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Originally Posted by ~Sweet Summer~:
I'm really glad you've got the medication, phew! I hope the pharmacy made a note to keep it in stock now too

Oh no! That's got to be a worrying show I prefer meat from the farm shops and local butchers, but I do sometimes buy supermarket produce

I try to buy free range and organic when I can, but this programme says the free range chickens have a bigger "footprint" than the ones that are raised in enclosed barns, so the free range are not a "greener" option.

My heart tells me I ought to be vegetarian, but my digestive system couldn't cope with it.

That's mad, who'd have thought it! I'm not keen on chicken but I do but free range if I'm having it, same with eggs too. I think the chickens have had a much nicer life than in a battery farm
Steak is my favourite I was vegetarian once but became anaemic and unable to give blood. I got back on the meat pretty quickly

I had sushi today
~Sparkling Summer~
Originally Posted by ~Sweet Summer~:
That's mad, who'd have thought it! I'm not keen on chicken but I do but free range if I'm having it, same with eggs too. I think the chickens have had a much nicer life than in a battery farm
Steak is my favourite I was vegetarian once but became anaemic and unable to give blood. I got back on the meat pretty quickly

I had sushi today

I agree with you about battery hens - I joined Hugh Fearnley Whittingstall's "Chicken Out" campaign.

Middle son's wife was veggie for a few years but she had the same problem. She doesn't really eat red meat unless it's in a bolognaise or lasagne but she does eat chicken now.

I like sushi, and so does hubby.

Originally Posted by ~Sweet Summer~:
I think it's hard to substitute the meat proteins properly as a veggie, unless your knowledgable and good at cooking- which I'm not lol
I love vegetable sushi as well as the fish, I could eat it again right now!

I did too, I thought Hugh's campaign was good. I love river cottage, especially the christmas specials

I was asking Pengy about veggie, fake bacon today, and she said it's okay but not as good as bacon. They reckon bacon sandwiches are the thing veggies miss the most.

I love River Cottage too, and the Christmas ones are brill.


Edit: I like the chicken and veg sushi but not the fish ones.

Last edited by Yogi19

Good morning everyone


Fairly cloudy here and on the cold side for August. My central heating switched on again first thing,stayed on for about 40 minutes (longer than yesterday) but is now off again.


I hope Moonie is better today.


Summer, if it's a film that was shown yesterday afternoon and you recorded to watch last night, the most likely one would be Holiday Inn (that's the original film when White Christmas was sung by Bing Crosby).


El Loro
Last edited by El Loro
Good morning
And big apologies to yogi for falling asleep mid post on you last night I woke up with page still open and a low battery!

El, that's so funny- I didn't know holiday inn was on yesterday! I love that movie, and it was White Christmas that I watched last night I have them both on DVD and converted to iTunes

I hope you've all slept well it's chilly here today
~Sparkling Summer~

Good morning everyone.  I love Christmas movies, but I like to leave it to a little later on, there are not enough good ones made nowadays.  I love all the old ones of course and Elf.  I love Elf, that guy makes me laugh - Will Ferrell that's his name, very funny.


My heating came on this morning as well but I couldn't tell you how long for, the radiators were cooling as I got up, it still feels cold though.


Wonders what delicious cakes might fall into Yogi's trolley?  I hope moonie will be back to sample some treats.


Have a great day everyone

Originally Posted by ~Sweet Summer~:
Good morning
And big apologies to yogi for falling asleep mid post on you last night I woke up with page still open and a low battery!

El, that's so funny- I didn't know holiday inn was on yesterday! I love that movie, and it was White Christmas that I watched last night I have them both on DVD and converted to iTunes

I hope you've all slept well it's chilly here today

Not a problem, I guessed you had Churchilled.

Your accidentally holly bush looks like it's growing well.

Last edited by Yogi19
Originally Posted by squiggle:

Good morning everyone.  I love Christmas movies, but I like to leave it to a little later on, there are not enough good ones made nowadays.  I love all the old ones of course and Elf.  I love Elf, that guy makes me laugh - Will Ferrell that's his name, very funny.


My heating came on this morning as well but I couldn't tell you how long for, the radiators were cooling as I got up, it still feels cold though.


Wonders what delicious cakes might fall into Yogi's trolley?  I hope moonie will be back to sample some treats.


Have a great day everyone

 <- Victoria sponge and toffee meringues.

Hopefully, Moonie will be back soon.



Fremsley, I was in Birmingham on a course years ago. At lunchtime I went out of the office, was in a shop and noticed that the sky had turned a brownish grey colour and the rain was coming down very heavily. I walked back to the office as I had a brolly. But the rain was so heavy it just bounced off the pavement and by the time I got back to the office I was soaked to the skin. It happened to be the first day of the course and I had my suitcase with me so I was able to change into dry clothes.


El Loro

I had to go on a one day course in London on Friday 16 October 1987. As it started early I went to London on Thursday afternoon and stayed in a hotel overnight. I went to the course in the morning and there weren't a lot of people there. Apparently there had been a bit of bad weather overnight and I had slept through it.


If you are wondering what I'm talking about, the name Michael Fish might jog your memory

El Loro
Originally Posted by ~Sweet Summer~:
How's your day going yogi?

All good. Been shopping and bought cakes.

Went to the bank and the chatty teller told me I ought to be watching CBB, then got into a long conversation about how CH5 have ruined the show. Good job I was the only customer.

Middle son is visiting after work, as he had a parcel delivered to our address. 

How has your day been?


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