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El Loro posted:

Apparently there are plans over the next few years for Gloucester to have the UK Retail Innovation Centre, It will be the national centre for testing and developing robotic security guards and holographic virtual employees. The intention is for this to be done by 2025.

 That sounds very interesting El 

I hope they don’t get as far as replacing accountants, well until you retire anyway 

Last edited by Moonie

Good morning and happy new year! I hope you all had a lovely evening. 

I’m currently recording β€œon the town” which is on channel 5, I’ve never seen it before and am looking forward to watching it later 

the weather is looking good so we’re off to the beach to blow away the cobwebs from last night πŸŽ‰


have a good day everyone 

~Sparkling Summer~
squiggle posted:

Flat earth seems to be gaining ground, one of the sillier notions becoming popular EL.

Thanks to this which was in the media at the time.
Of course he might have been misreported or not been serious or changed his mind by the next day.


The clip in my local news site article is easily disprovable. As the flat earth people don't accept that gravity exists, if they were right you wouldn't need to be in a plane to get off the ground. You could just jump up and you would keep on going upwards

El Loro

I mentioned that today is the 200th anniversary of Frankenstein. Here is the very first film adaptation from 1910. It's not the best film ever made, poor picture quality, and primitive acting. Hardly a faithful adaptation of the book. But it is surprisingly watchable and a rather different ending to versions you may have seen.


It's just as well that the film is of poor graphic quality and not in colour as the creation of the monster scene would have been really revolting.

El Loro
~Sweet Sequins & Sparkles~ posted:
Moonie posted:
~Sweet Sequins & Sparkles~ posted:

That’s lovely Moonie have you got a fresh Calendar? 


I haven’t as matter of fact Sweet 

you might one in the sales 

I love fresh calendars. One of my friends gave me one about friendship for Xmas, it’s really nice 


what are you doing tomorrow?

That sounds nice Sweet 

Nothing planned as the weather is supposed to be quite  bad here. What about you?


Yogi, the sky here has been like yours, grey and dark. The first band of rain has passed. Storm Eleanor due to arrive here about 7pm this evening - much of the country has weather warnngs though much of Scotland doesn't.


I gave my parents a bone china tea set for their china wedding anniversary. I was a student accountant at the time so on a low income but I got it at a discount as one of the cups had a slight blemish on it. My parents used it just for birthdays and Christmas.

El Loro
Last edited by El Loro

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