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I saw that Lee, it made a refreshing change from the - dare I say this word - negativity that has been aimed at Ben over the last few weeks. I'm sure Ben appreciated being spoken to in a much more kindly way, too.
I agree Moomin....She answered him honestly but with kindness which can't be said of the others who castigate him on a daily basis....She's a so funny though ending their conversation on the Johnny Bravo note.
She had a word with some of the others last night, more or less telling them to back off and stop bringing him down all the time.   Have to say it needed saying, and Steve's face was a picture when it dawned on him he was being told off!
I'm liking Corin more and more tbh....Ben and Corin the Felix and Oscar of BB 11 
I was in hysterics at that Lee. He actually said yes. He said you don`t have a a very high opinion of me, do you Corin?"
Corin never missed a brush stoke of her hair either....TBH I think he'd listen to her better than those who attack him....He asked her opinion,she gave it,not all positive but not delivered scornfully mocking or in an attempt to demean him.
Reference: Lee
Corin never missed a brush stoke of her hair either....TBH I think he'd listen to her better than those who attack him....He asked her opinion,she gave it,not all positive but not delivered scornfully mocking or in an attempt to demean him
Absolutely Lee. Her honesty was gobsmacking. He knows, coming from Corin, there`s truth and no malice in what she`s saying.
It`s the way she delivered it and his calm responses that I can`t stop laughing at.
Last edited by Scotty

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