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Originally Posted by Videostar:

I think we should blitz them from the air, give them everything we have...then get out of Syria, including any British aid workers...and leave that pert of the world to get on with it.


I've had enough of our involvement in that savage part of the world.


that's a good idea, kill the vast majority of innocent on 

Originally Posted by Videostar:

I think we should blitz them from the air, give them everything we have...then get out of Syria, including any British aid workers...and leave that pert of the world to get on with it.


I've had enough of our involvement in that savage part of the world.

I'm starting to feel that way too Video .....

Last edited by Baz
Originally Posted by Dame_Ann_Average:
Originally Posted by Videostar:

I think we should blitz them from the air, give them everything we have...then get out of Syria, including any British aid workers...and leave that pert of the world to get on with it.


I've had enough of our involvement in that savage part of the world.


that's a good idea, kill the vast majority of innocent on 

Im talking about the areas where ISIS are.

Originally Posted by Dame_Ann_Average:
Originally Posted by Videostar:


that's a good idea, kill the vast majority of innocent on 

Im talking about the areas where ISIS are.



and where are they  your talents are wasted if you can pin point where they are, if the USA can't find them I don't know who can. You just can't blast innocent people!  

So what have the US and we been bombing then?  they seem to know where to look so far.


Our intelligence agency's know where these bastards are fighting, so just unload all our firepower on them and get out of the region and leave it to the Yanks.

Originally Posted by Baz:

Personally I think we should never have got involved in the Middle  East in the first place ......look where trying to bring democracy has got us ....Iraq, Afghanistan , Syria .....all we've done is make things worse ....for everyone !

Couldn't agree more.


Im sick of us getting involved, time to give them one last bashing from the air then get out...for good...including any British aid workers.


Leave them to it from now on.,,,the people of those countries need to fight for themselves now.


Im sick of war in that part of the world, sick of our needless involvement.

Originally Posted by Videostar:
Originally Posted by Baz:

Personally I think we should never have got involved in the Middle  East in the first place ......look where trying to bring democracy has got us ....Iraq, Afghanistan , Syria .....all we've done is make things worse ....for everyone !

Couldn't agree more.


Im sick of us getting involved, time to give them one last bashing from the air then get out...for good...including any British aid workers.


Leave them to it from now on.,,,the people of those countries need to fight for themselves now.


Im sick of war in that part of the world, sick of our needless involvement.

They bring their 'war' to this part of the world as well..


it's not a particular country is it? it's a particular mindset of some psychopaths both in the middle east but equally they are dotted all over the world.. killing them only gives them the martyrdom they crave. .keep them alive and torture them by not giving them the death they want ..


Talking of psychopaths and warmongers, as IS are current headline stories nowadays and pushing other things out, are the Israeli's still bombing the feck out of Palestinians?

Mount Olympus *Olly*
Last edited by Mount Olympus *Olly*
Originally Posted by Videostar:
Originally Posted by Baz:

Personally I think we should never have got involved in the Middle  East in the first place ......look where trying to bring democracy has got us ....Iraq, Afghanistan , Syria .....all we've done is make things worse ....for everyone !

Couldn't agree more.


Im sick of us getting involved, time to give them one last bashing from the air then get out...for good...including any British aid workers.


Leave them to it from now on.,,,the people of those countries need to fight for themselves now.


Im sick of war in that part of the world, sick of our needless involvement.

Is it cos we still think we are a big player in world affairs?

Poking our noses in before anyone else.

We seem to delight in pushing our (little) weight around

Originally Posted by Saint:
Originally Posted by Videostar:
Originally Posted by Baz:

Personally I think we should never have got involved in the Middle  East in the first place ......look where trying to bring democracy has got us ....Iraq, Afghanistan , Syria .....all we've done is make things worse ....for everyone !

Couldn't agree more.


Im sick of us getting involved, time to give them one last bashing from the air then get out...for good...including any British aid workers.


Leave them to it from now on.,,,the people of those countries need to fight for themselves now.


Im sick of war in that part of the world, sick of our needless involvement.

Is it cos we still think we are a big player in world affairs?

Poking our noses in before anyone else.

We seem to delight in pushing our (little) weight around

It certainly seems that way.



