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Good morning everyone.    It's bright but cold here today.  Yogi, I will have a similar problem to you next Monday.  I will be waiting in for an engineer to come and check out a speaker fault on our enormous TV in the lounge and the best timing I can get is between 9.00 am and 5.00 pm!!  I would have thought they could at least say either am or pm.

Squiggle, I am certainly going to ask No.1 son to record Roman Holiday for me but if you could also do so as a backup in case he forgets I would be enternally grateful. 
Good morning Joyron.
 Yogi, I will have a similar problem to you next Monday. I will be waiting in for an engineer to come and check out a speaker fault on our enormous TV in the lounge and the best timing I can get is between 9.00 am and 5.00 pm!! I would have thought they could at least say either am or pm.
I agree with you. Surely they could narrow it down to morning or afternoon.
I bet they turn up at 4.50pm because we always seem to be at the end of the delivery routes.
Good morning everyone, great news Yogi, if our children and grandchildren meet the right person to share their life with its wonderful.  My eldest grandson is going out with a lovely girl, good-hearted and sweet natured and I know they are still very young but they are so right together.  I hope your son and his girlfriend 'buck the trend' and build a lifelong partnership.

Joyron I will be recording Roman Holiday for sure as I am eager to watch it (and it is way past my bedtime ) so just let me know if you want a copy sent   EL don't go walking in the fog whatever you do, we would miss you.
Good morning El Loro, good morning Squiggle.
Reference: Squiggle
Good morning everyone, great news Yogi, if our children and grandchildren meet the right person to share their life with its wonderful. My eldest grandson is going out with a lovely girl, good-hearted and sweet natured and I know they are still very young but they are so right together. I hope your son and his girlfriend 'buck the trend' and build a lifelong partnership.
Thank you Squiggle. They really do seem well-suited and I am hopeful that it will work out for them.
Yogi panics, where am I going to put the TV, I've only less than half an hour to find somewhere

Meanwhile, here the fog if anything is thicker than it was. At least the Met Office have now amended their forecast to say the it is foggy here, though scheduled to lift by 3 this afternoon, but it will return tonight. As you can guess the temperature today and tomorrow varies between -2 and +2.
El Loro
Skylark, maybe you could get your grandaughter to paint some colour on to the weather here in Gloucester Although the fog lifted for an hour or so just leaving a grey sky, it has already come down again. I'm glad I don't have to go out this evening as it looks as if it is going to be pretty dangerous driving conditions.
El Loro
Good evening everyone.    Yogi, I must apologise for not congratulating you sooner on the good news about your son and girlfriend deciding to moveinto together.  That's the trouble with not being able to quote.  You pick up on one thing you want to comment on and then forget the other!!!  I'm wish your son and his partner every happiness in their new life together. 

Squiggle, thank you for the offer of a recording of Roman Holiday.  I will let you know if I need it, but will brain No.1 son if he forgets to do it!!! 
Evening x      Yes the problem of not being able to quote does look as if we are ignoring comments, but i read everything and apologise for not replying to them. 
Talking of the artistic Granddaughter, i have her tonight and she is being strangely well behaved, no art work on walls, and as yet i havent ran around with a pen, but the night is young .....
Good morning El Loro, and all my lovely buddies. 

It's wet and dismal here today.  Don't think the weekend will be a lot better.  Hubby says he has a lot to do tomorrow to tidy up after the flood.  As well as cleaning up the muddy patios apparently the water got into the garage too so he needs to empty most of that out so that he can pressure wash the floor.  That should be fun!!!

Off to the shops in a while.  Hope you all have a good day. 
Good morning everyone.
Glad the fog has lifted in your area, El Loro. My DiL phoned last night and said it had been real "pea soup" weather near her work. We didn't see any fog here yesterday, in fact it was very clear and very frosty ( looks the same today).
Joyron, I think you should leave Mr J to his power-washing tomorrow, and find something else to do - inside the house, in the warm.
I can assure you all I won't be cleaning muddy patios tomorrow, or sorting out the garage. Outside the house is Hubby's domain. I look after the inside!!

Good for you, Joyron.

My hubby has decided to reinsulate and refloor the loft this weekend. (What I really mean is, hubby will "project manage" while my sons and their builder friend do the work).
This will require everything to be cleared out from the loft - and I'm not helping!
I have no idea where everything is going to go while they are working on the loft.
I may go into complete meltdown, as I don't cope well with chaos.

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