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Originally Posted by Cosmopolitan:

I'd definitely vote to save Gary, Claire and James because they're good viewing (for varying reasons).  


I wouldn't give a brass washer for Kerrie or David


I think Gary will be safe -  Claire may need a bit of help - more so James - he isnt liked out in the other places so hoping there is a strictly fan base voting


David preferably or Kellie for me  to go 

Originally Posted by Cosmopolitan:

 James is certainly obnoxious despite being the Brad Pitt of the dancing world...  but I really hope people can see how much better it would be with him in the house rather than David or Kellie.  

David has nothing to offer and Kellie's already shot her bolt.


I agree with you but the amount of dislike out there for James I fear many will not see what we are saying and cease the chance to get rid of 


Ola has done some good tweets tonight so am hoping many will vote 


there is something between Gary and James that will leave the show flat if either of them go early IMO


Celebrity Big Brother 2014: David McIntosh favourite to be evicted from the house

Kelly Brook's man isn't proving too popular with the public as he looks set to lose his housemate status

By Zoe Briggs
Tuesday 26 Aug 2014

CELEBRITY Big Brother 2014 is about to lose their first housemate of the series.

With no one wanting to receive the shame of being leaving first, it looks like David McIntoshis set to be red-faced.


David McIntosh is the favourite to get the boot from the Celebrity Big Brother house [Wenn/Channel 5]
David McIntosh is the favourite to get the boot from the Celebrity Big Brother house [Wenn/Channel 5]

According to new Paddy Power odds, Kelly Brook's man hasn't proved too popular with the public.

The former Gladiator – who has odds of 5/4 to go home – is up against Claire KingJames JordanGary Busey and Kellie Maloney.


A spokesperson said: "David looks set to be out-muscled for once and face the shame of being the first one out.

"While the betting on Busey has been huge and doesn’t look like slowing down, he is 3/1 to be crowned CBB champion."


Claire King is also not completely safe in the public's vote this Wednesday [Wenn]
Claire King is also not completely safe in the public's vote this Wednesday [Wenn]

The Emmerdale actress is second favourite to be evicted while James Jordan is a close third.



But at the winning end of things, Dee Kelly seems a sure favourite to walk away with the CBB 2014 crown. 


With odds at 9/4, the Benefit Street regular has only George Gilbey and Gary for competition.


Looks like we're in for a tough series.


Originally Posted by MrsH:
Originally Posted by Yellow Rose:

When Gary stays tomorrow I hope the others will realise that he may annoy them but he's entertaining a lot of viewers.



very true but imagine living  with him 24/7 - entertaining in small doses maybe but a nightmare to live with 

Hi Mrs H from what we're shown it seems his hearing problem is frustrating them with having to repeat things. He seems to enjoy being on his own at times which is probably good for him as he seems at peace with himself, and some of the others probably prefer that lol. From what I've read it's hard to tell who'll go tonight, I'm not bothered as long as it's not Gary

Yellow Rose
Originally Posted by Yellow Rose:
Originally Posted by MrsH:
Originally Posted by Yellow Rose:

When Gary stays tomorrow I hope the others will realise that he may annoy them but he's entertaining a lot of viewers.



very true but imagine living  with him 24/7 - entertaining in small doses maybe but a nightmare to live with 

Hi Mrs H from what we're shown it seems his hearing problem is frustrating them with having to repeat things. He seems to enjoy being on his own at times which is probably good for him as he seems at peace with himself, and some of the others probably prefer that lol. From what I've read it's hard to tell who'll go tonight, I'm not bothered as long as it's not Gary

I think it is still between David and Claire tonight with David still looking favourite to go 

Originally Posted by MrsH:
Originally Posted by Yellow Rose:
Originally Posted by MrsH:
Originally Posted by Yellow Rose:

When Gary stays tomorrow I hope the others will realise that he may annoy them but he's entertaining a lot of viewers.



very true but imagine living  with him 24/7 - entertaining in small doses maybe but a nightmare to live with 

Hi Mrs H from what we're shown it seems his hearing problem is frustrating them with having to repeat things. He seems to enjoy being on his own at times which is probably good for him as he seems at peace with himself, and some of the others probably prefer that lol. From what I've read it's hard to tell who'll go tonight, I'm not bothered as long as it's not Gary

I think it is still between David and Claire tonight with David still looking favourite to go 

All I've seen of David is him showing how fit he is, strengthwise lol. I'm not sure who the real Claire is, the quiet one in the house or the one her friends talk about where she's a lot of fun and a bit naughty. If so why haven't we seen that, everyone else seems to be showing the real them. Well only a few hours to go to see who's first out

Yellow Rose



and the result is in ......


David has been evicted! Check out his top five moments

Well, someone has to be the first one out... The muscles from Wigan has done his last push up in the Celebrity Big Brother House. Oh no! We're very sad to see him go but we're glad he'll be getting a nice dinner later - those budget rations were really getting to him. Feast, David, feast...

Take a look at his top moments.

(Don't) push the button

Arachnophobia is one of the most common phobias out there, and at least two of our celebs suffer from it. So for the Phobias task, Big Brother sat David and Lauren in a dark room and told them there was a spider coming - but to his credit, David didn't hit the panic button. Maybe he just didn't get chance, but we'll give him the credit anyway.

Work it

During Big Brother's talent show, David put on a pretty incredible performance for Star of the Show Leslie. We're just... speechless.

Glamour in the gutter

David sunglasses

Unfortunately, his provacative workout wasn't enough to save him, and Leslie sent him to the Scrapheap. No-one wants to be told they're not entertaining - especially if entertainment is their living! - but David dealt with the situation with style, panache, and... sunglasses


It's fair to say that our David is a bit of a lad, and when he got together with fellow confirmed #lad Ricci, some proper bants ensued. There were two prevailing topics of conversation: food and girls. Actually, it was mostly girls. But David also got to play the part of the wise older brother: when Ricci got himself into a bit of a sitch with Lauren,he was there with some solid advice. Awww.

Action heroics

Let's end with another moment that showed off our international heartthrob's hard-won physique. During the Celeb Agents task, Leslie and Kellie had to audition for the next big action hero, and David and Audley were called up to the plate. In a skimpy leather skirt and brandishing a sword, David definitely looked the part.


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