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Reply to "Why do you suppose Josie is now favourite to win BB11?"

If she was really as self assured as she makes out to be, why the thumb sucking, hair twerling (sp) and security blanky? JJ, whom I don't like much either, had her on the spot yesterday and she told him she didn't want to talk anymore. It's all very well to be 'bigger' compared to someone she perceives to be weak, but standing on her own, she's no stronger than any of them in there.

This is pure assumption on your part. 'Makes out to be?'  Do you know what I would 'make YOU out to be' right now, and what would my assumption be based upon?  A few words that you've typed, as opposed to actually knowing you as a person?  This place has reaffirmed ALL of EVERYTHING that I hated about BBGF.  The problem was never the location, nor the owners - it was all about the members and their random viewpoints, which are laid down as Gospel and then affirmed by others.  I don't like her thumbsucking either, but why is it so difficult for you to understand that it IS possible to be confident and yet also have insecurities?  Are you, as an individual, completely black and white, and flawless?  AND, Ben plays with his hair more than all of them put together - I don't see anyone holding that against him!!  If you dislike her, fine.  But at least have sound reasoning for your views rather than supposition and your own skewed view which surrounds the manner in which you judge others and formulate your opinions.  For what its worth, I have a 32 year old niece who is the mother of twin girls who STILL sucks her thumb.  Now, as I've said, I don't really like it personally, BUT, I don't use it as some bloody barometer with which I feel it necessary nor legitimate, to judge the many other aspects of her character.  Oh, don't worry.  I know I don't belong here at all.  But I will have my say and rebutt anything that I believe is just errant nonsense. And so long as I manage to do so with a civil tongue in my head - I may well continue to do so.
