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Originally posted by Cheeky-Pixie:
Occasionally. I pay for a couple of things a month by cheque, but I used to get through 4 books a year! Now I barely use one. My card has never been cloned. How did that happen pussycat?

Twice it has happened due to on-line stuff and the last time was at a cash dispenser! No idea how they managed that. Its a bliddy nightmare trying to convince the bank Shake Head
Originally posted by pussycatj:
Originally posted by Cheeky-Pixie:
Occasionally. I pay for a couple of things a month by cheque, but I used to get through 4 books a year! Now I barely use one. My card has never been cloned. How did that happen pussycat?

Twice it has happened due to on-line stuff and the last time was at a cash dispenser! No idea how they managed that. Its a bliddy nightmare trying to convince the bank Shake Head
Oh dear, that's bad pussycat. I knew of this couple who had had their identity stolen, and had had about ÂĢ20K worth of loans and card debts run up, and they couldn't prove it wasn't them. I believe they had to pay it all back.
Originally posted by pussycatj:
Originally posted by Cheeky-Pixie:
Occasionally. I pay for a couple of things a month by cheque, but I used to get through 4 books a year! Now I barely use one. My card has never been cloned. How did that happen pussycat?

Twice it has happened due to on-line stuff and the last time was at a cash dispenser! No idea how they managed that. Its a bliddy nightmare trying to convince the bank Shake Head

I saw how they do the cash dispenser trick on TV last weekend. One way is to take the top panel (above your head) off, put in a camera and put it back, so each time anybody puts in their pin, they have it on camera. I can't remember the second one, but it involves a camera too. Sorry to hear that happened to you pussycatj. Hug
cologne 1
Originally posted by Cheeky-Pixie:
Originally posted by pussycatj:
Originally posted by Cheeky-Pixie:
Occasionally. I pay for a couple of things a month by cheque, but I used to get through 4 books a year! Now I barely use one. My card has never been cloned. How did that happen pussycat?

Twice it has happened due to on-line stuff and the last time was at a cash dispenser! No idea how they managed that. Its a bliddy nightmare trying to convince the bank Shake Head
Oh dear, that's bad pussycat. I knew of this couple who had had their identity stolen, and had had about ÂĢ20K worth of loans and card debts run up, and they couldn't prove it wasn't them. I believe they had to pay it all back.

happened to my parents too, someone managed to get about 1K out of their account, this was cloned at a cash dispenser too, they managed to get it back tho, thank gawd, it was the day before they were going on holiday and it was their spending money and also DD that would be going out when they were away, they were traumatised. Little blighters in't they Shake Head
We always use cheques to pay contractors, it's easier because we put their invoice numbers on the stubbs.

My husbands credit card was cloned last month, someone removed ÂĢ600.00 over 3 days We got a call from the card company on the last day on our home phone at 8.30am enquiring about unusual activity on the card, they asked if my husband had drawn ÂĢ200.00 cash out at Kingston Surrey at 8.15am, my husband said as you are speaking to me on a Romford phone number and I don't own a helicopter it's highly unlikely. The card company sorted it all out with no problems.

What did amaze me though to withdraw cash it's a different pin number to chip & pin, my husband has never withdrawn cash on a credit card, he doesn't even know the pin number.
Originally posted by pussycatj:
oh, and the first time it happened, I was checking my on-line banking and a payment to O2 came up Confused so rang my bank and the guy said that he had 30 calls already for exactly the same scam, he also said they do it on the same day every month Crazy why can't the banks stop it then?
In my experience and in my humble opinion the banks do SOD-ALL to help or assist the customer. All they do is try and get you to buy loads of insurances that you don't need to get extra feathers in their cap, they don't help you when you are on the skids, and they are all over you if you come into some money. My hubby got ÂĢ25K redundancy money in 2001, and the bank were over us like a rash. Yet when we almost lost our home in the 90s, and could barely afford to survive, they refused to help, saying there is nothing they could do. We put the ÂĢ25K in the building society at the time!
I use cheques all the time, for gifts in cards mainly,but also handy to have in the house to pay tradesmen etc.My card has been cloned once,i went to American on an aeroplane and knew nothing about it,till the bank foned me.My daughter has been done twice in 4 weeks and the bank says as soon as they get a new device to make it harder,the robbers come up with a better one Mad
My card has been cloned once. It was from using the cash point. (even though I always cover the keypad when I put my pin in)....

Real bloody insult was... it was then used in the Bahama's somewhere... and I have a fifty quid overdraft limit on my account... which is strictly policed by Barclays... heaven forbid if I manage to go over this amount.... in fact its nearly impossible for me to go over.. .they just reject anything.

However, the bahama's boys.... wooohooo said Barclays to them... as they notched up over ÂĢ2000 overdraft on my account.

I have to say though... I had no problem convincing Barclays there was a problem... straight away they knew it was fraud.

My main problem then, was trying to stop Barclays selling me Identity theft insurance. Hubby ended up shouting down the phone "Who the **** would want her Identity! Disappointed She'd rather have the perks these Bahama Boys were privvy to"
I was a right twat in Morrisons just before they stopped accepting cheques. A middle-aged woman got a cheque book out and I nudged my mate and said in a load voice: Oh my god, someone still uses cheques!! Look!! All the rest of he queue started watching and oo-ing and gasping. The poor woman gave me the filthiest of looks. Laugh
Originally posted by Dirtyprettygirlthing:
Oh and now... I only use machines that are inside shops (even though I have to pay for the priviledge)...

..and top tip.... wiggle the protruding casing around where you insert your card.... if it has a card reader on the machine, the latest ones are magnetic.... if there is a reader on it.. it will wiggle.

That how my daughter got done the first time, there was also a man standing not too far away pretending to be on his mobile, but really he was just recording her pin entry..Then they just move on to the next town and so on and so on Buggars.
Originally posted by Cheeky-Pixie:
Originally posted by pussycatj:
oh, and the first time it happened, I was checking my on-line banking and a payment to O2 came up Confused so rang my bank and the guy said that he had 30 calls already for exactly the same scam, he also said they do it on the same day every month Crazy why can't the banks stop it then?
In my experience and in my humble opinion the banks do SOD-ALL to help or assist the customer. All they do is try and get you to buy loads of insurances that you don't need to get extra feathers in their cap, they don't help you when you are on the skids, and they are all over you if you come into some money. My hubby got ÂĢ25K redundancy money in 2001, and the bank were over us like a rash. Yet when we almost lost our home in the 90s, and could barely afford to survive, they refused to help, saying there is nothing they could do. We put the ÂĢ25K in the building society at the time!

Good for you Cheeky Thumbs Up and they make enough money out of me for my over draft facility. Yes I know its their money, but jeese they don't 'arf charge you Frowner
Originally posted by Dirtyprettygirlthing:
ooooh really Moomin!

OMG! The machine I have been using in my local shop, charges ÂĢ1.75 per withdrawal..... its located in our shop... right next to the post office counter!!!


Ta Mooomin!

ÂĢ1.75 - that's horrendous!!Eeker
Just buy me a drink with all the money I've saved you!! Wink
I have one particular Credit Card I only use online.. it has never been out of the house... once, shortly after using it online educational supplies company called Chalkface... it was cloned BUT the idiot who used it went and tried to get two lots of ÂĢ30 mobile phone top-ups..If he (I assumed a he) only went for one he would have probably got away with it.. anyway HSBC were rocket fast in stopping it and alerting me by text and phone


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