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"""But the RSPCA will not release the details because of an agreement with the Jockey Club, which ran the sport until last week. And a spokesman for the Jockey Club said the information would not be made public because Animal Aid "would use any specific figures as a potential tool for their cause, which is to see jump racing banned""" (2006)

You can safely say that it was  too warm, sunny, hard and fast for safe riding. Jump racing seems safer when it's dull wet slow and muddy.
Garage Joe
I found this link on DS a few days ago. It was posted my Missy Fantastic, so I wont claim to have found the information. It covers all courses. Very sad when you see the list.

Animal Aid's Race Horse Death Watch was launched during the 2007 Cheltenham Festival. Its purpose is to expose and record every on-course Thoroughbred fatality in Britain.

The horse racing authorities have resolutely failed to put horse death information into the public domain, preferring to dismiss equine fatalities as ‘accidental’ and ‘unexplained’. Even when several horses die at a single meeting, the term ‘statistical blip’ is often deployed.
Edited to add ^^^my link needs to be copy & pasted into your browswer
Our research indicates that around 420 horses are raced to death every year. About 38 per cent die on racecourses, while the others are destroyed as a result of training injuries, or are killed because they are no longer commercially viable.

Yett it has it's deathwatch total at 508 in 1112 days  which is roughly one horse every 2 days, which, considering there must be about about150 horses running each day. Isn't IMO, that big a deal.
Our research indicates that around 420 horses are raced to death every year. About 38 per cent die on racecourses, while the others are destroyed as a result of training injuries, or are killed because they are no longer commercially viable.
omg...  that made me feel a bit sick!

but then I am an animal person - if that read "420 politicians are worked to death every year, about 38 per cent die in the house of commons, whilst others are destroyed as a result of canvassing & kissing babies or killed cos the public no longer believes in them" I'd have read it and then clicked onto the next thread without much thought!
yeah.... and I am a realist....  I don't expect racing to be stopped, I don't expect races to be made so safe that (from a punter perspective) it kills the sport.

My Dad's into the horses big time...   he views my feelings about it all as "girlie".

So, its the really unnecessary dangers that I focus on...  Beechers Brook was one of them... that jump used to be a total nightmare, but I understand that's been changed now.  And generally... I quietly have my own little protest by abstaining from the Grand National, whether it be a sweepstake.. or my father waving a share of his winnings in my face (yes, I have actually said no to the cash.. once)... 

That said...  I don't judge others for getting involved in it all, though I do think its good if the "other side to horse racing" as in Barneys original thread, is made available.

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