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Heya Zaph adn Mrs H Big Grin

Don't hold out on any help coming from my way today Zaph.. head is so not engaged today that I started typing this post before I had even opened a reply box Laugh

I wish I had my notes to hand tho.. I struggled when I read the t-test stuff first time around then had a lightbulb moment with it and wrote out how it worked in words that I could understand and after that it seemed so simple..

but I think the notes went the way of the rcycling bin with most of my other Uni stuff.. and I haven't seen my text books for a good few years.. they are buried at the back of some cupboard I think..

I may google to see if that refreshes my memory. . but maybe not til later when my head may have engaged a bit Big Grin
Mount Olympus *Olly*
it is good... it's packed full of stuff to do..

and I went for a run around the track a few times even tho I didn't want to. .trainer sent me off on one Mad

you get a strap around your thigh thing to hold the nunchuck when you aren't using it for a particular exercise and a stress band thingy for arm work.. and if you have a wii fit you get to stand on that and kick the eck out of a boxing bag and use it for for skating too..

I really hurt now Crying

I forgot I had it on a wish list at Game. .it arrived yesterday out of the blue.. I'd compeltely forgotten about it... it was cheaper than it is to buy now as well cause I'd pre-ordered or summat Nod

There a second Wii Sports Disc due out next month as well. . I have that on pre-order.. forgotten about that as well Laugh

***goes to lie down again ***
Mount Olympus *Olly*
Originally posted by Angel of the North:
I cant think about it atm...I have too many other things to stress out about!

Thumbs Up, best not to really. Get your Assignments done. At College we can only do them there, but then again we're not at Uni it's so no-one does Plagarism new rules. Got exams coming up in June, so started Revising early. Good luck Angel Smiler.
darloboy (Play The Game!)
It's all distance learning....they send me the course materials and I have to make myself do the work and send off the assessments when time. I can access all the electronic resources and use their library, and there are email groups and stuff.

It's quite hard to stay focused and disciplined...but I did manage to pass an A level this was and the first part of my bridging.

I work and have family so I cant go back to uni 'properly' and nowhere up here had a suitable part course.

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