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good evening! I’ve decided to stop being a workaholic and to come say hello I hope you’re all safe & well  

re-opening has been intense but I’ve had wonderful support off of my lovely loved ones. My mum has Bramble during the day, which is good company for them both). Things are starting to feel “normal” now, despite being very different. The customers are the best, I’m loving the reunions with them  

what have I missed?’ 

~Sparkling Summer~

good evening! I’ve decided to stop being a workaholic and to come say hello I hope you’re all safe & well  

re-opening has been intense but I’ve had wonderful support off of my lovely loved ones. My mum has Bramble during the day, which is good company for them both). Things are starting to feel “normal” now, despite being very different. The customers are the best, I’m loving the reunions with them  

what have I missed?’ 

I am so pleased things are going well  

All is well with me fankoo 


We are thank you Moonie, I’ve been stressing but counting my blessings. I’m grateful for yoga to relax me 


hows things with you? 

Excellent Sweet 🙂

All is well in Moonieland fankoo 👍


Good morning everyone it's still cloudy, the weather can't seem to make up its mind. I'm glad you are coping Summer and that you are seeing your usual customers again , I can just imagine that they are very glad to see you. 


Enjoy your day everyone


Good morning everyone


Was a sunny start here, cloudy now, some sunshine forecast for later. Temperature expected to be back to average for July.


Summer, I'm glad all is going well


I hope everyone has a good day

El Loro

One of the oddest films ever made.

It's a home movie made by Ralph Barton in 1926 and is a version of Camille by Alexandre Dumas fils (his father wrote the various Musketeers books and the Count of Monte Cristo).
It's made from Barton's home movies he made so it's not the various people playing the characters as such.
It's totally silent and is only of interest to see the various people in it.


One of the people in it is Charlie Chaplin as Mike That's at 11 minutes 37 seconds in. That's how he looked when he wasn't acting so very different from what you normally see.


Lots of people in it who were well known back in the 1920s.

El Loro
@Moonie posted:

Good morning everyone  

Sunny but breezy start to the day here. We could reach a possible 24° 

Have a great day one and all 

24° as well. That's only one degree above the July average for here so hardly a heatwave

El Loro

Good morning everyone 

No sunshine for me, it’s showery. At least, you should get your washing on the line, Moonie.

Great pic of the sun, El.
Have a good day and stay safe, everyone.


Yogi, your showers move southwards. Looks as if there won't be any play in the test match at Manchester tomorrow, the rain band continues southwards and hits here for Saturday night and Sunday morning

El Loro
@Yogi19 posted:

Good morning everyone 

No sunshine for me, it’s showery. At least, you should get your washing on the line, Moonie.

Great pic of the sun, El.
Have a good day and stay safe, everyone.

Good morning Yogi 

*wafts some sunshine to Yogiland 

My washing is on the line 

You have a good day and stay safe too 


Good morning everyone it's a little cloudy this morning. I agree with Moonie and Ros I think sometimes scientists can be very insensitive with their experiments. These are living creatures, it's not just insects they do this to.


Enjoy your day everyone


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