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Depends what you mean by the area is "just ok."
If the area is less than pretty but I loved the house, I would go for that.
But if the area is riddled with crime and anti-social behaviour it would be a no-no, even if the house was palatial.
Bad neighbours can make life hell.
I am mostly bad at decisions, so I don't envy you.
Good luck Lockes in whatever you do.
... although Rexi has a point!

I have made the mistake of looking at a house and not liking one particular thing about it... but the rest being just what I wanted.   So... getting the house thinking I could live with whatever it was I didn't like.

That thing that I didn't like ends up becoming something I hate... and it just escalates & escalates.. & then I move.
Today at 2:07 PM (Last Edited: Neither ... you've gotta love your house and you have doubts about both ... it's back to Rightmove for you!!! Sorry - that probably wasn't the answer you wanted - someone once told me that you know you should only buy a house if you can imagine where your Christmas tree will go. Can you see yours in either house

Actually yeah I can An TBH Rexi its not that simple going back to Rightmove, I dont have that choice at the mo. its just between these two. Its a take it or stay were you are option
I'm moving in the next few weeks too Lockes and we've had the same dilemma. We saw some lovely big houses in not such great areas but in the end we plumped for a smaller house in a lovely area. You can always make a house your own.
That is exactly the same as my dilema....big/small.....But Ireally love the area the small house is in
twas the same for me....  & I loved the space in the old house...  I do miss it here!

But...  the area was ok when I moved into the old house.. but it was surrounded by not so nice areas....  we had the curfew migration thing... & then over about a year a few neighbours moved... and new people moved in and all of a sudden the area was just as bad as surrounding areas.

A few families can seriously have an impact on your quality of life!!

It ended really badly for us... my daughter then aged 8, got pushed onto a rusty pipe by a gang of teenage girls... ended up having 30 odd stitches in her leg.   Police couldn't do much about it (though they did investigate... this caused the ringleaders to sit outside our house & jeer at me & my daughter)...

we moved...
It ended really badly for us... my daughter then aged 8, got pushed onto a rusty pipe by a gang of teenage girls... ended up having 30 odd stitches in her leg. Police couldn't do much about it (though they did investigate... this caused the ringleaders to sit outside our house & jeer at me & my daughter)...
 That is awful Ditty and very intimidating, isnt it surprising how quickly an area can decline. Hope your daughter is OK.

See my eldest daughter is disabled so I really want to go somewhere that wont cause her problems, and you are right the small house in the nice location is a definiate choice for me now

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