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Originally Posted by erinp:
Originally Posted by Videostar:

I've only ever been on the BBXTRA site once, but I hear that they are troublemakers.

they started the tennis bal put in by the production teaml rumor,they have admitted it .

TBH, a lot of people (including myself) just assumed it was the producers anyway without any prompting,,,

Eugene's Lair
Originally Posted by kimota (Corin's Crib #1) FAKER # 1:

Should be an interesting show tonight as Doc discusses the hacking of his site by perennial pain in the bum, Mr Marky (BBXtra)


 LIVE TONIGHT is BBCouchPotatoes 11:30pm BST! Talking eviction & events of yesterday! Skype/Chat open 


this mystery  was declared a set up very early yesterday 



well tellyzone totally ballsed that one up, the idiots pasted the dms i had sent them! Yes its true me and doc created some fake drama



dont knock Mr Marky too much he provides our LF vids for us that get a crap CH5 pick up to catch up on 

Originally Posted by erinp:

Lot of pee'd off people with the Doc.

I can understand that, but I'm not one of them. I was more relieved than anything that it wasn't a real hack and impressed by how convincing they had made it! I already had my doubts, as Marky(BBXtra) had already posted that it was a hoax earlier on Twitter. I wasn't sure whether to believe him, but it certainly got me thinking!


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