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Hay guys so to explain. I havn't been dumped as such. I was supposed to meet him Thursday night but he cancled last min saying he couldn't make it and iv not heard from him since then. Iv txt and rang and still nothing. Would be nice to know what i did wrong. As for the job, its the bar job i quit. I just dont feel like i can do it anymore. Im sick of being spat on, puked on, started on, wistled at like a dog to get my attention and genrelly treated like crap but iv been there 2 years and iv had some really really good times and met so many new people and i just know with the friends i have my weekends will now consist of me sitting in the flat on my own doing nothing.
Im feeling so crap at the mo. Its like why is it for some people life is like one long walk in the park while for others its such a struggle? Im 24 years old, you would of thought something good would of happened to me by now? Is it always going to be this hard??
[Sheep in a Jeep] Sheep in a Jeep offline 586 Forum Posts Today at 05:22 (Last Edited: You are a single girl with no kiddies, get out there and live your life and have lots of fun, with girlie friends, treat yourself to a holiday and who knows whats around the corner.
ditto this

this guy sounds lie a twat and your better than him anyway least you found out now and not further down the line

love normally comes when you least expect it ..i spent years searching for mr right when younger, i was hardly ever single as i felt the need to be happy with a bloke....then i decided enough was enough and started being single and independant etc...6 months later Mr Hoob came didn't have to wait long and he just happened lol
Reference: Hoob
love normally comes when you least expect it
THIS ^^^^

I kissed a lot of frogs (so to speak)...  then when, for the first time in my adult life, I was happy being single... did not want to be with a bloke, I met Mr Ditty!   Sods law.. and a bit of a bummer... cos I really didn't want to be in relationship... but a year later we were married (to the shock & disbelief of all that know me).

Kelly.... I know what you mean about life seeming to be easy for some.. and then for others its just hard going...  & I don't know why that is.  Some of it can come down to decisions made & stuff... but not all of it.    I am surrounded by my husbands friends and they all pretty much have charmed lives, I have had to make a conscious effort not to let myself fall into the trap of envying what they have & focus on what I have.

Harder for you at the mo...   but you do have stuff that others envy.   Youth, looks, savvy....

wallow today & tomorrow... bank holidays are crap if you are single & your mates are loved up...  but come next week, get up, get your game face on, & get back out there.

One things for sure... you are not going to be single for the rest of your life... you will settle down at some point if it is what you want... nothing stays the same for ever...

[Dirtyprettygirlthing] Dirtyprettygirlthing offline 10563 Forum Posts Today at 06:38 (Last Edited: Reference: Hoob love normally comes when you least expect it THIS ^^^^ I kissed a lot of frogs (so to speak)... then when, for the first time in my adult life, I was happy being single... did not want to be with a bloke, I met Mr Ditty! Sods law.. and a bit of a bummer... cos I really didn't want to be in relationship... but a year later we were married (to the shock & disbelief of all that know me).

that's EXACTLY what it was like for me too. i was quite enjoying being single and having fun, the Mr Hoob came and spoilt that idea

jut proves us women are never happy

Kelly, you've had some bad luck, but it's not the end of the world.
To put it in perspective, by the time she was your age, my mother had been married, divorced, and lost a child at the age of 15 months.

Then she spent the next few decades moaning to me about it all, wondering why life had been so hard to her, demanding that I shoulder the burden of her lifelong dissatisfaction and being jealous of any happiness that I had. Which is why I no longer speak to her.

You sound like a generous, happy and optimistic person, Kelly. Don't let a few hard knocks turn you into a bitter, self-pitying one like my mother. It'll only make you more unhappy and eventually drive others away. Chin up, pet!

Hay guys i spent the day with my sister. Thank god for her, andy and the kids they always make me realise how much i love being me and having the best sister in the world. Its my last night at the pub tonight and its fancy dress. Im going as a naughty school girl and i intend to enjoy myself!!!! More fool sean hes the one missing out not me!
Well thats last shift done. I hated that job at times but god im gunna miss being right in the thick of it every weekend. Iv been there so long iv seen 2 owners come and go and about 20 bar staff. Gunna miss the girls. We work such a hard job you have bond to those you work with as it helps you get through the night and we have had some really really good laughs. Theres been times when they have had me crying from laughing so much. But theres also been times when iv cried from the pain and the drama that goes on. Cant wait till next weekend to rediscover my freedom and social life
Good for you Kelly. At least you have gone home on a high, and not all sad. Good luck for your new found freedom, now you may meet someone worthy of you. When I was young, I used to think that I didn't want to meet men in pubs, because 8/10 would be more interested in the booze than me, and they would be looking through beer goggles anyway.

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