Originally Posted by slimfern:

I'm thinking cause & effect....ignore em...don't go in gung ho....leave em to it....let their own sort it!!
I know it will amount to many unnecessary deaths..but it won't be at our hands...

we really have no way of winning against folk with this mentality! 

My feelings too Slim  

Originally Posted by Videostar:

I think we should blitz them from the air, give them everything we have...then get out of Syria, including any British aid workers...and leave that part of the world to get on with it.


I've had enough of our involvement in that savage part of the world.

It's in part due to our involvement and lack of understanding the populations and area that has  helped produce the environment for this to happen in the first place.

We invaded Iraq and had no exit plan, leaving a vacuum , and we all should know what happens in a political vacuum

Same with Afghanistan, to a lesser degree.

When we go all gung ho and bomb other countries, what we seem to fail to understand is that when we leave, because the war has become unpopular with the voters back home,the societies and allegiances that existed before we got there, will still be there, only stronger.


Last summer the west was wring it's hands over Assad and discussing how to get rid of him, this summer, we are supporting his forces as  they battle with Isis.When Assad proclaimed that he was fighting  extremists in his own country,  we all sneered and thought -' yea well he would say that, wouldn't he' - we never considered for a second that he may have been right.


We are so arrogant as to assume we have all the answers, I understand the fury and the knee jerk reaction, but bombing  will not work, civilians will suffer, as they always do,and we'll just leave the usual mess behind.


I don't know what the answer is, trouble is neither do the people who we elect to power.

I'll just say it again 'cos I liked it.
Generally people like Sadman and Basher are the solution to a whole raft of issues, rather than the problem.
The populations were allowed to live any lifestyle or belong to any religion so long as they didn't rock the boat. My default position is that if it isn't broke, don't fix it. If someone else us trying to break it, help them mend it.
Garage Joe
Originally Posted by cologne 1:

What about the Kurds who were wholesale slaughtered by Sadam?


In the here and now I think they may be the solution to the problem being the 'boots on the ground' with help from the air.

We get into bed with the Saudis everyday of the week Col. one of the most extreme and repressive nations on the planet. Be-headings there are a  fairly regular feature of the brutality of that gov.But we still look to them to protect our interests in  the volatile climate of the middle east. 

Sadam was  loathsome as are many of the dictators  of the region, but you look at the countries, where the west has interfered and removed them and you see the result of our lack of understanding of the area.Libya,Egypt,Iraq,Syria.


When I was doing history at school, one thing a teacher  said stuck with me, it was about Russia and the Russian mentality - '' There is some thing in the Russian make up that always propels them towards a Tzar''

Originally Posted by jacksonb:
Originally Posted by cologne 1:

What about the Kurds who were wholesale slaughtered by Sadam?


In the here and now I think they may be the solution to the problem being the 'boots on the ground' with help from the air.

We get into bed with the Saudis everyday of the week Col. one of the most extreme and repressive nations on the planet. Be-headings there are a  fairly regular feature of the brutality of that gov.But we still look to them to protect our interests in  the volatile climate of the middle east. 

Sadam was  loathsome as are many of the dictators  of the region, but you look at the countries, where the west has interfered and removed them and you see the result of our lack of understanding of the area.Libya,Egypt,Iraq,Syria.


When I was doing history at school, one thing a teacher  said stuck with me, it was about Russia and the Russian mentality - '' There is some thing in the Russian make up that always propels them towards a Tzar''

There's the hypocrisy of every Western politician. And I think you're right about a people's inclination.

cologne 1
Originally Posted by velvet donkey:

We're their backward thinking arseholes.


Let's hope no one's filming it when the two sevens clash.

NO velvet theyre the worse kind of people and need to be stopped-f*ck being polite they need to be bombed into next week

im not PC

im honest

they need to die before they kill/torture/behead/rape anymore

Originally Posted by cologne 1:

What about the Kurds who were wholesale slaughtered by Sadam?


In the here and now I think they may be the solution to the problem being the 'boots on the ground' with help from the air.

It depends what casualty allowance the rest of us are prepared to tolerate. The Kurds have been attacked in all of their constituent countries. Such is the tribal nature of this area someone has to be strong and keep order, because when it all unravels it does it big time.

Garage Joe

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