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Good morning everyone.


Weather is dry and quite chilly atm.


Ros, I agree with you about this year's IAC. Tinchy is the last of the nice ones and I reckon he'll go tonight.


I'm glad you enjoyed your evening, Summer.


Re the Gangnam Style video - youngest son's GF has a little nephew who was 3 years old when it was released and one of the cutest videos I've seen was of him doing his "Gangnam Style" moves.


Have a good day everyone.


Good morning El and Summer.


I haven't had any mince pies this year.... Yet!


I'm not sure what's happening at the weekend. If middle son and DiL are coming for dinner on Saturday, I might put up my Christmas tree and decs, as son is brilliant at doing my tree lights. Otherwise, I'll do it on Sunday. Still got some gift shopping to do, too - why are men so difficult to buy for?!


I'm sure your SiL will love her wreath.

Are you opting for Christmas red when you get your nails done?

Last edited by Yogi19

Good morning everyone, really threatening grey clouds and miserably drizzling and cold our there, I have plans to stay in


I don't like mince pies, although I used to bake 140 odd every year - well we all mucked in and had a little production line going, it was great.  I made the pastry and cut out the circles, hubby greased and lined the tins, daughter popped the filling in and put the lids on and egg washed them, sprinkled the sugar on and we all took turns putting them in the oven and taking them out again.  My hubby adored them, we used to freeze them and they lasted him until March.


I don't know who went from Jungle last night but I agree about horrible ones being left.  Michael was my winner sadly and Mel has been a real surprise.  I thought she was a sweetheart until she went in the jungle, I was sooo wrong!


I am glad you have a day off Summer, what colour will your SIL go for?  Would you believe I've never had a manicure, I'd love to have one, I just keep them trimmed and filed myself.  I am sure SIL will love her wreath.


You must post a picture of your Christmas tree when you get it up Yogi, so exciting for the little ones.


Hugs for Skylark, moonie and also velvet and pirate, MIA a bit lately and not forgetting lovely Ros too


Enjoy your day everyone


when I and my brother were children my mother baked a mincemeat tart at Christmas time. She made it using shortcrust pastry. Although she was not a great baker, the one thing she was good at was shortcrust pastry and the mincemeat tart was exceptionally nice. I've never had a mince pie since which matches what she was able to bake.


El Loro

Squiggle, I love the idea of the family production line for mince pies.

Some years I make my own and other years I buy them. I do enjoy eating them.


I've never had a manicure either. I'm quite clumsy and I'm always breaking nails so I doubt any lovely manicure would last long on me.


I would have liked to see Michael crowned winner of IAC, too.

I don't understand what is going on with the voting this year, we are going to end up with a nasty as the winner. Tbh, I never liked Mel and haven't been surprised that she is nasty and snippy with everyone.


El, your mum's mincemeat tart sounds delicious and I'm not surprised that shop bought ones don't measure up.



I never wear gloves for washing up, although I should but I do long for lovely manicured nails, don't suppose I'll ever achieve it.


I have to say you were spot on about Mel, I only ever saw her now and then and she seemed so sweet HUH!


Mincemeat is dead easy to make and great fun too, and the smell of it wafting through the house gets your Christmas off to a great start.

Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by ~Sweet Winter Wonderland~:
Oh my goodness- snow, mince pies, Christmas trees... I love it!

Baking as a family must have been so much fun, real precious. My dad baked a lot when I was young, I used to like helping, especially with icing

 Baking is a lovely activity to do with children.

It is, I have lovely memories of my hubby making fairy cakes, first of all with our daughter and then with her sons.  He loved it, it is virtually fool proof with a sponge mixture, and of course the children are so proud at their masterpieces, which can then be decorated with lots of squidgy icing and jelly things or hundreds and thousands

Last edited by squiggle

Good morning everyone, I have been wondering where moonie was Yogi.  I did see one post from velvet in a thread yesterday, can't remember which one, I am a little worried about Skylark, I hope the tablets have helped and pirate doesn't seem to have popped in for ages


I did love A Grand Day Out but on balance I think The Wrong Trousers was maybe my favourite Wallace and Gromit - which one was it with Sean the Sheep and Wendolene?


Enjoy your day everyone and perhaps a nice bit of Wensleydale


PS Doesn't it drive you mad when you can't think where you've put something? I am trimming a cardigan at the moment in red and gold and so I bought red thread and gold thread. Can I find them? Can I 'eck! I don't know where else to look

Last edited by squiggle
Originally Posted by squiggle:

Good morning everyone, I have been wondering where moonie was Yogi.  I did see one post from velvet in a thread yesterday, can't remember which one, I am a little worried about Skylark, I hope the tablets have helped and pirate doesn't seem to have popped in for ages


I did love A Grand Day Out but on balance I think The Wrong Trousers was maybe my favourite Wallace and Gromit - which one was it with Sean the Sheep and Wendolene?


Enjoy your day everyone and perhaps a nice bit of Wensleydale


PS Doesn't it drive you mad when you can't think where you've put something? I am trimming a cardigan at the moment in red and gold and so I bought red thread and gold thread. Can I find them? Can I 'eck! I don't know where else to look

Pirate was on the forum last night, Squiggle, and I notice that Velvet posted in Sprout's thread last night.

I hope you've managed to track down your red and gold threads by now. The cardigan sounds very festive with its red and gold trimmings.



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