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he's just a nob.

He's the type of person I just want to punch. Such a pussy when it comes to doing tasks. JJ is right, he doesn't care, he just quits before he's even started.

I can imagine him being the type of kid who was unwilling to try even on things in Sports Day. Even if he is turd at something, he wouldn't know because he won't even try.

Probably explains the pathetic way he runs.

Funny guy though when he wants to be. He's a weird one, cos in some respects i like him, but in others I can't stand him and would probably hit him if I was in there.

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You brought sports day into it....Some people are more academically inclined.

It was an example off the top of my head about how he gives up stuff without even trying. Purely based on what I've seen in tasks, I could imagine him giving up very easily in not just sports, other things. Like JJ says, he's not a team player at all.
Crunchy  Nuts
What is he right about? Ben is shit at tasks, we all know that. Is that it? JJ is a hateful mysoginistic insecure quite possibly psychopathic waste of space. Which is worse in your eyes?
But the point is, and the point JJ is making is that he might not be shit at tasks. He doesn't know because he just gives up before he's even started.
Crunchy  Nuts
But the point is, and the point JJ is making is that he might not be shit at tasks. He doesn't know because he just gives up before he's even started.
We are sick and tired of him going on and on and on and on about tasks...Last Saturday his TOT task twice he'd to be gave extra time...In fact the first hour he never even tried it was only when TOT told him what he would get he got the finger out but still needed more time.
Ben asked JJ why he keeps niggling at him i.e. makes jokes about his lack of team spirit. He's got his answer now, so he won't need to ask again, hopefully!
and hopefully JJ has learned a lesson here- stick to the females ,they seem easier to intimidate. Lets see the Aussie twat have a go at Steve. The Paramedics would be involved IMO.
Note how he never targets Steve or Dave ,nooooooooo it's always a female or Ben....Says it all.

Have you ever thought that it might be because those 2 you mentioned don't piss him off as much as Ben, Corin and Rachel have. You forgot to mention Mario, he never (at least not that i remember) targets him.
I wouldn't say Ben is weaker than Dave to be honest. Suppose it depends what sort of weaknesses you're talking about...
Crunchy  Nuts
Have you ever thought that it might be because those 2 you mentioned don't piss him off as much as Ben, Corin and Rachel have. You forgot to mention Mario, he never (at least not that i remember) targets him. I wouldn't say Ben is weaker than Dave to be honest. Suppose it depends what sort of weaknesses you're talking about...
And Sunshine,and Josie until he saw she was well able and he done Tiny Tears...He'd made his intentions to go for Keely clear but he may have saw by now she'd not take his nonsense either.

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