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In case anybody didn't see this on Digitalspy...


Celeb Big Brother Andrew Stone interview: 'Natalie is playing a game'
Thursday, Jan 12 2012

Andrew Stone got a Big Brother exit fitting for his personality. Dressed as a beast and dragged along in a giant pumpkin, it was a melodramatic departure that suited the all-round entertainer.
A huge loss to Celebrity Big Brother 2012, journalists were lining up to fire questions at Stone about his experience and Digital Spy joined the bunfight to get the lowdown on Stone's sexuality, his relationship with Michael Madsen and his candid thoughts on Natalie Cassidy.


Q:Were you surprised to be the first housemate out of the show?
"We all came with names for each other in the house and Natalie's for me was TV gold. I am a bit different. I don't know why, but I just am. It's hard to fit in when you have two lads, a Welsh guy, an Irish girl who is really good-looking... I got on with the Americans, I always do for some reason. But I'm out. It is what it is. I'd rather come out first or last, I came out first, so I can accept that."


Q:Why do you think you were nominated?
"It was two days into the process, nobody really had the chance to get to know me. We had to by the rules of the game make a nomination and it doesn't surprise me that seven people or more nominated me. It does take time to get to know me, but when you do spend time with me, people say, 'Wow, what a great guy'. But when you are locked in that house, with no car, no phone, no laptop, you are just thrust together.
"I went in there to have fun and a laugh. I was upset in the Diary Room because I'm emotional. I wear my heart on my sleeve. You'll always get realism from me. I felt like I'd made connections with people in the house and made a few friends, so when I was nominated, I got upset. But it was a gameshow and maybe I was more naive than I realised."


Q: Did we see the real Andrew Stone in the house or have you been badly edited?
"I certainly wasn't giving a performance. I was, what I was. I swear on my mother's life I wasn't acting. Whatever it is, it is. I have no complaints about the editing. Endemol are a great company and they have a great show on their hands."


Q: Do you think you were bullied in the house?
"I do now I've seen the rushes. No, I wasn't bullied inside the house. If people were saying s**t, let them say s**t. There was one person I was upset about when I came out of the house, because I thought she was a friend of mine. You've got to remember, unless you're in the house, you will never know the pressure mentally that you are under. I do suffer from claustrophobia. I'm usually a free person, out on the dancefloor. On the third day, I felt great and fell into place, but nominations had been made by then and my bed was made. I enjoyed my time in there and it will stay with me for the rest of my life."


Q: What did you think about Natalie's comments, where she said you weren't as famous as you think you are?
"Ooh. She was quoting what she felt in the house. And I will go back to my previous statement that you don't know how it is until you're in there. But I don't really care what she says and I don't give a s**t what anybody else says. I know who I am. When I said I wanted to be a judge on The X Factor, it was in context. It was if the show was still good, it was still big and I had the right success behind me to get a spot on that panel. It will take me a few years to get there. She took me totally out of context.
"I think Natalie is playing a game and that's great for her. She'll probably win the show and she's taken charge in the house. It's not for me to turn around and slag her off. I usually think if you people are making mistakes, give them enough rope and they'll hang themselves. I'm not here to slag her off. I never knew what she was doing behind my back and as far I was aware, everyone was nice people."


Q: You said that you would have nominated Nicola for Friday's eviction given the chance. Why?
"I like Nicola, she's a sweetheart, but she's too in cahoots with Natalie. There is a little clique going on. I like Romeo and Michael. They are individuals. Win or lose, they are or who they are. I see quite a lot of insecurity in people in there and they latch onto groups. I prefer individuals. But that's not anything bad about Nicola, she's a nice girl. She's a right laugh. Another reason is that I don't like bitchiness and after a few drinks those girls can get a bit bitchy. I don't like that."


Q: You had a close bond with Michael Madsen. How did that come about?
"Michael spends a lot of time in the bedroom and nobody really made an effort with him. He's ten years my senior and he's a lot older than the rest of them in there. He's a deep thinker, an actor with hundreds of movies. I could see him on the bed and being an artist, we just chatted about things artists chatted about. He would say to me, 'My problem is, I think too much'. That guy needed my investment. He was going crazy with his own thoughts. It was just two artists getting deep. There is a lot of downtime in the Big Brother house and I just found him fascinating."


Q: Did any of the girls in the house catch your eye?
"Georgia did at the beginning. But I'm not just into how people look. Georgia was quite quiet. I don't think people are really themselves in that house either. I'd imagine she is more bubbly with her friends. But in the Big Brother house there is no stimulation and she was very quiet. After a couple of days, it's not how you look. The two twins, very attractive, bigger characters than Georgia, but they have boyfriends. To be honest with you, apart from those two... no."


Q: Are there any fights brewing in the house?
"No, this isn't Channel 4 anymore. Channel 5 want a funky happy vibe. Endemol who produce the show have been given that quote. It's not that old Big Brother you used to know. If you see anything, you're more likely to see two people shagging or getting their b*llocks out. You won't get arguments or fights like the old days."


Q: Who is going to "shag", as you put it?
"F**k. Whatever you want to call it. If you put a girl in the house who doesn't care about the cameras and is single, Frankie and Kirk will be on it like a rash. The twins are intelligent and won't just jump in bed with any toe-rag. Georgia is single and the most likely to have a romance. Her and Kirk are the most likely. Just keep your eyes open. They are the only possibility in there."


Q: What did you make of Frankie Cocozza?
"I didn't like Frankie at all when he first went in there. He was being very disrespectful to women and talking about shagging them and leaving them. Even though I'm a very sexual person, I have respect. Frankie did grow on me though. He is only a little boy, without being patronising. If he gets guidance and disciplined, he could go a long, long way. He's actually a very sweet little lad. He's got a loose tongue, he's a lad, but he's a nice guy. People shouldn't hang him too quickly. They really shouldn't."


Q: Did Natalie's behaviour surprise you?
"I was disappointed with Natalie. She has the same agent as me and I thought she'd be more supportive of me. I think she was slightly two-faced if I'm really honest. I don't care, because I'm very happy and I wish her the best of luck. I mean that from the bottom of my heart."


Q: Who is the biggest gameplayer in the house?
"Natalie. Definitely, I think Natalie. You didn't see a live feed, because there isn't one, but it's nothing to do with what she said about me. I just feel that she's taken charge of the house, I was her competition and she didn't like that. I don't think she's playing a massive game, but if anyone is, it's Natalie or Nicola."


Q: Did you get bored of telling the other celebs that you were straight?
"No. Not really. It does sometimes get on my nerves, but it's followed me around since I was a kid. But I don't really care to be honest. The most important relationship you can have is with yourself and I have a great relationship with myself, so I don't give a f**k what other people think."


Q: Do you have any regrets?
"Not a thing. Not a thing. I wear my heart on my sleeve, everything was genuine and I'm not going to stop being me."


Q: Will you be confronting Natalie about her behaviour when she leaves the show?
"I'm not the kind of person who causes confrontation, because life's too short. If I see her outside the house, I would ask her questions about what she said. But you have to remember, the house is an unnatural environment. It's a pressure cooker. People say things they don't really mean. I won't look at Natalie as a bad person. Me and Natalie never had a close friendship before the show, so I'm fine with whatever she says. I know the truth."

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Thanks rosie.  


That was some read. Too much to comment on but it`s just Andrew being Andrew. Lots of self praise " It does take time to get to know me, but when you do spend time with me, people say, 'Wow, what a great guy."   with his usual delusions and contradictions. 


I get a feeling he would love to say more about Natalie than " I was disappointed with Natalie" 


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