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I can't really vote because I don't actually LIKE them but do eat them.  Is that weird?  I eat them if they are in my salad and I use the tinned version quite often when doing slimming world but I don't actually LIKE them.  They're a bit 'meh' to me.


And tomatoes are a trigger for a lot of IBS sufferers so keep an eye on how they affect you, Aimee x

Originally Posted by Ells:


I can't really vote because I don't actually LIKE them but do eat them.  Is that weird?  I eat them if they are in my salad and I use the tinned version quite often when doing slimming world but I don't actually LIKE them.  They're a bit 'meh' to me.


And tomatoes are a trigger for a lot of IBS sufferers so keep an eye on how they affect you, Aimee x


I've read that recently and I have cut them out as I think they are a trigger for me

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