I has seen photos on my local news site a few days ago but they didn't show the complete poem.


I hope everyone has a good day

El Loro

Good morning everyone  


It’s quite cold here. A stiff breeze. The weather forecast say no rain but let’s see how it pans out throughout the day 

Shopping done. Washing in the washer. Me sorted, for now 


Have a great day one and all  


Well done Moonie on getting your shopping and washing done


Must be the shortest gap ever between the 2019/20 season ending (last Sunday - Champions League final) and the 2020/21 season starting this weekend with the Community Shield matches - that's for English football  - not elsewhere. I'm aware that the Scottish season started at the beginning of the month.


By the way, Kairat sunk Noah 4-1, not even an ark to save them this time.

El Loro
@El Loro posted:

Well done Moonie on getting your shopping and washing done


Must be the shortest gap ever between the 2019/20 season ending (last Sunday - Champions League final) and the 2020/21 season starting this weekend with the Community Shield matches - that's for English football  - not elsewhere. I'm aware that the Scottish season started at the beginning of the month.


By the way, Kairat sunk Noah 4-1, not even an ark to save them this time.

Thanks El 


Good morning everyone it's an odd sky this morning, clouds like a lattice. I can see the blue sky through them. Mad Mad World on tomorrow afternoon I think I will have to watch, can't resist. 


Enjoy your day everyone


Good morning everyone


Sunny here after a cold night.


I did start watching that mad mad world film years ago but gave up as I didn't like it and it's long at 2 hours 30 minutes.


I hope everyone has a good day

El Loro

Good morning everyone  

A sunny start to the day here. Cool though as I found out when I put my washing from yesterday out on the line 


I think I remember watching that film El and squiggle 

Have a great day on this last weekend of summer  

@Yogi19 posted:

Evening all 

We had a mix of cloudy spells and sunny spells today. It was a bit colder and there is a definite autumnal feel in the air.

I hope you’ve all had a good day 

Hi Yogi 

I managed to dry all me washing so that’s made me a happy 🐰🤣


Good morning everyone


Cloudier here than yesterday, slightly warmer than yesterday.


Watched "Casbah" (1948). An odd film as it's a cross between a crime film and a musical. Some good scenes but not a success. Notable for the song "For ever man there's a woman" which was written for the film and years later was a hit for Frank Sinatra.


I hope everyone has a good day

El Loro

I went and did I shone shopping at the local shop, which is all I have done since the pandemic. Appropriately attired of course 

Oh, I found some washing to be done too. That’s in the washer 


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