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Reply to "The problems with education"

Huge errors in his video repsonse


the one thing you don't need to be to teach life skills is an academic. So 'uneducated' parents are just as well placed to teach them, more so in some respects than educated ones.


Secondly the formative years of learning are about learning to learn and adding some building blocks for when you are old enough to start specialising, which is usually around the time you start thinking about further education and focus your subjects around the ones you need for your preferred speciality.


For those kids in unfortunate situations there is the Social services that are de facto parents and more should be done to ensure they do their roles properly rather than shove their job on to teachers too .. .


The education system has changed dramatically since I was at school so don't know where he is getting that it has never changed point from either.  We weren't taught any of the stuff he is banging on about but somehow we found out and no internet either. .lets see. .  First Aid  [his bugbear apparently] learnt about that at brownies which also taught other 'life skills' too. Presume the boys learnt similar at cubs and scouts. and fairly sure we learnt that in school as well ..possibly in PE... Voting:. . watched the news, read newspapers, listened to conversations around me..    Bought a house: I happened to work in a bank so knew how that worked, others read up about it or asked those who were qualified to give advice.. and so on..


If there is a case I'd say in the year before kids are due to leave school add in some technical 'life' stuff about things like taxes, loans etc maybe. .oh and having to do what you are told at work if you want to keep your job ..  

Mount Olympus *Olly*
Last edited by Mount Olympus *Olly*