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I'm with Baz on this. I remember the first BB I got into was the one with Jade Goody and Kate Lawler and all we had to go on (or so I thought) was the HL show. It took me another 2 years to realise that you could get LF and understand how much Channel 4 was and is trying to manipulate the programme. On DS there's a guy, porportetly (sp) from BB, listening to the fans, etc, but he doesn't and they don't. They have the show mapped out for the 13 weeks and they will stick to that.
cologne 1
That's why I'm not watching..... but if we don't bash him , who will..... after all it's for his own good
Oh lol...while all the tweenies think he's god's gift you're onto a loser... I really don't care that much about any of them this year, but  I don't want a boring house at the end, as it usually I just don't want him out...not yet
while all the tweenies think he's god's gift you're onto a loser... I really don't care that much about any of them this year, but  I don't want a boring house at the end, as it usually I just don't want him out...not yet
That's part of the problem I have Kaytee... if I thought it was just *not yet* and that he would get his comeuppance sooner or later, I think maybe he might not annoy me so much.... but I just don't see anyone being able to challenge the nasty pratt, so I think he and his brattish behaviour will probably win....
Reference: BAZ
That's part of the problem I have Kaytee... if I thought it was just *not yet* and that he would get his comeuppance sooner or later, I think maybe he might not annoy me so much.... but I just don't see anyone being able to challenge the nasty pratt, so I think he and his brattish behaviour will probably win
well I want Ben to win...and out of the HMs in  there, only Ben,Josie and JJ have a chance of staying the distance really. The tweenies are changing towards Josie, I think maybe it'll be Ben and JJ and god knows who at the end, if JJ doesn't self combust by then.

he'll either get his comeuppance or have an epiphany..I'd like to see either happen tbh
They have the show mapped out for the 13 weeks and they will stick to that.
You are right, today on BBLB they had a phyco telling us JJ and Josie's love was for real. Can you imagine BB letting either one of them get voted out before they get it on. Those two are going to be there to the end unless Josie takes a fancy to Andrew and JJ to Corin
Blue Diamond (Ben's Buddy 11)
They are still there in their beloved bathroom.
Talking about each and every housemate - as they do most nights.
It's all the same old stuff.
They are yawning and lounging around.
Most sensible tired, yawning people would be in bed.
But no! Our little group feel the need to stay on camera.
And this is one of the problems - it is simply NOT entertaining.

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