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That's really good news ............but why is it any of your bosses business what you do outside working hours? If you like your pub job and want to keep it on really shouldn't have anything to do with promotion prospects should it?
I agree with Soozy, that's brilliant news, but it's not as if your 2nd job is impacting on your 1st job or they wouldn't have offered you a promotion. Maybe a bargaining tool to get a decent pay rise though....couldn't you keep your 2nd job Friday & Saturdays (if you wanted to, then you'd be fresh for work during the week and still earning extra...?
The Devil In Diamante
I think the boss wants me out the pub because even though im only supposed to do Fridays and Saturdays they constantly take the pee and i often find myself working Wednesdays, Thursdays and Sundays which obviously impacts me at priority 1 job. Take tonight for instance. I asked if i was needed to work tonight on Monday and last night. I heard nothing back so assumed that i wasn't needed. Got a shitty txt half an hour ago asking if i was going to bother showing up for work!!!! GRRRRRRR!!!!

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