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Okay...I hope someone can help me with this.


The Company i work for will be closing down shortly, long story but I knew it was going to happen sooner or later. I also do some work for another Business (was run by her Brother but she has taken over now) based in Ireland. I will still have a job with the Irish Company but my Boss wants me to go on the books over there....


Does anyone know how this works, will she have to pay my Tax and PRSI in Ireland and how will the Tax & NI stuff work for me over here.....I live in England and have no intentions of moving to

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Thankyou both for the links....I shall read them tomorrow and pop into the Tax Office...I have been in such a panic....fingers crossed I only have to pay Tax in the UK.....Ireland's only over the water so hopefully it won't be too difficult to sort.


Maybe the Tax Office will explain it to me in dummy terms rather than long confusing words...

The Devil In Diamante
Originally Posted by Moonbeams:

hahaha i doubt the OH would think so.

He probably would!!!! Thanks again Veggie and Moonbeams....I have alot of reading to do but I feel a little better now, hopefully it won't be too difficult to long as my UK stuff is paid (which was my main worry), the Accountants in Ireland can deal with the

The Devil In Diamante

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