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I think BB is hitting below the belt with this one (no pun intended), ist putting exes in there now this. I guess they want the drama and ratings though so peoples emotions do not matter to them.
Anthony Hutton is not Makosi's Ex. They had a notorious, ill-judged drunken moment in a jacuzzi but at no time were they picking out curtains together.
Anthony Hutton is not Makosi's Ex. They had a notorious, ill-judged drunken moment in a jacuzzi but at no time were they picking out curtains together.

I meant Preston and Chantelle.
Sorry pretty
I was focussing on Anthony & Makosi and didn't catch the Preston/Chantelle link - I've spent the afternoon walking on Cleveleys Promenade and the sea air has got to my brain.
Sorry pretty I was focussing on Anthony & Makosi and didn't catch the Preston/Chantelle link - I've spent the afternoon walking on Cleveleys Promenade and the sea air has got to my brain.
Tis ok babes The reason I said what I said was because they basically threw Makosi under the bus the last time now they are doing this pretty obvious they want Makosi out on friday.
Who could have treated her much better and why?

Indeed!  Much as though I agree with a lot of posters that she is the most attractive HM of all time and the one whom I wanted to win, she brought everything upon herself. There was nothing wrong with the pool incident, if anything at all happened, for they were both adults. However the "BB I may be pregnant!" rubbish scuppered her.  I don't know who her agent was but he didn't help with all the Zimbabwe stuff afterwards either.
Garage Joe
Indeed! Much as though I agree with a lot of posters that she is the most attractive HM of all time and the one whom I wanted to win, she brought everything upon herself. There was nothing wrong with the pool incident, if anything at all happened, for they were both adults. However the "BB I may be pregnant!" rubbish scuppered her. I don't know who her agent was but he didn't help with all the Zimbabwe stuff afterwards either.
Spot on Joe
However the "BB I may be pregnant!" rubbish scuppered her.
Indeed it did

Up until then, she was playing an absolute blinder ..... she seemed able to pull the wool over so many peoples eyes, she was amazing ... but once she started with all the "I think I might be pregnant" rubbish, it was game over for her & all the odds that were stacked in her favour, began to stack against.
However the "BB I may be pregnant!" rubbish scuppered her.


 Indeed it did Up until then, she was playing an absolute blinder ..... she seemed able to pull the wool over so many peoples eyes, she was amazing ... but once she started with all the "I think I might be pregnant" rubbish, it was game over for her & all the odds that were stacked in her favour, began to stack against.
That's when I lost interest in her too, before that she was my winner.
Blue Diamond (Ben's Buddy 11)

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