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Morning All Wave

Your weather for today..

Currently 14šC

Sunny spells today and tomorrow, becoming widespread by midweek.

Sunny spells in the south, occasional light rain in the north this morning. Cloud spreads south this afternoon to affect most of the UK by evening, with isolated showers in Scotland, the north of England and Northern Ireland.

Becoming dry everywhere. Rather cloudy in places but with some clear periods, especially in the far south east of England. Chance of fog patches on western coasts.

Cloudy for many places at first. Skies clearing from the south east with much of England and Wales becoming sunny. Showers developing in Scotland and Northern Ireland during the afternoon.

Originally posted by Angel of the North:
The ones I got were 50 p each and quite big. I cut them in half planning to use half for packed lunch tomorrow but BB Baby insisted on all his.

I just put them in in the microwave in their husks for 5 minutes and when they come out the husks and silks come off really easily and they are done perfect!

In Asda/Tesco....2 little ones for ÂĢ1.88....daylight bleeding robbery!

I put mine in a pressure cooker with salted water...mmmmmm.
Originally posted by Angel of the North:

My daughter has done nowt since SATs apart from production stuff.

She has a non speaking part and has to wear a nappy Laugh

I didn't know how much behind the scenes work goes into a production!! Eeker

I AM SICK OF PAINTING!Mad The back drop has taken me and my mate (also colleague) 2 solid weeks to do. Head of yr 6 comes back from France today and didn't even make a comment on them.....arse!Mad

I will take pics and post them on FB cos I want the world to see how bleeding hard we worked.Big Grin
Originally posted by queenshaks:
Originally posted by Angel of the North:

My daughter has done nowt since SATs apart from production stuff.

She has a non speaking part and has to wear a nappy Laugh

I didn't know how much behind the scenes work goes into a production!! Eeker

I AM SICK OF PAINTING!Mad The back drop has taken me and my mate (also colleague) 2 solid weeks to do. Head of yr 6 comes back from France today and didn't even make a comment on them.....arse!Mad

I will take pics and post them on FB cos I want the world to see how bleeding hard we worked.Big Grin

Oh dear Queenie Eeker, you've been very busy then lol, you need some relaxation Wink.
darloboy (Play The Game!)

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