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Originally Posted by Professor1980:

Hmm sprout please explain yourself? I mean were obviously always going to have scroungers, But we wouldn't have foreign one's if we were not a part of the E.U unless they are refugees and in that case i don't see them as scroungers.

Do I really have to? Like I said....just think about it 


Haha not at all, I dont care about nationalism like that for god sakes what i do care about is how my extortionate taxation is spent that's all. I mean come on are you happy being taxed on your earnings, then again when you buy anything to see it spent on people like this? If you do you need your head examined, that guy said himself if he doesnt get given enough money he'll just steal or break into your house to fund his lazy lifestyle. I'm all for people that work and having worked abroad myself im certainly no nationalist. just a realist thats all.

Originally Posted by Professor1980:

Haha not at all, I dont care about nationalism like that for god sakes what i do care about is how my extortionate taxation is spent that's all. I mean come on are you happy being taxed on your earnings, then again when you buy anything to see it spent on people like this? If you do you need your head examined, that guy said himself if he doesnt get given enough money he'll just steal or break into your house to fund his lazy lifestyle. I'm all for people that work and having worked abroad myself im certainly no nationalist. just a realist thats all.

TBH, I at first had the same thoughts as you, then I took some time to think about things after different programmes I'd seen, and different people's opinions I'd seen. I changed my view after that 

Originally Posted by Professor1980:

stop trying to bend it by saying imsome sort of prick please sorry if i dont like spongers, i have to work jolly hard for what i have, benefits were implemented as a last resort not to become a lifestyle and it sickens me to see people that havnt paid a penny in yet take the most with their 11/12 kids.

Not trying to bend it....I'm just saying think about it   and if you're incapable of that, then I'm sorry, but I feel for you 

Originally Posted by Garage Joe:
Taxes are at a lower rate than at any other time of my life. Quite a lot of organisations don't even have to pay tax on money earned in this country. If you want a tax scandal with a bit of xenophobia thrown in you may wish to study the non-dom situation.

How do you work that out? I think not unless you earn like minimum wage


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