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Hello Ladies and Gentlemen, boys and girls.


As some of you may know...I'm making a film. A super low budget horror film.  After around a year of preparation, writing the script, casting actors, buying props etc... I still don't feel prepared....


....but its too late for that, as I start filming tomorrow evening 


I shall try to update on my progress, uploading the odd photo here and there, as I go along.  Unfortunately, no gold ties shall be making an appearance in this project.


Not really sure what to expect, or how its going to turn out but... 'hey-ho' thats life I guess.


*proper bricking it*


Here's me modelling a prop axe:





Images (1)
  • axe

Replies sorted oldest to newest


Good luck mate. Your doing something I and probably a lot of people wish they could do. Couple of questions.


Have you set up a blog that we could keep an eye on?

Although horror is not my genre, do you have an outline for the film that you can share?

Are you using original music or no music at all?


I saw a 1929 film by Dziga Vertov called Man With A Movie Camera. It's a silent documentary filmed in and around Odessa, Russia. It documents the lives of citizens in one day. I have always had a desire to do something similar in a more contemporary style and unlike Vertov have a loose script. Sadly I even know the music I would like to use to help illustrate and emote certain scenes.


Anyways, I'm rambling a bit.

Enthusiastic Contrafibularities

I'll give you a little bit of an outline but I don't say too much to anyone, for 2 reasons:


1) You will inevitably have a vision of what you think the film will look like and what will happen, then if you ever got round to watching it and it was nothing like you envisioned then you might be a bit underwhelmed by it.


2) You'll think its shit.


So here's a mini synopsis:


A group of film students, go to the woods to film one of the groups projects.  They are slightly inept, clueless and unprofessional about the whole thing.  Banter and arguments ensue but the whole dynamic of the film changes when they find something which puts all their lives in danger.


What I can say, is that its not supernatural based.


There is no soundtrack as it will be filmed in a 'found footage' type of way (think Blair Witch).  This was the most feasible and cheapest way that i could do to make my first film.



Hello peeps 


I'm fecking knackered.


Anywho, filming started Sunday evening.  Filmed a camping scene in the woods, that went very well.  Didn't get home till 11:30 then had to be up at 5:00 am for the next day of Filming.


Filmed all day yesterday, was pretty stressful.  Time was severely against us, so some scenes had to be dropped for another day and i felt some scenes were rushed to make up for it.  Did get some good stuff though, even with the weather against us in the morning...actually managed to use it as a humorous moment.


Shall be reviewing the footage tonight...when my body stops aching and I've got a good meal in me.  So will know if any reshoots are necessary.


Next day of filming is Sunday, so i've a bit of time to prepare for that.


Ello all.


Sorry I've not been updating this diary...but I don't really have an excuse 


Anyways, Sunday (just gone) was another full day of filming.  Managed to get a lot done, but looking back through the footage I am most likely going to have to do some reshoots, thats not an huge issue as its a huge learning experience.


I manage to kill off 4 people (not for real ), slightly sadistic, but it is an horror film after all.


Here are 2 VERY contrasting 'still images', might make you wonder what on earth I am actually making? 



Images (2)
  • Freeze Frame - Oooh
  • Sara's fate HD
Originally Posted by Rawky-Roo:

Fanks Yoghurt and Cosi. Not sure how I'm gonna break it to the actors that some scenes need to be redone...its been a pretty hard slog for them already.


They're thespians.  Before you can shout "Lights, camera - action!" they'll be telling you "All right, Mr. DeRawks, I'm ready for my close-up."


Seriously, they won't mind will they; it's in their own interests to get it right...?

Originally Posted by ~Cosmopolitan~:
Originally Posted by Rawky-Roo:

Fanks Yoghurt and Cosi. Not sure how I'm gonna break it to the actors that some scenes need to be redone...its been a pretty hard slog for them already.


They're thespians.  Before you can shout "Lights, camera - action!" they'll be telling you "All right, Mr. DeRawks, I'm ready for my close-up."


Seriously, they won't mind will they; it's in their own interests to get it right...?

Tell them you know they will want to produce their best work, so won't mind reshooting a few scenes.


Hello all.


Here is a VERY rough edit of a teaser trailer for the film.  I still have more to shoot of my actual film, with those extra bits going into the final trailer.  So take this as a bit of an experiment and me messing about with the editing software. I'm fully aware that the 'wording' is cheesy, and that will change later down the line, but as i said its just a practice teaser trailer.


WARNING: Contains some fruity language and watch in 720p (if you know what the means)





Oh, and 'Like' it...if you like it.... 


With your trailer, you rightly make the hearbeat faster and faster as it goes on, but the volume seems to stay much the same throughout. As a constructive suggestion, I would have the volume of the heartbeat quite low to start with, slowly increase it so that it is at its current level by the end. That way I think you build up the tension.

El Loro
Originally Posted by Rawky-Roo:

Hello all.


Here is a VERY rough edit of a teaser trailer for the film.  I still have more to shoot of my actual film, with those extra bits going into the final trailer.  So take this as a bit of an experiment and me messing about with the editing software. I'm fully aware that the 'wording' is cheesy, and that will change later down the line, but as i said its just a practice teaser trailer.


WARNING: Contains some fruity language and watch in 720p (if you know what the means)





Oh, and 'Like' it...if you like it.... 

I will watch it in the morning Rawks - promise


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