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Michael Sarrazin (Jacques Michel André Sarrazin), actor, born 22 May 1940; died 17 April 2011



The Canadian-born actor Michael Sarrazin, who has died of cancer aged 70, was so visible in Hollywood movies from 1967 to 1977 that one may wonder what happened to his subsequent career. A facetious answer might be that he moved back to Canada and made Canadian movies. Another answer might be that his sensitive, gently rebellious, flower-child persona and his lanky, boyish looks, with his long hair and soulful eyes, were no longer appropriate to the roles he took as he got older.

His most celebrated role was as the ex-farmboy drifter in Sydney Pollack's They Shoot Horses, Don't They? (1969).

He was born Jacques Michel André Sarrazin in Quebec City, but was brought up in Montreal, where he went to eight different schools before dropping out.

