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Okay, so, for the last week I have been looking at a white car parked outside my Office, I took notice at first because it is a nice car, however I noticed that it seemed to be there for a very long time....


...the parking rules here are Pay & Display for up to 2 hours with no return within 1 hour and 3 hours parking for blue badge holders and the same no return within 1 hour....


...anyway, the car was there, unmoved for over 4 hours this Morning, I went for lunch, came back and it is still there however the Blue badge has been moved on the dashboard...yesterday they actually went to the trouble of turning the car round and changing the parking spot.......


I've been intrigued as to whose car it is and nearly fell off my perch when I saw the fella getting into it, it is the Office Landlords SON, the Son doesn't need or have a Blue Badge, i know this for a fact so he must be using his Dads (who had a heart & lung transplant sometime ago)....I know it's none of mine but I just wondered how you felt about the abuse of these's not like the Son's short of a few quid (Villa in Cyrpus and in Spain) and they have a named spot on the Car Park that they OWN at the back of the offices, it's just tricky with it being so icy at the moment as the Car park is down a pretty steep hill......


...truly, I am wondering how he can get away with it, there's only 2 disabled parking spots here and he's been hogging one all week......greedy git....I don't know why it's made me so angry but it

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I'm with you on this DiD. Just as I said in the Makosi thread, the rules are there for a reason and people who abuse them make me so angry.

It's just selfishness and contempt for others. I know enough people who abuse the rules over things like this and disability benefits etc.

All it does it make the people who genuinely need these things to help them look like they are suspect.


I have a blue badge it has been out of date for over three years so I cant use it, between one thing and another I never applied again to get it renewed,I was just saying to my daughter this week I will be renewing it again as it does make a big difference when you are parked closer to the shops etc,people who use these spaces  who does not  need them who have no badge.. is not on.. it stops the person who really needs that space as it is a big help if they dont have to walk in some cases quite a distance..with shopping etc.. 


It is an offence to wrongfully use a Blue Badge when you are not disabled and also for someone who is entitle to one to lend it to someone who isn't. The badges are issued by the local council so you could always get in touch with the local council. Some councils have parking departments dealing with the badges, some have a blue badge department. You could check on their website. If you are able to get photos to prove what is going on without risking being seen, so much the better. One thing to consider before doing this is that if the father has wrongfully lent the badge to his son, the father could lose his badge.

El Loro

He looks very like his Dad actually Marguerita...the car is still there and hasn't moved all day....just the badge being moved around.


Apart from it being completely wrong to abuse this system, he is also and arrogant git who looks at you like you're something he's stood in....I've been in this office for 8 years now and have never paid the Rent, Business Rates, Bills etc late, however i was a couple of days late with the Rent just before Christmas and he had the Secretary ringing meto chase it up and gave me the filthiest look when i passed him.......I had just forgotten.....what a cock!

The Devil In Diamante
Originally Posted by ~Sweet Pancakes~:
I think that's terrible, it's an abuse of the blue badge and quite frankly, the man in question is a git for doing it! I hope someone does call the council, or the local newspaper- they could do a steak out and catch him in the act

The more I see that car sat there and think of his 'swagger', the more annoyed I am getting....this street is also on a hill and the disabled bays are at the top where it is flat. Currently there are 2 more parked with blue badges, they are parked down the hill and he is hogging a spot...grrrrr......I'm seriously thinking of dobbing him in, lol, I shall see if he hogs it next week first........

The Devil In Diamante

People who abuse this system make my blood boil. My late mum had a disability that caused her a lot of pain and at times she couldn't walk very far without becoming distressed.

She would come across morons who used her parking space despite being able-bodied all the time, and eventually she took to carrying around pages of paper with the following printed on it:


"IGNORANCE is NOT a disability which enables you to park here"


She would put this under a windscreen wiper. Might seem petty to some, but if it made one person re-think their principles then it was worth doing IMO.

Originally Posted by Katerina:

People who abuse this system make my blood boil. My late mum had a disability that caused her a lot of pain and at times she couldn't walk very far without becoming distressed.

She would come across morons who used her parking space despite being able-bodied all the time, and eventually she took to carrying around pages of paper with the following printed on it:


"IGNORANCE is NOT a disability which enables you to park here"


She would put this under a windscreen wiper. Might seem petty to some, but if it made one person re-think their principles then it was worth doing IMO.

Good for your Mum, I love her....


....he has just turned the car round, twiddled the badge and gone off again....!!!!! There is no reason for him to be using it...I am gobsmacked....

The Devil In Diamante
Originally Posted by The Devil In Diamante:

He looks very like his Dad actually Marguerita...the car is still there and hasn't moved all day....just the badge being moved around.


Apart from it being completely wrong to abuse this system, he is also and arrogant git who looks at you like you're something he's stood in....I've been in this office for 8 years now and have never paid the Rent, Business Rates, Bills etc late, however i was a couple of days late with the Rent just before Christmas and he had the Secretary ringing meto chase it up and gave me the filthiest look when i passed him.......I had just forgotten.....what a cock!

DD he sounds  very arrogant and not a very nice person..I can see why you feel very annoyed with him..he does needs reporting but be very careful if you feel like doing this.. he may guess it was you and could make life very difficult for you  


grass him up DiD, I would  the odious  creep.


on the same topic,my mum's friend lives in a retired people's setlement, i for get the official term for them, she's not disabled or anything just at the age when you are allowed to  get one.there are some that are very old tho and several have wheels  they get about on, scooter things and so on, outside the flats there is a car park, now this is  a place out in the middle of nowhere, but  mum noticed that  thru all the snow and ice  and rain etc. we've had recently the car park was constantly full, and all the frail  people were  wobbling their way  across the ice and snow, and the wheely folks had major issues traversing the  the car park.


and who was it filling up  all the parking spaces?


why the visiting 'care' workers , of course.


I think you should get one of Katerina's mum's notes and leave it under his windscreen DID ..... dodging any security cameras of course But seriously, I am not surprised you are annoyed!!!  What a prat! Mr Baz has had a Blue Badge  for the last couple of years and as others have said, being able to park near to the shops etc. makes such a difference.


He just p*sses me off anyway...i will watch him next week and see if he's still at it, he may park in his designated spot on the Car Park if the ice that makes me angrier, an able bodied Man parking in a disabled spot as it's more convenient for him and the people who are disabled have to struggle up the hill...OMG....if he does it next week I will report him, he'll not know it was me.......

The Devil In Diamante
Originally Posted by Katerina:

People who abuse this system make my blood boil. My late mum had a disability that caused her a lot of pain and at times she couldn't walk very far without becoming distressed.

She would come across morons who used her parking space despite being able-bodied all the time, and eventually she took to carrying around pages of paper with the following printed on it:


"IGNORANCE is NOT a disability which enables you to park here"


She would put this under a windscreen wiper. Might seem petty to some, but if it made one person re-think their principles then it was worth doing IMO.

Oh i love that, hope it shamed some to stop using those spaces!

In recent years I've transported my parents here and there. Dad was blind so he had a blue badge which we used for them both. He recently died and I handed his badge in. My mum can't walk unsupported so applied for a badge. I thought it would be a formality but I apparently will have to take her to do some sort of test. Silly me for thinking the evidence of her age and medical issues would be sufficient. The forms have been in the system for a few weeks and I am quite vexed. Not only do I see able people using spaces, but also apparent badge holders moving with ease between car and shops.
Garage Joe

My friend who is disabled with arthritis has good days and bad, but she does have a chronic illness, and it's getting worse, and some days she can hardly move or even dress herself.  The very nature of the condition means that the symptoms are unpredictable, so she may be OK one day and unable to move the next.


So if she goes shopping alone, she puts the blue badge in the window, (she has it because she can't walk that far sometimes and because she can't carry anything because if her painful joints.)  Now virtually every time she goes, she gets someone giving her a filthy look (usually someone about 40 to 60, and usually female,) because she parks in the disabled zone.  On a number of occasions, she has had people actually coming up to the car staring straight in at the front window, so see if there is a badge.  And one woman actually said (very loudly) ''she doesn't look very disabled to me!' as she was passing with her family/friends.


My friend now has a sign in her car, saying 'Don't judge me: sometimes people have disabilities that cannot be seen!' 


Upshot is, just because somebody doesn't 'look' disabled and is not in a wheelchair and is not elderly, it doesn't necessarily mean they are not entitled to that blue badge.  My friend has had experienced some terrible rudeness.  And she even had someone screaming at her for using a child zone when there were no disabled ones.  When the security at the store intervened, he said 'Disabled take priority over mothers with young children, so yes, this lady is more entitled to that space than you.'




sparkles - I know exactly what you mean there.  My sis has had rheumatoid arthritis for over 35 years - she can still walk (although she waddles like a duck according to her daughters!) but she's in constant pain and a bloody hero the way she gets on with stuff.   She refuses to use a stick or crutches.  Recently we were at the theatre and she was in the queue for the disabled loo (she couldn't stand up off a regular loo even if she got on one!)  and there was a woman behind her in a wheelchair making exactly those comments - all those 'able bodied' people trying to jump the queue for the regular loos cos they were busy.  You'd think she'd have known better.

Originally Posted by KaffyBaffy:

sparkles - I know exactly what you mean there.  My sis has had rheumatoid arthritis for over 35 years - she can still walk (although she waddles like a duck according to her daughters!) but she's in constant pain and a bloody hero the way she gets on with stuff.   She refuses to use a stick or crutches.  Recently we were at the theatre and she was in the queue for the disabled loo (she couldn't stand up off a regular loo even if she got on one!)  and there was a woman behind her in a wheelchair making exactly those comments - all those 'able bodied' people trying to jump the queue for the regular loos cos they were busy.  You'd think she'd have known better.

That's awful Kaffy and I know EXACTLY what you mean...  some people think they are the 'disabled space police..'  Actually GLARING into the car WHILE MY FRIEND IS IN IT, and bleating 'doesn't look very disabled to me' is a disgrace.  Some people need to keep their sticky beaks out.   As I said, because someone doesn't LOOK disabled, doesn't mean they are not.

This one time, my friend was with her mother, and this woman said 'why are you parked there?' as she hadn't had a chance to put the badge in, and her mother said, 'she is disabled, here is her blue badge; would you like to see her certificate of entitlement of DLA from the DWP and a doctor's report as well?'  The nosey cow scuttled off sheepishly!  Some people need to mind their own bloody business.  



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